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The billionaire’s trophy wife

Chapter 6 You having me is enough

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 24/04/2024

ingle sofa beside him, elegantly c

without my permission!” Sleeping with strangers only happens in situation

ing it a minor issue. He wo

ng random women t

. There won’t be any

we act like we don

ere wasn’t a timeframe mentio

ey marriage. I don’t like cha


r had prepared for her, he took her straight to

inner filled the air, and a ser

set up for you.” The servant had been with the Smith family for over a decade. Since Alexander came to the capital for bus

ou, you’ve been very helpful.” Victoria’s complexion was still slightly pale, and the servant

ok; remember to come down for dinner later.” Such a

first, and Victoria hu

. “This is your room for now, but this villa is temporary. Villa 8 at P

than their family’s villa and the villas in La Mountain Estate. It was said to be built by a mysterious investor, costing h

was quite wealthy, compared to Alex no

or, off-white wallpaper with patterns on the walls, and a 3-

puter desk, and single sofa were

ing room was the bathroom, de

ub had light brown shell-shaped tiles. In the middle of the bathroom, surround

al towels, while on the right were the

20-square-meter balcony, simply furnished with two white rec

g of elegance and luxury, making

oom was luxurious, there’s a difference with this one. W

to the other side soon,” Alex said, watching Victo

g now, right?” she muttered to herself,

pproached her, the sudde

ly together, their faces le

and low voice intoxicated her, her heart pounding, her hand

d bottomless, alluring, drawing

ade, just closed her eyes, submissive l

dumbfounded as the blushing Victoria push

couldn’t believe she

o holds grudges, said, his face cold as he stood up fro

, then swiftly flipped over to the other side of the be

devour you,” him saying this wa

want to marry you anymore. I can’t handle a man like you. You scoundrel

sn’t see himself as a bad guy. If his buddies heard someone de

!” Alexander got up from the bed, elegantly adjusted his clothes

ack a harsh glare, reluctant

tting the table. Victoria hurried to wash h

by myself,” the servant observed Victoria mor

Since she was staying here, she needed to get along with everyone; othe

ining table, his gaze cold as he watched Victoria eagerly helping in the kitchen, a

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