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Chapter 4 CHP 4

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 05/01/2025

shock, as we were

oice of another

came to serve you dinner, ma'am." Sh

gh of relief, as I w

so close."

in, as the maiden didn't say

m speaking up in thi

lence, while wonderin

any word to me, then you can keep calm. I totally

or a long while, before

anything can attract death, as the alpha is very ruthl

ll didn't need to doubt what the a

all of you walk together and revolt

and those of them that were caught in the act, were destroyed by him. That i

t, but I felt like ther

that not many people in this castle can b

else but wonder why some people would rather suffer in

was also scared about my life. Anyway, I'm just very gr

escaping from that castle would be a very impos

tence. I don't know how long that I would be able to hold on an

s monster, I knew that I really needed to h

the alpha. He doesn't hesitate to end people who

ashed back to the incident

king about hating me bec

that he was g

ddess! Run

k out with this monster, I'd be happy that he ends me so fast. I can't keep up with

the toughest p

be able to live. Please, I'd be taking my leave now. I've spent so much ti

ght. I just didn't want to

afe, out ther

me. This was my first night in this room, and I didn't

he goddess of the moon had alread

n my bathtub, making sure that I sipped in enough

out of the bathtub, and I breathed a fresh

I had changed beyond descriptions. My face that wa

, while touching my face slowly. Even in my hands,

s not my end. I just prayed that it'd b

as opened in a forcefully way,

lew away i

es my ni

ared at me continuously

om me?" He suddenly screamed i

d I do

k violently, and bit my ear

me? Why are you causing me

me right

you." He laughed at my face

en do to this

need to treat me right!" I yelled at hi

ioned his name, his eyes flick

ought out a per knife

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