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Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 09/04/2024


eet with me here," I said, t

nkling in the sunlight. "Of course, Da

ying to find the right w

Elysia interrupted me. "I

e. I'm really sorry," I blurted out, f

. "I understand. You couldn't resist my

d we both burst into laughter, th

ia finally asked, looking

ence falling between us. I took a

, my voice barely

view, her eyes meeting mine. "Yes?

his beautiful?" I asked

de of pink, and she smiled shyly. "Wha

I continued, feeling awkward b

surprise and uncertainty. The atmosphere between us had

lly said, her voice soft. "Th

mbarrassed but also relie


g too forw

et few days back,isn'

.and besides I have to let you know qui

, I'm just surpr

t of my life with you "I said as I tried to rea

iate your honesty, Damien. But I think you need to t

r understanding. "I understand,..

plied and continued to ad

ed and I could see that s

Me.. erm"s

? "I asked again putting

this shy... Well, Damien

. Elysia

t the hint that she doesn't want to talk about

mates: forbidden b

hrilling ... Where

on mob


know more about you," I said, trying

h amusement. "Sure, Damien

n more about her. "Well, tell me about your hobbies,

. I love reading fantasy novels, painting, and spending time outdoors. A

ly, my hobbies, and my plans for the future. Elysia's laughter filled the air again when I told her about

be too hopeful!" she exclaimed

ht" I said

ed and I nodded my head negati

arn more about her background, I decided to ask about her parents. However, the mo

er with us," she whispered, he

ionally brought up a painful memory. "I'm

gave me a weak smile. "It's o

hesitated for a moment before asking, "C

inter night. Every nerve in my body tingled with a mixture of excitement and contentment. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in our own little bubble. Her embrace was gentle yet firm, reassuring yet exhilarating. In that moment, I knew that her

. The atmosphere was charged with emotion, and I felt a surge o

her breathe and her eyes were looked on to mine,Closing the distance between us I could feel the warmth of her bre

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