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The billionaire’s trophy wife

Chapter 7 Never cry again

Word Count: 1301    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

in us for the meal,’ she cautiously suggested, stealing a glance at Alexand

need to go out for a bit; I forgot to buy cleaning supplies tod

,’ Victoria replied, not pressing the matte

ow hungry she was. There had been too much going on lately, and finally, she could sit down to a proper meal, even if it was with

finished his meal first. She quickly finished what was left on her pla

home?’ Alexander asked, watching V

, she didn’t have to do these things at Robert’s house. But she no

to be so polite and cautious!’ Alexander took the

rge hand gripping her wrist. She wanted to relax, b

r, Alexander didn’t let go of her.

he took out two cards and walk

these cards and get whatever you

tance, and exclusive services at all high-end stores and airports. She had seen it once before when she attended a wine tasting event with Ethan

eeling lost once again. They were just strangers, so why was he being so ki

eelings for him. She didn’t want to hide it from him. Her heart be

omorrow.’ With just that, Alexander pu

front of her, Victoria clenched the two c

pact he had on her during the day gave way to the reality of bein

white overnight, and he had disappeared. She had lost everything, all because of the Anderso

the capital city outside, tears falling like beads that had broken off a string. She w

hed her room, he heard sobbing. Pushing open the door, he saw the small woman curle

topping her crying immediately. Seeing it was him, she cried even h

der just stood there, letting the woman cry

ly left with sobs, soaking herself in tears. “This

ant me to? Victoria felt even m

it help?” Watching her cry, he didn

ng. Actually, she didn’t like crying eithe

ped her nose with a tissue a

t bear to refuse. “Do

with Ethan or Isabella, but now she wanted to abandon the past and live better, even if

in the bathroom and tied u

e wine rack, but in the end, he took o

ly strong and intense whiskey can solve

f red wine. Looking at the empty glass, she remembered the last time she had sex with the man in front of her, it was after dr

the red wine on his side. His body had just come out of th

uring herself a full glass and drinking it in one gulp. She b

. “What are you doing? Just drinking a little more of y

her up from the chair, and

bathtub and pulled her under it. T

exander, are you crazy? I haven’t even taken off my clothes yet!” Victoria looked

anything to her tonight. It’s just that she kept testing hi

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