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The Mega Comeback of Peter Jackson

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 967    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

his way, he wouldn't ever have respect for us and you in pa

r do something. "It's not a small p

her. "Mom, you don't need to worry, I'll handle this. Take him(Cynthia’s boyfriend)

way to deal with him w

. While they went away, she picked up her phone to call Peter, her e

to pick the call with a smile. He was surprised

me now?" His voice was ste

le, you call my mom now, ask for her location and g

if I don't, what will happen?"

re proving

uckled with a great sarcastic tone. "You w

changed," sh

so, I've likel

at Peter's

ary as the person she was talkin

not the kind of man you use to treat so badly!" Peter knew this would really hurt

se anymore, so he could tell

he audacity to end my call!

ped her phone into her bag, then walked up

done, Lisa began

a grin. Peter was glad she couldn't ge

, ma

surprised but he had no op

you are excellent at

He got

was almost three months ago, she spoke so nicely of you

fe who despised him would recommend him someone

to be that the location she stated on the call, the Smith’s Clinic which was the best in th

of the businesses

say something which hurt her so much. Peter was wondering what was going on, who he

to him to get

him to the special ward. It was VIP. Mean

ackward, he was shocked to realize he would be treating Mr. Thompson of all people,

CEO of the Thompson’s business group, the bus

other, Joel." Lisa in

ch family. Joel descended his eyes on him, scanning him wit

in his capabilities. "Well, just give me a handshake. I thought he was an outstanding

. He was secretly pissed by this. "Well, I might excuse yo

nations and telling of his achievement to make

on't listen to him but treat My father. He judges by appearance, I've warned him s

close to sensitive parts of his bra

e responded, he was also

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