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The billionaire’s trophy wife

Chapter 9 Red Gemstone

Word Count: 1236    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

veral international awards. There are only three such rings in the world—one owned by GL himself, one in Country A, and one here. This red gemstone ring is currently the

ded an air of elegance and luxury with a circle of broken di

t on,” Alexander disregarded her words and directly took her hand to

oman’s elegant demeanor slowly emerged in the diamond’

s wallet and handed it to the salesgirl without blinking. The salesgirl was

e, I’ll swipe the card for you now.” The salesgirl suppressed her excitem

word, she hurriedly went

ndred million on a ring, it’s really unnecessary. How long can a marri

ively from his seat and followed her

omething, but a stern look from the ma

ictatorial! Tyrannica

her five-inch high heels, with Alexander leading the way on

to watch the angry little woman ah

r took the initiative to hold her hand and walked towards the parking area. At first, Victoria t

r door, she angrily

was devoid of warmth, making it

d back in the rear seat, closing h

ned on the light music in the car, and as the music played

urled slightly as h

every command. She was always the one bullying others and making them angry. Who dared to make her angry

orts car. On the sports car, the woman with her shoulder-length

ting in the passenger seat of the nearly ten-million-dollar Maybach sport

ar, Ethan looked at his fiancée with a puzzled

’s expression carefully. He furrowed his brows b

ollapse of the Robert family, both Robert and his daughter had disappeared. I

oing now.” Isabella closed the car

od.” Ethan draped his arm over her should

’ve lost everything, haven’t you? Look, even the man y

’s diamonds had recently become extremely popular, and there were only

ants was gathered around one cash register, excitedly d

on, my god, it was sol

ond! Is that his wife? She’s pretty, and she must be w

such a handsome man

on and cleared her throat sli

es assistant, upon seeing someone enter, qui

les assistants knew her name. Recently, they had heard that she was going

with the red diamond? Bring it out for me to see.” The price was too high, an

ake a look at some other styles.” The sales assistant felt a bit regre

d that ring so much that she had taken out all her secret money

id as he went to look at other styles. Just as he didn’t w

e deposit. It was all Ethan’s fault; she had told him three days ago, bu

ick out a birthday gift, and her husband who bought it.” The

r voice in disbelief, her

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