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Samantha at the St. Louis Exposition

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 3603    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

time, for as second chaperone she said it might be he would get there a little early, and bein' naturally high-sperited he mi

re sot Blandina readin' extracts from "The Noble Achievements of Men" in a

And when half an hour had gone by I busted into tears, and Blandina I could see wuz torn with anxiety and offered to go out into the streets of St. Louis and hunt fo

e will he be in when found!" Knowin' the past as we did, we feared for the worst. Bu

in' down my cheeks in copious as

you lose hi

et I can find him for you; I remember his


do! do try, and ease the hea

on with scorn. It wuz one of the most hilarious and vain places of revelry

ndered up into the steeple onbeknown to him, or some educati

at the door while he reconoitered. But jest as we got to the door who should

"What did I

red to once it didn't matter. When Josiah ketched my eye and the look it wore, the blu

furiation jest as we wuz passin' the door, and I couldn't seem to walk another step

o set down, and I mistrusted I should find cousin Zekiel there," and then happenin' to remem

no more!" And I turned onto m

ul intellects, that Shows that would almost ruin a woman, don't affect them hardly

walked by me still pourin' out excuses. Why he gin enoug

sts wimmen are runnin' after him. You know male widowers do git that idee into their heads, them that are as humbly as Time in the Primer, and a onmarried woman

in ample time to meet us. But they wuz so took up with the show they dallied, and so retribution and a indignant pardner overtook 'em. Well, we took the Intremoral railw

see wheat go in one end and bread come out the other, bakeries, kitchens, tea and coffee pavilions and every sort of animal food products, milk and cream in every form, fresh and preserved cheese and butter dairies, al

country of the world and the best methods of raising and handling them. As in cotton, you can see it from the tiny seed clear to the cotton mill, so in corn, you see everything that is manufactured from it and ho

and hurtful insects and methods of destroying them, and so on and so on and so on. I couldn't tell all I see if I should try a week, and what we see wuzn't a drop to a fountain. T

observation about the size of a potato he had seen in Agricultural Hall, that I had to in the

om that pail. For the good of you

" sez he, "no

rom his pocket to measure it, I offering to stay by a certain statute till they got back. And as I stood there lookin' at the stiddy passin' cr

you at once though it is so long since we met." In th

"Sir!" (I thought it fa

ink you ar

iah Allen's wife; I

I returned the warm grasp of her h

the conversation that ensued, after we'd talked considerable about the Fair and kindred matters. For I see as we stood there behavin' ourselves, curious eyes wuz bent o

for ribald remarks as lon

f peacock's feathers standin' up straight over our forehea

" sez she.

ouldn't it be easier for

are not for P

his idees a little on comparatively unimportant things than to keep him riled up all the time? It seems to me that if folk

more comfortable than the

gh for comfort and still not infringe on man's chosen raiment. And as for pantaloons, men are welcom

right to wear any

s and clean apron, cookin' a good dinner for Josiah, or settin' down knittin' his socks whilst he duz the harder work he is by nater and education fitted for. But everybody to their own mind. And so fur as I am concerned I'd

t on and spoke of her work on the battlefield a

but howsumever the main thing is that the man is lifted, and he doubtless wouldn't quarrel about the costoom of his preserver. The main thing in this world, Mary, is the work we do, the liftin', or tryin' to lift; the day's work we


z we in the topics under discussion, when I hearn Blandina's voice behind me sayin', "Oh, what a noble lookin' man Aunt Samantha is

hank you to on

burnin' anger showed in it and wuz depictered on his li

ith you most a century to

ulties, we hain't lived together so long as that, bu

is is my pardner

alker!" He looked as if he thought it wuz a co

ly, "Miss Walker,

, I've hearn on her." And he turned and linked his hand in my other arm so for a minute we looked like thr

ty I mentioned the late eppisode of himself and Uncle Sime, and he seemed mortified and apologetic for as many as three minutes. But it didn't last, it never duz with his sect. And we went on to Horticu

them with strange and beautiful foliage. Little lakes, where gold and silver fish played and dotted over with the rarest and loveliest water plants and blossoms, shrubs runnin' over with bloom, why, there wuz acres of jest rosies. And in the middle of a

here you could sit down and enjoy the beauty and perfume. It wuz good to be there, and it seemed as if the hul

bury's and I d'no but furder, wuz a display of fruit, all kinds of fruit of every shape and size that grow in every climate from frigid to torrid, and every country from Greenlan

ental plants and flowers, models of fruit in wax and plaster, baskets and bunches of flowers, conservatories, all flowering plants from

felt dubersome about it and told him we would have to go a pretty good jog if we did. Blandina thoug

ookin' round a long time, I told Josiah I

heat. It made Josiah real worrisome time and agin. And one thing he said about it

t so many thieves and villains of all sorts had co

ners to come here to git acclima

on by name, must be easier to bear after visitin' St. Louis than to plunge into it from cooler and more northern States. An

nd well said, it set folks to thinkin' and inclined 'em to take warnin' and mend their ways. Sez he, "

no chance to wear my rich alpacky, as I wanted to, to kinder show off before Miss Huff, and

he had held in. Not that I told him so, no, I told him it wuz onmanly to carry on so. But trul

na went to a big department store in the city to git some thinner underwear, and I got awful skairt about her. Miss Huff gin her the mo

and then six, and I wuz gittin' dretful wor

rried about you, Bland

smiled so sweet and held out his hand to help her on so she would git on again. And that happened over and over. She not wantin' to hurt his feelin's and slight him by not takin' holt of his hand and climbin' on agin. Till finally she did show some good s

made you do i

winnin' and invitin' I didn

' to obleege everybody. You ort to look out for yoursel

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