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Samantha at the St. Louis Exposition

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 4583    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ans. Josiah sez in a kinder patronizing way, "They're likely

ah, you hain't expected to. Such knowledge would be mo

giraffe, then mebby I'd suit you." And he added snappishly,

tell all I knew, I always thought

but so is a teacupful of water, or a spunful. Another way they differed from the ocean, th

ey be! Dry land m

or with the old mair, like the Israelites over the Red Sea, I'd start to-morry." I'm afraid o

ascades wuz beautiful as a dream and more beautifu

iful golden tinted statutes, the Spirit of the Atlantic and th

I'd like to ask Sister Gowdey how big she thought this buildin' wuz. She would never dream it covered two hull acres, but it duz, three or four thousand

' side by side. So you can imagine the streams of melody that can float through them immense chann

z made. You can imagine how its music fairly shakes the ground and c

And I thought that wuz as good as any they make, the

the world'? Why, it wuz woman, my own female sect. I tell you it made me proud to think on't. It wuz told me by one tha

engaged in makin' laws to govern her, tellin' her how to spend the money she earned herself, and how long to send her to jail, and where and when to hang her, and etcetery; while she cou

dent and would been glad to had men dedicate it; indeed he jest the same as told me he felt the Exposition had stood in its own light in not havin' a certain leadin' man in Jo

oniers, and talk, talk, but they can't vote no matter how well off they be. They'

W.C.T.U. wimmen would have to let your tax money go to pay for drinkin' shacks if we men of Jonesville, and the world, took it into our head

rain had been softenin' for years, and his wife had to dress him and git him ready for the pole, he callin' on his wife, Nancy, to put on every identical garment and tell where it went, and when they got h

he wuz gallopin' to. "And there wuz Jane Ellis who lost her husband and two boys through drinkin', she had to let her tax money be used to help nominate

t of that, Josiah Allen

it to prove how weak and triflin' a thing woman really is in the eyes of the law." An

hy, that snub-nosed nigger that drives for her can vote, and she can't. And then I'd talk about dedicatin' the biggest buildin' in

crumbs from the table to Bruno to home and pat him on the back. He knows he can't come to the table. We men

id, jest for all the world like an anty, seemed to rile me worse than anything else. But as long as I couldn't dispute a word he sa

quite a spell, Josiah's good nater returnin' with every mouthful he took, till by

ere. But Josiah said he wanted to see sunthin' that wuz of practical use, ondervaluin' beauty, the great Power, as some do. He wanted to see sunthin' solid, such as m

ornaments, and two tall pillars standin' up each side of the entrance as if they wuz two Genis jealously guardin' the Under World from intrusion. But

lays for natural gas, petroleum; everything relating to lighting mines; safety lamps; oils; electricity; acetyline. Most interestin' display in geology; all kinds of rocks; crystal; clay; ores; nickel and all the metals for making iron and steel and makin' 'em right

oise mine; a lead, zinc and copper mine, all working there before us; and a coal mine discovered there on the Exposition grounds, an underground railway connected these two mines.

riches of America's Under World, but the wealth of England, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Japan and in fact every foreign nation. Josiah reveled in

l. He wuz a old man when he left Zoar, and had lost four wives a runnin' before he left there, and of course I didn't know how many he'd lost since he come West, I see he wore a mournin' weed, and mistrusted he'd lost another, and so it turned

e got hold of my hand and shook it as if he never would leggo, and went right on

al nice wimmen, most all on '

ese blows that has fell on

"You won't try to git another

ord keeps a takin', I shall-is

r soft nater made her a willin' martyr to widower's wiles. Age made no difference to Blandina. And I dassent venter to let him git nearer to her. So I bid him a hasty good-by and linked my arm into hern

into streets and squares, all the same width, so you can git 'round first-rate. And if you had ten or fifteen years you could spend here you might possibly see most of the displays of your own native land and all the foreign countries. These two palac

mongst the endless displays. Furniture, upholstery, all sorts of cloth, silk, wool and cotton that wuz ever woven, all kinds of silver and gold, and pearl and jet and shell and ivory articles that wuz ever used, clocks,

dictionary and writ it full. But you can jest think of everything manufactured you ever see, or ever didn't se

ficence of this Exposition is not its main value, but its educational worth, its power to inspire and teach the people of the world better ways of living and working, how to make

hey have a display that I wish the head of every big concern that employs labor could see and study and take to

the machine itself, or the makin' on't, though that's in

rt, and right in front of you, throwed onto a big screen, are pictures from real life showin'

the gigantic plant and immense buildings of to-day. You see a woman tryin' to warm some coffee over a radiator, they say the president

so crowded. You see 'em at their recreation time of fifteen minutes, at ten in the forenoon and three in the afte

in the big auditorium built for their use, listenin' to some great orator or fi

etty houses with windows and doorways covered with vines and bright blossoms

o will carry the blessed and beautiful example seen here to other lands. In one view is a Prince and Princess who went there

hat little theatre. It is Love and Labor and Beauty and Joy walkin' h

"They brought back memories." And I spoze they did make her think of Teeter and mebby his possible successor. But one thing, I believe, that made her want to stay, we met Billy Huff jest as we wuz comin' out of the

narky on our tired limbs, and he cleaned the mud offe

Josiah acted real grouty about it and sot there mutterin' and

ud before, Josiah Allen. Think of our

told me to-day that they lost a elephant here the other day, it went right

ll about it, the elephant didn't go clear in. He didn't go more than half

nt enough sight, and I never could have faced my country

osiah. There is enough of beauty and gr

n man, Samantha, and

e is enough beauty here to

n many things inferior to what hisen would have been if he'd carried it out. B

ina come into my room and sez the first thing, "Aunt Saman

icy demeanor at supper table and Blandina's sentimental grief-stricken

mas Jefferson's wife, tellin' me that her sister Molly, who had been visitin' a college friend in

out of sperits, it seemed to be her mind that wuz ailin' more than her body. And would I if there wuz room in my boardin' place take her in and mother her a little. Maggie co

lf in metafor. But my second thought wuz I should be glad to have her come, for she is a lovely girl and I set store by

an's name run through 'em like the theme to a great melody, and then all to once stopped, and though Maggie and I hadn't

ever and anon smooth, and then agin rough rocks of disappointment checks its swift glad flow, and what it calls despair, but which dwindles down into nothin' more than regret time and agin. It has its low tides, full of the sobbin' of waters that are flowin' b

e home going boat finds when it is nearing the nightfall. The calm waters lit by a light, soft and stiddy but sort o' sad like, not like th

ery time in everybody's life, and folks hadn't ort to expect dyin' grace to live by; Molly had got t

day if the rest of the party consented, and I writ down that mornin' Liberal Arts, Fisheries, Educational

e said he had met Uncle Sime Bentley the day before and they talked it over and decided that it seemed to be their duty as solid stiddy men to go to some of the worst shows, specially them that

ul, hateful job onto me, it hain't your duty to make s

ll over and agreed they would make the sacrifice for the good of Jonesville. But I meant to break it up; I knowed it wuzn't

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