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The billionaire’s trophy wife

Chapter 2 Most precious thing

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 15/04/2024

turned red with anger. The most precious thing to her, Ethan didn’t even give it. It was

o. Look at what you’ve done!

ow was she going to cover up the lie with her father? Her bag was probably taken by the butler and

owel, she opened the bathroom door and quickly dried her hair

cing the open box on the bedside table. “gigolo,hello. Last night was a misunderstanding. I hope y

st time, a puzzled and then angry expression appeared on Alexander’s handsome face. He clenched the note in his hand and glance

ft quite d

ble. She quickly hailed a taxi. Inside the car, using

pion international racecar driver

rst, but she had lost her virginity,

d, and John’s voice didn’t

ster. What’s w

ated for a moment, looked at the p


your place by taxi. Give me some m

What happened today? It s

l explain later. I’ll be at your place in

driver, she gave an address and leaned bac

hares were transferred to someone else’s name two months ago, which means his brilliant career ha

ened last night, and she didn’t pay any at

orted his girlfriend away and came down by himself. After paying the taxi fare, he carefull

ly didn’t know. “You di

action was too big, which startle

’s wrist and hurried upstairs. In the elevator

mentally prepared.” She would know sooner or later, but

th a serious face, “Victoria, I’m going to show y

rious?” Usually, John was

virginity last night had been leaked by that m

ened last night, and then…” slept with someone else, now it’s going to be public

o he had He opened the computer and played the video he had watched severa

tion. Thankfully, thankfully, she was relieved. Wait, this was her f

riel Robert’s, the president of Robert’s Corporation, is involved in embezzlement, bribery, misappropriation of funds, selling

ares? Money laundering? “Nonsense, how is that possible?” Her fat

ching.” John comforted her, bu

are having a meeting in the conference room. From the occasional intense

gh-level executives Victoria had seen before, along with a few unfamiliar major shareholders. Finally, Ethan Ande

Mr. Robert’s has resigned as president of Robert’s Corporation. From today onwards, I, Sebastian Anderson,

er father’s lifelong endeavor, how could it have become Anderson Uncle’s? Anderson Uncle was her father’s best brothe

” she finally said after

ed the motorcycle keys, and headed to the underground

t’s Corporation, Victoria felt like she was about to be sun

n, the blast of cool air hitting her face

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