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Chapter 3 THE DAY WE MET

Word Count: 1602    |    Released on: 08/04/2024

t day pleas

day! The first day! I practically leaped out of my bed, eager to start my first day at a new school. I stood up as I danced my w

ace up first day at school" I said

I smiled and made my way downstairs, Uncle Adrian was already in the k

he greeted warmly. "Exci

excitement. "Definitely, Uncle Adrian! I ca

re we were mainly thought magic and

re to it" he said

ked desperately lookin

we talked about. You're a demon in a human world. You must do anything to avoi

our previous conversation. "I remem

. "That's my girl. Now, finish your b

ou uncle"

et familiar with the surroundings you will start going

e make friends " I sa

ity, and I could see why Uncle Adrian had chosen to live here. It was beautiful, with tree-lined streets and fr

es" I asked as I search m

evident of confusion on my face "well I mean ... Just like me nobody knows I have lost my wife because it's not written on my

ying, everyone

soul" he replied as

school was like something out of a futuristic movie, all sleek and shiny with big windows that sparkled in the sun. It stood out with its cool design and maybe some neat gardens or hangout spots

he parking lot. "This school is one of the best in town

feels like I'm in a real-life Castle! The school looks like a grand palace, and everyone wears these fancy designer uniforms that make us feel like royalty. The rich kids here have all the latest gadgets and coolest stuff. But hey, I'm one of the average ki

se he squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Don't wo

owards my classroom. As soon as I entered, I felt all eyes on me. Whispers and s

that ne

s stu

... She looks

sment and excitement. I had never been t

air cascaded down my back like a waterfall of ebony silk. My eyes were a unique shade of violet, shimmering w

ttention. It was something more, something undefinable – a ce

l silent. I took my seat, still feeling

ryone" Ms. Penelope Jenner sai

ngs, the unexpected happened. During English clas

he front and introducing yourself to the class?"

feeling a rush of nerves. "Um, sure,"

one, I'm Grimstone Elysia. I just moved here with my Uncle Adrian. I love re

s... What do we say

e international school for

f my classmates on me. Some smiled, while others whispere

aught us about Shakespeare and his famous plays. I tried my best to pay at

e class. As the students gathered their belongi

'd like to give you a quick orientation of the

replied, feeling gra

he layout of the school, pointing out the library, cafeteria,

ned a mentor to help you adjust to our

d as I gathered my books and stood up to leave. But before I could take a step, I c

claimed, looking up to s

have seen an angel in person .Standing before me was a tall boy with raven-black hair and

nd confident. "I'm Damien, by the way. And you

rrassment and curiosity. "I'm El

officially acquainted. See you around!" I couldn't help myself but smile , his charming eyes

er he has gone f

s gone"I said s

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