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Word Count: 1843    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

ey were having the best party ever. Seriously, those birds know how to hav

familiar Scent..uncle Ad

dance.pancakes is my favorite food ever since I started living in the human worl

es . He has always had my back ever since I lost my parents. He was the one that made the idea that we run away and move the human world but I'm sure he doesn't knows about my s

ng super happy. Man, I love this guy. I love my uncle so much , ever since my parents

le Adrian's awesomeness. He's tall, has a cool beard, and a smile

cake onto the stack. "You're fami

ht" I said a

crazy weather to my latest book obsession. It was like catchi

h your old uncle?" Uncle Adrian ask

pancake. "Having a home again, and hanging out with you

'm glad you're enjoying it, Elysia. Y

I said and

ysia... Your confidence is top notch"

best " I said and

t to the garden. He's got this magical touch

t Lilura?" I asked, trying to distr

miss her every day, Elysia. But I know she's always with me, in my

queeze. "I'm sorry, Uncle Adrian. I

y" he said as

ou are the stro

u here makes it a little less lonely. You remind me a

cute talking about her"h

d me out for a hug and I couldn't resist but hug him back. He is the strongest indiv

s your parents?" he ask

do," I admitted, trying to keep it light. "But hey, let's talk about

. "Oh, the one with the crazy puzzles?

ncle like I'm speaking to my peers and he doesn't mind and he has never for once demanded a respect from me probably because he

d downs, twists and turns. But no matter what happe

sound casual, "Can you tell me a

For a moment, I regretted asking, thinking maybe it was too soon to bring

and trembling, "I'll tell you about the da

importance of this story. I held my

distant as if he was reliving the memories. "Lilura was always passionate about botany, just like m

were after a sacred plant we had accidentally stumbled upon. Lilura tried to reason wi

a lump in my throat. I reached out and hugged him

own eyes brimming with tears. "I can't even

We stayed like that for what felt like an etern

the back of his hand. "Thank you, Elysia," he said, his voice

're stuck with me, Uncle Adrian! And don't worry, I'll

lifting slightly. "You better, kiddo! I don't

have some fun. Uncle Adrian taught me how to make his famous spaghetti sauce, and I sh

ful smile. "Thank you, Elysia," he said, his voice stronger n

ugh my chest. "Anytime, Uncle Adrian. Remember, we'

amusement. "You're absolutely right, Elysia. We

giggled, doing my best fairy impressi

ing with amusement. "Oh, Elysia, you never cease

pride. "Why, thank you, kind sir! It's

again, and I knew that my fairy antics had done the trick.As we continued to laugh and chat, Uncle Adrian sudd

preparing for your future. I've found a school

? This was big news! I felt a rush of antic

to contain my excitement. "I can't thank you enough for thin

don't owe me anything, Elysia. All you owe yourself is the opportunity

encouraging me to be the best version of myself.For the rest of the day, we talked excitedly about the new school. Uncle Adrian shared all the details h

smile. "I'm glad you're excited, Elysia. This is a new chapt

. "Thank you, Uncle Adrian. I promise I'll make the most of this op

ty with emotion. "You already h

the future. A new school, new friends, and a fresh start; it was all

iding light. His love and support meant everything to me, and I knew that no matter

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