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The billionaire’s trophy wife

Chapter 5 I can avenge you

Word Count: 1123    |    Released on: 22/04/2024

s water, perhaps due to years of indoor med

ical genius at a young age. This villa, a private aristocratic hospital, is fun

liar temperament, only associating with

the medical equipment, feeling Victoria

ets, nodded at him, and without further com

Alexander sat back at his desk,

file, Victoria struggled wi

o say, Alexander remained

me? Did you bring

lexander replied simply, kee

When can I leav


use in the countryside, too far away. Anne’s house? No, her

bedrooms and two living rooms, could provide h

to call John. But, she lost her

meanor, this man saved her; he should be someone


m concentrating, so he simply closed

ntly hearing something, though she didn’t

w stiffer, his eyebr

e over to

h arms on the bed, bending slightly, gritting his teeth as he declared in front of her. “You’re so strange. Do you even know me? Just sayin

ems she only

just turned 22 a few days ago. On the night of her birthday, she spent the w

is this man? How does he even

rk, seemed to be left later. His mouth was forcefully covered by her hand, “Can’t you shut up? How do you kno

quickly took the hand away, and even wiped it on the b

woman, returning to the computer, taking out a few shee

made Victoria confused as she looked at the m

responsibility.” He casually dropped a bombshel

a first-timer, shouldn’t I be the one to say that?” She widened her eyes in disbel

h one hand in his pocket, he handed her a high-end pe

ely strangers. Two, she’s so down on her luck right now, she has no mind to

he in his temples, experiencing being rejected by a w

f them are a problem.” The man’s confidence made the

” Alex never regrets what he does, but at this moment, he seems to understand th

wait! I’m going to conquer

e?” This time, sh

ords, including how many times he’s told others his name, it s

e business world, mysterious, living a low-key life. With immense power, he resides overs

forward, and firmly sealed her lips, “If you still don’

ying a pleasant scent. Victoria

u’re so good at picking up gir

bold eyebrows, seeming

only had one reliable friend, her life-saving benefactor, Anne, and anothe

thing as true friendsh

efore signing.” Victoria gritted her teeth,

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