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The Mega Comeback of Peter Jackson

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 982    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

idn't want him to leave scotfree without being hurt. She saw at that point a van of SWAT wh

iend!" She kept screaming. "Please help, officers. He abused me a

riedly took up a razor and slashed her wrist and punched her face so hard that it be

almost reaching the gate of the park when he felt heavy grips from both sides.

their cop car and returned back to where he left Viv

out of this one." She uttered inside of h

him, but he shook his head implying he didn't know anything about them.

h for him especially in a public place like th

lt so

nt. It seemed that the police were just favoring Vivian, they were overdoing things, slapping

ver laid my hands on any of them at first." He knew they started the ass

couldn't afford to go nervous and af

ngerous sect of the police to go meet up with hi

d him on the phone, some minutes ago. Everyon

amily and the heir to the dynasty, a popular figure both in the countr

s on you to treat a suspect?" She had gotten some diploma in law a few

t Peter was more surprised. How did Lisa ever get to hear of him, was she even tracking him

ey had to obey, after getting it from them, she stuck out

turned out, she was speechless seeing the

r he wanted to strangle my daughter’s boyfriend,

urself!" They retorted, go

"I'm the one who called, I will be driving

ing severe back pain. Vivian and Cynthia felt so hopeless, Vivian picked he

!" She replied with haste and

ex-husband with Lisa as she was driving through the gate. Her eyes blinked with shock, she couldn't believe the sight. Her company was under Lis

o rush to

shaking in panic and she was rushing

respect for people, use your position to teach him a l

is for today," she rep

ve always seen you as o

sighted Peter with Lisa. I'm just scare

Vivian right there in the face,

knew with one phone call that L

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