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Samantha at the St. Louis Exposition

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 4631    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

than common, for she said she wuz goin' herself to the Fair that day and take Dotie, who

ouise and Prince Arthur. She had took him when he wuz a little boy to the Boy Bolony and the Champin Eliza when there wuz millions of folks there." She wuz always talk

der of Evil himself, tall and thin with a mighty head of wool white as snow, which she covered with a yellow turban about her work. She had abnormal powers of falsehood, not for prof

wickedly delight in the endless stream of talk let forth, occasionally asking a few questions, enough to keep her going. She would lean on top of her broom and tell of her former adventures thrilling enough and lengthy enough to fi

. She said she went there with Miss Louise and her son, Prince Arthur, when he wuz little, as his nurse. And she described him as having all the virtues of his sex with none of its frailties. She said she had his picture which she would show us some da

see her, which Billy said wuz true, a very handsome and elegant young gent

aratoga for a few weeks, and then on to ole Virginny and New Zealand, and then back to St. Louis to attend to his bizness agin

magination of the hearer; from her expression you would imagine they lacked all the cardinal virtues and them that wuzn't cardinal. She said hi

trolled over to South America, and from there to Asia and so on to Chicago where she wuz hired as nurse to Miss Dotie, and when her ma died and the c

hena had good in her. Little children are good detectives, like the sun that photographs hidden virtues and failings in the human face, so a child's intuition brought from the heaven they have so lately left, takes the best impressions of a person's real charact

th a row of snowy pillows all 'round it; a good many think it is the handsomest buildin' on the Fair ground, and as I said to Josiah, it ort to be con

y education wuz the very bull work of our country, m

n't mean jest that, but you've got the sperit of it,"

you; departments in drawing, music, agricultural colleges; experiment stations, forestry, engineering schools and institutions, libraries, museums, education of the Indian and negro, evening industrial schools, business and commerci

come space, save or slay. It is intelligent, can talk over the ocean and under it, talk with wires, and if a wire hain't handy it will take a beam of light and talk on that, and it can git along without either one, for here is the biggest wireless telegraph station ever built; visitors can talk on it from city and city, jest throwin' their words out i

em Great Forces and introduce 'em to the world have been called ignorant and pagan, when if these sc

wires and without 'em, all kinds of electric lighting, arc lamps, electro-chemical displays. And in one place they show the way Niagara wuz made to yield up her resistless po

nd magnetism, not only in our own country, but the work and discove

this room and you don't hear anything more than the ordinary noise the big crowd makes passin' to and fro. And the air a

d lo, and behold the atmosphere all about you is full of

g? Who knows what divine visitors are this minute coming and going over these onseen routes connect

ence. We don't hear the rustle of their garments, woven of frabic [sic] lighter than air. We can't see their tender faces no more than we can see the sweet breath of the rose. If

r eyes ever look into our eyes filled with the divine pity and sweetness of their all comprehendin' love and sympathy, we only know it by the sudd

oin'? You're attractin' attention and makin' talk, come along!

surprise I wuz sayin' this out loud entirely unbeknown

ake a chair a spell (eloquence is tuckerin' specially when you're walkin' afoot), and I proposed that we should all take chairs for a spell. But Jos

onwillin'ly said he would git one for me, and sez he, "I'll se

n't trust a perfect s

he loan of a wheelbarru that would hold me

Palace of Transportation, Jo

rs and fix 'em onto your shoes, and Blandina and I could push you

any such operation!" sez

nd Blandina and I pushin' you along, and 'tennyrate I guess it would look

They said it went by compressed air, another wonder, jest common air that you could dip up in your hand and not think you had anything in it, and yet if managed right had power enough to turn all the machinery we see goin'. Around this monster engine wuz electric head-lights throwin' dazzlin' beams in every direction. The hull thing well named, the Spirit of the Twentieth Cent

ny, Switzerland, Spain and every other foreign country. You could see to once tha

I considerable riz up in my mind, owin' to what I'd seen, who should we come acrost but the widder Whisher

is the matter?" (She wuz si

s, "Jest see that! I found it in the pocket of m

almost; I like it myself first-rate, its editorials

to think that my spotless child that I have guarded so sedgously from every breath of evil should have it

eather worst storms than this on the sea of life. And you c

st an angel," sez she, "I have been so afraid that he wuz too

n, so we mogged along. Widder Whisher wuz always kinder soft and she'd made a perfec

notice who we wuz, but wuz merely takin' note of a new victim, for after takin' fair aim at my stomach he bent his head down and went, "Choo, choo!-choo, choo!" like a engine and

way, you old fou

doublin' me up in agony he sought safety in flight. But my indignant pardner ketched

innocent angel I'd love to take a hemlock shingle to, and would, if it wu

z she, lookin' at the w

the demoralizin' effect

r, "If I had your darling to deal with a spell, there would be a change in him, or a

he feared for my bones. But I found after walkin' 'round a spell that they wuz intact, but the pain in my stomach hung

contents are valued at eight millions you won't expect me to disscribe the hull on 'em, no, it hai

a bob sled wuz powerful. But jest think of fifty thousand horse-power. Why, if they wuz hitched in front of each other with li

le half horse-power gas engine, about half the mair's strength, about cow power, mebby, and from this up to a steam turbin of eight thousand horse-power, a rotary steam engine. And in the Belgian exhibit wuz a gas engine of three thousand horse-power, a common sized horse can be driv through its cylinders, it takes about thirty

I told my pardner I must git out into the open air or I should begin to turn 'round and revolve in spite of me. I spoze I did look bad, and Josiah said we would go and have lunch. He said there wuz a caff right 'roun

hat made us forgit for the moment our achin' limbs. On the side of a slopin' hill at the bottom of the long flight of stairs, that lead up to the north entr

kitchen wall or mantelry piece. To begin with how long do you spoze the minute hand is? The minute hand on our clock is about three inches l

the face of the clock is a border of twenty-five different plants, each one fifteen feet wide. Some different from the ornamental wreath 'round our clock face, that hain't more'n half an inch wide, if it is that. Our clock has a picture underneath of old Tim

arked here with canes and crutches," he

and you do git tuckered out, but then, as I to

uz goin' to do you, or floral clocks." I mistrusted he'd walked too fur lately, and had strained th

d promised to meet a man on important bizness, and he'd mee

y that it wuz "Bizness connected with the meetin' house," and I asked him "What meeti

that invented this clock wuz a powerful genius and how she did wish she could meet him. She said su

nd you can look in and see the works of the clock. A great bell there strikes off the hours and quarter hours, and there is a big

ide exhibit covers fifty acres. There are beautiful lakes full of the rarest aquatic plants, from the great Egyptian lotus, whose leaves are large and strong enough to hold up a good-sized child, and all kinds

by Agricultural Hall contains everything relating to the soil and its cultivation, everything that Mother Earth gives to man, all the

above, lookin' at the hard soil ahead on him that he must break up, with them wonderful, sad, eloquent eyes of hisen, and seein' visions, no doubt, and dreamin' dreams. Callin' out to his oxen or horses, "ge

w and trudgin' along behind his team through the long sultry days, and thought to myself, w

ty. A sight that would probable looked as strange to Daniel, could it h

fruit, sugar canes, vegetable sugar, candy stores, confectionery displays, vegetables of all kinds that wuz

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