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Word Count: 1548    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

d to stand up but to my greatest surprise she pulled me

ser and as i nibble her lower lips and her upper lips deeply , introducing my tongue to her tongue I felt a sensation all over my body with a rush of emotions and nerves and now I could feel my hand running all over body as the kiss got intense and intimate a

d as she stared into my eye

ngs to go too fast," I

ne for a moment before nodding in under

pping my arms around her in a deep, warm hug. The hug was deep and meaningful, our bodies fitting together perfectly as if

, my voice barely above a whis

nt to collect her thoughts. "I'm... I'm not sure," she admitt

ine and causing my skin to tingle wherever we touched. "I'

moment. Eventually, we both pulled away slightly, our eyes meeting once again. The at

ng the silence. "I just... I've never felt this way before a

er eyes softening "

girls while I was growing up, I thought I was into guys but I don't have anything for guys until the day

ke a pro”i said as

ve done it bet

smiled back at her. "I really enjoy spending

eezed my hand reassuringly. "Y

t sensual. I have never allowed anyone call me Dam except m

l these while. My heart raced as I tried to process what had just happened. The warmth of the kiss, the softness of Elysia's lips... it h

stammered, feeling a mix of

searching mine for answers. "We weren't saying anything,

trying to sound more confident than I f

nodding. "We should probably be headed h

a pang of disappointment but tryin

ifferent. The easy rapport we had established earlier was now tinged with a hin

park?" I asked, attempting to steer t

amien. Despite the unexpected moments ... I me

humor. "Yeah, definitely unexpected,

eekend and sharing funny anecdotes from school. Slowly but surely, the awkwardness beg

grateful for the time we had spent together, even if som

ng in front of her front door. "T

t our time together was coming to an end. "I had a gre

amien. And don't worry about the 'unexpected m

nderstanding and kindness. "Thanks, El

aving as she entered her

ed back, watching her until


or, kicking off my shoes and c

chen. My uncle is always in the kitchen, whipping up some delicious delicacy or another. He has ne

entering the kitchen an

mischief. "So, how was your encounter with Damie

g my head. "No, Uncle, he didn't try to kiss

look. "That's good to hear. I'm

s about my day before my uncle's

he began, his tone thoughtful. "I've dec

his words, my eyes widening i

in. "Lilura appeared in my dream last night. She said I need to go back to the

forming in my eyes. "I underst

ce. "I'll miss you too, Elysia. But I need to do t

ng even as tears rolled down my cheeks. "I know,

s we processed the upcoming changes in our lives. Eventually, we

is voice filled with warmth and love. "We'l

dy myself. "I know, Uncle. And I'll su

into another hug. "Thank you, Ely

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