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Word Count: 1765    |    Released on: 10/04/2024


the weight of my decision to leave. My heart felt heavy, burdened by the choice I had made, knowing the journey

ng slightly. She opened it slowly, her eyes red and swolle

r voice choked with emotion, "Is

n mine. "Yes, Elysia. I have to go to the Demon Territory.

w would I leave"she

e've talked a

face in my chest. "But Uncle, who will take ca

ying to comfort her with my presence. "I know this is

eyes searching mine desperately. "Promis

And please, wear this bracelet. It holds special powers, a

dded, her fingers trembling as she clasp

hugged her once more, feeling her body shake with sobs. "

, her voice filled with a childlike vulnerability that tore at my heart."wh

me. Remember the recipes, remember the stories, and know that I am always with you

illed with tears. "But it won't be th

ions in check. "But sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the ones w

ning in her eyes. "I know, Uncle. I

"but life is full of changes. We have to l

put on a brave face. "I'll try

rough my own tears. "You've always b

thoughts, before I stood up to leave. "I have to go now, Elysi

her body trembling against mine. "I

se. "I will." I turned to leave and I could f

for the Demon Territory. Elysia looked at me with

e back?" she aske

ow it." I will miss my little niece so much , I don't know what it feels like to

d into the eerie landscape of the Demon Territory. It was u

re appeared in the distance. It was

cus exclaimed, his face li

replied, feeling a bit of re

own and fierce now..."

... What are you doin

d kids," Marcus said with a smil

id, feeling a pang of lo

so going to" he asked me as he

see my son and h

ously. "Your son? I didn

" I said, my voice filled with

ur wife ... Lilura ,

id with evident of sadness on my fac

It must have been hard for me " he said

ittle elly. Realizing we were headed in the same direction, Marcus and I decided to travel together.

et up camp, Marcus a

ut your son," he said

"His name is Asher. I haven't seen him since he w

erstanding. "Family is important, Adrian. I

" I re

ountered a fierce demon blocking our path. It wa

our territory?" t

to find my son," I declare

vely, but the demon was powerful. It knocked me down, and everything went b

g, sore and bruised, with

aid feeling suprised the Marcus s

Adrian," he said, h

continue this journey... Ta

g," I insisted, dete

along the way. Each obstacle made me m

he heart of the Demon Territory. This wa

he door. A woman opened it, her eyes

son, Asher," I said,

you doing here " she asked e

. I would explain everything" She nodd

Adrian" she asked as she

ere for

n. "You left us, Adrian. After lilura passed away, yo

I replied, tears welling up in

r how many years of abandoning

erstand how yo

she interrupted me with a cal

ran to me for hug and I co

.... I want to g

erve all these that's she doing to me . But it was not like I abandoned them , I had to ru

let you go with Asher is if you stay with us for

er and I didn't tell her I was going to be spending much ti

I pleaded. "I have someon

eplaced Lilu

it's my niece...

disappointed. Just then,

es filled with hope. "Let him me g

se, she finally nodded " my words are final, he stay

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