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The Mega Comeback of Peter Jackson

The Mega Comeback of Peter Jackson

Rich Peter


Mary and Peter Jacobson used to be a happy couple, until Mary was promoted as the new managing director of Williamson group. After this, Mary started feeling that Peter was not a good match for her anymore and proposed a divorce. However, Mary was not aware that Lisa, who is the head of a conglomerate that rules over all companies in the country, will take an interest in her husband, Peter. Mary's future success will then depend on Lisa's favor, which will be primarily influenced by Peter.

Chapter 1 The resentment

"Mr Peter, I'm here to pass to you the information your wife sent me." Eve said to Peter Jacobson with a smirk reaction on her face.

Peter was Mary’s husband, while Eve was her personal assistant.

"So my wife can no longer come out of her office to meet me but you?" He questioned. He was invited to her new office for the first time, three weeks after she assumed the position of the managing director of the Williamson group, a multimillion dollar company.

Peter wondered what she was about to say but he felt bad not being able to see her in person, all his hope was to see her.

"She's quite busy so she can't come to see you, and besides it isn't so significant to see you before she can pass her message across to you!" The PA said with so much of an irritated expression on her face.

"Then don't bother about passing the information to me. I'm her husband, whenever she's ready to tell me, she will come see me." He was about to rise and go when Eve stopped him

"She wants a divorce!” she blurted.

Hearing this, Peter's heart became shattered. He wasn't even bringing his thoughts up to this. He froze to the spot, his head lowered with grief. This made him speechless because he really loved his wife.

“Everything is already prepared, so you need to listen!" She further said.

So this was actually coming from his wife.

He raised his eyes as Eve cleared her throat, which he believed was to grab his attention.

"Here are the documents she has prepared for you through the help of her lawyer, everything is set and the only thing left to do is to sign." Hearing about the lawyer and signing being the only thing left, Peter's mood changed but he composed himself. Eve was watching at him with sarcasm to mock him should he show emotions.

He wanted to disappoint her.

He watched as Eve pushed the files closer to him over the table. His heart was seriously pumping inside of him.

"Is she really serious about this?" He asked.

"You can as well find that out for yourself, open it and check!" Eve was serious, showing some irritation at the same time.

Peter couldn't wait to open it, he scanned through the heading. The divorce agreement heading was clearly stated. . "What's the meaning of this?" He rose up. Eve gestured on him to sit.

"Please sit. There's no need for anger. Your wife doesn't want you again and wishes to cut ties with you. Hope that's clear enough for you to accept with good faith and not rant around."

He wanted to challenge Eve but she was a woman and besides she wasn't the one he was targeting. He wanted to speak with his wife, Mary. He pulled out his phone from his back pocket and dialed her number.

For sometimes now her line hasn't been going while she's at work, but should he use a new number, it would go. One day it went, and she discovered it was him who was calling, she asked why he kept disturbing her and then ended the call. Since then she no longer picked his calls.

He was surprised that she kept her line open today.

"Mary, what's the meaning of this? Why about the divorce agreement your PA is giving to me?" His voice was raised as he talked to her with anger.

"Mind you, I'm now the managing director of this company. Speak to me with some respect!" Her voice was cold and harsh. "You don't realize I'm no longer in your class?" This hurt him so much.

He also worked in that company, but he worked in the lowest division as a delivery man with his office in the basement.

"Is this my wife, or someone else saying this?" He questioned deep within himself. He couldn't believe this. Before Mary attained her new position and became a millionaire, she was the best wife to him, caring and respectful. They have been married for three years now. They had only a month or less left to mark their wedding anniversary and this was happening right before his eyes.

He had already begun his little preparations to make her happy even though he had no money.

"What have I done, can you tell me? Why do you want to divorce me?" Being that he couldn't record any wrong he did, he wanted to know why his wife would just stay without any reason and want to divorce him.

She gave some seconds of silence, sending strokes of suspense towards Peter. When his eyes met with Eve, her assistant, she was gazing at him with a smirk on her lips.

"I don't think you're fit to be my husband, I'm doing this to maintain my image. A poor husband degrades me as per my position. I guess that's enough to explain why I'm doing this!"

Peter lowered his head, running his fingers through his hair on confusion and frustration.

"Ahhhh!" Peter sighed. He threw the phone on the couch he was sitting on in the guest office.

"So you'd tell me it's not because you've seen someone else better than me you want to divorce me?" He asked, still doubting her reasons.

"Of course not! If at all I were to see someone else, it wouldn't be of your caliber, someone great just as me or richer than me. I need a baby girl treatment, I can't suffer with you anymore."

"But you already have money?"

"Shouldn't I have the privilege of being treated so well by my husband and since you can't, I'm afraid I have to give you up for someone else!"

She was saying her mind. Then she got pissed at him wasting his time, she thought he would just get angry, sign and leave.

"Enough of these questions!" She yelled at him. "I think I'll have to come now and make you sign, after this I want nothing to do with you." She said with so much seriousness.

She hit the table from her end. Peter could hear it.

In the next five minutes, she arrived at the guest office. "What made it so difficult for you to be here in the first place?" Peter asked her with a stern face. She smirked at his pride, when he should be begging.

"What do you want, why can't you just understand that I don't want you again and sign this? I don't have much time to waste with you!"

Peter was drifting back, he hadn't seen this aggressive part of his wife before. His eyes were clear at this moment, it was obvious she didn't want her again, especially now she confessed with her own mouth she eyes another man.

"I'm giving you this advantage of signing this document now and you would get eight million dollars to take care of your miserable self!" She dropped a credit card on the table.

"Sign this and take the card, go off my life. I never want to see you again," she repeated.

Peter gave her an irritated look. "You think I'm so poor I'd roll on the floor and beg you to stay with me? Give me that, I'm signing right away, as for your filthy money, keep it I don't want it!" He pushed the card away from him.

It took great courage to do this. He was hurt and loved her so much he would never imagine leaving her. But she had made her decisions and he respected it. He took a deep breath and signed on the document.

After signing his signature, he dropped the pen and left the office without even looking back. She watched him go in relief. She was now free of his wretched grip.

“You have done well madam.” Her PA said. “Your mother will be proud of you.”

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