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The Mega Comeback of Peter Jackson

Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 1018    |    Released on: 27/04/2024

us next time. All bad things happ

ies backing him up. I’m not going to do anything about this y

h to attack right now. She would take a

a plan, that’s alri

have no way to pay you back.” Lisa fluttered her ey

at all,” Peter re

vor!” With that, Lisa shot him a sexy smile wh

st of all with my bo

r was as sho

rom Mary’s. She was more slender, had bigger boobs and ass, long straight hair, her face was very smooth, he

ght him in this seduction. It was all Peter could do to tear his eyes away from her voluptuous curves.

or from you again.” Lisa ’s expression grew serious, l

it?” Pete

have anybody to protect me. Now that this incident has happened, no one k

nights, Atkin meetings held outside of the palace and so on, and you will have to walk along

his eyebrows. “Lisa, wouldn’t it

ng a charity gala night where a lot of personalities would be present. I'm the chief host, representing Mr. Thom

pretty damsel like me would

r a moment and nodded. “Al

to reluctantly support her by grabbing her

amily. This was where the ceremony was taking place. This hall was a pure heaven on earth with the lovely garden, park close to it, a

ut of the car. She had flawless skin and legs that were so sexy. Her charming features struck the eyes o

he a famous model?” Some who

ector of the Williamson gro

are out of this wor

beautiful ladies in the stat

g at Mary’s beauty. However, none of them went forward to introduce

and her secretary, Eve who arrived here before

a powerful group, especially for Verizon Group. That’s why I’m here to put in a good word on your behalf. This will boost the possibi

ary, it was a custom to have an outstanding co

ank you, Mr. Roland!” Ev

e the company’s reputation, her status as managing director of the Williamson group would rise

y," he winked at her. "..... this is no trouble to

are in love.” Eve r

their conversation but on a luxurious car in the

that be

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