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Samantha at the St. Louis Exposition

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 5344    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

they jest poked round miscelaneous, as you may say, seein' jest what they happened to run into. And in some of their travels they met Barzelia Trimble,

of mine, and so feelin' so well acquainted with me she sent me the tickets, and did hope we

h that day, Billy had met her

that we should both go

't believe in wimmen's lecturi

fifty cents right out of her pocket, and she'll expect us. She

mate with her, I never see the dog, but her idees o

er, and I believe Miss Trimble had made a sight on him, I believe she had flatter

rbulent, throwin' up stunny arguments and sandy ones, and agin flowin'

ey wuz too near angels to have rights. You know I've always said so, Samantha, and I wuz readin' a piece a day or two ago, writ by one of the

e to do, and it seems onreasonable in that minister to want wimmen t

nreasonable. You ort to

gum, poor creeter!) I didn't really want to git into an argument at that time o' day, but I

o git round so much it wouldn't work. How could I take a tower histed up like the car of Juggernaut or a Pope in a procession. I couldn't get carriers for one thing, and I wouldn't gi

h the male sect lookin' up to you and worshi

' stoves, washin', ironin', makin' beds, quiltin' bed quilts, gittin' three meals a day, day after day, biled dinners and bag puddin's and mince pies and things, to say nothin'

' soap? or pickin' geese? They act like fury shot up on the barn floor. How could you git our old gander up on a pedestal? His temper is that fiery, to say nothin' of settin' or standin' on it and holdin' on to the old

y all day the relations on your side and the work not done, and me posin' like a statute, lookin' down on you and your sect, you'd feel like a fool and jaw, you know you would. I presoom y

d I on a pedestal, why it would be the town's talk. Or you comin' home from Jonesville on a cold night fraxious as a d

ke fury if their house wuzn't clean and their clothes in order, and meals on time. And you must know it would jest about kill a woman to be doin' all this and histin' hers

ve always been sot on it. There's been more'n a wagon load of poetry writ on it and you

her clothes and put on Greek drapery right in the midst of cleanin' the buttery shelves or moppin' off the back steps. And to see a woman standin' up on a pedestal with an old calico dress pinned up round her waist and a slat sunbunnet on and her pardner's rubb

he, "They could manage it if

igh one. I never could git up onto it at all if I should go into it without gittin' up on a chair and then o

e has been too much said about it, mebby it woul

gin. Wimmen couldn't stand

read our chapter in the Bible and had family prayers jest as we do to home. For I would not leave off all the good old habits of my life

he wuz goin' to be left alone. So Blandina, clever creeter that she is, said she would stay and read to him from his favorite volume, Foxe's Book of

and bein' gin to new and strange projects, proposed that we

nder skairful about ortos, I fear

a good shuffler the

it would end by our shufflin' off our mo

I don't wear a pompodoor" (he meant this for a j

other Gowdey about it. The bretheren will expect it of me as a live progressive J

t feel very rugged this mornin' and I dread the crowded

y, only for gildin' and red paint. And we embarked, Josiah with a proud liniment, as if he wuz introducin' me into gay life and fashionable amusements. The man wuz to take us to t

own on the people walkin' afoot that we passed by and pity 'em. But anon the man got to goin' faster and faster and

right for members of the meetin'

nto my bunnet strings and tryin' to keep my bunnet on. As for the tabs of my mantilly I had gin up t

in your machine! I'm a deacon, and have got my station in t

oggle-eyed clam and never dained to answer, and

own, the dirt a flyin', my pardner standin' up with his whiskers and coat tails wavin' in the breeze. His hat blowed

you! Whoa! back up! Dum yo

y. Yellin' at the shuffler, hollerin' whoa to him, and appealin'


t a hoss fly, but jest a common fly. Only he would look back at us once in aw

tab and sez, "Good-bye, Samantha, if you git through alive remember I died t

lle Augur, that I died a hero's death tryin' to save my p

out immegiately, and the minute he and I stepped onto terry firmy he turned and shook his fist at the man and sez he, "If it wuzn't for the crowd and Saman

nerve. He trembled like a popple leaf, and the minute we got through the gate I

st perfect happiness there. We went into Government Building entrance that day, and I proposed to

n such a display." He said he would rather take me to the display of Economics, and sez he, wantin' to persuade

behind Fine Arts, and sez I, "I should think you would want to see the place where this Exposi

nt days there with interest and profit. The foreign co

of light-houses; dams; geographical maps; Egyptian, Hebrew and Imperial surveys

of you there is enough to overturn big systems of science and philosophy, and begin a new history of the inside of the wo

es, musical instruments, queer lookin' things them wuz as I ever see and nothin' I would want to play on. Photo engineering, electrotyping, lithography, typewriting; telescopes of all kinds from tiny ones up to ones that weigh four thousand pounds. The latest medical and surgica

nterest. There wuz some beautiful statutes too decoratin' this bu

ive buildings connected together to form this Palace of Art. There are three big buildings in front and an annex, the central building b

es, such perfect sculpture that you git all mixed up, and when you thought it over you couldn't remember whether some pi

rt out the clover blossoms and describe 'em one by one and tell in jest what corner of the lot you found 'em. It can't be done; in such an immense field of art your brain sort o

on, breath of the Most High breathed into some of His children below anon or oftener, and then on each side is Truth and Nature. Nature, the kind All Mother, T

she could have wore one of my bib aprons as well as not, durin' the Fair anyway, whilst there wuz so many folks round and she would hav

d, enamel, metal, fresco paintings on walls and ceilings. Water colors, chalk, pastel, ivory, pyrography. Engravings, etchings, figgers in marble, metal, plaster. Carvings in ivory, stone, w

n my rapt eyesight, faces sweet as wuz ever dremp on, sad faces, tragic faces, old faces and young faces; children sweet

and dale, ocean and rivulet. Every phase of human joy and sorrow wuz depictered there, and every phase of peaceful and warlike life. It wuz a

e got kinder worrisome as it wuz and didn't want to stay so long as we did, and after a hour or so I compromised with him, gin hi

d been throwed at my mind so powerful that they jest stuck there and could

has painted one that to them that are sympathetic, the Little Lady in Black, will walk right out of th

ough the veil of mist seems the incarnation of the mystery of sky an

ll to your sperit, like Millais' "Chill October," as you looked at it yo

now your mind has got more different rooms in it than any house that wuz ever built, and some p

ivin' cattle to water. I wondered if he didn't wish, when he painted it, that he wuz that care-free herder, who could sing

farm produce in, but sometimes I spoze load up with me

nd burdens of a queen, she wished she wuz one of them happy young girls r

ight and soft shadow. They done well. I wished I could encouraged 'em by tellin' '

e drawin' his mantle to hide from the light. The other male is liftin' his head but his eyes are still shot, evidently he feels the dawn of sunthin' better and he's waking up, while stan

z a shame to see a woman that age with such a low-necked dress on. It wuz cut down to the bottom of her waist.

make a man look dressy, and he belie

ad enough to see young folks dress in that

till take the pictures and statutes of the Fair as a hull they're magnificent and a honor to the nations

for doctors to try their medicine first on their own folks, miscelaneous patients will feel safer. Dr. Jenner acted honora

r neighbored with, and I'd better tend to my own

' eat so many nut-cakes since breakfa

n every buildin' when will we git round to see the Pike?" Truly Josiah longed for that place day by day, but as first c

onsiderin', though as I have said before every place is a good ways off from anywhere else. You'd have knowed the buildin' by the great fish that wuz sculped over the entrance. It wuz a bigger fish than wuz ever lied about in male fish stories, and that's sayin' enough; connected with this is also an exhibit of forestry and game. We went into the part

of trees and plants, forest botany, structure and anatomy of woods, saw-mills, seeds and plants of all kinds, and all the different woods and products of wood from Egypt to Japa

nute; he's proud as a peacock of his strip of woodland, he thought he covered the hull field

ook on it as showin' th

nd be humble

nter!" he sez. But I guess he w

that could be known about trees and plants could be learnt here, and though we knowed we hadn't time or convenience to take all the knowledge in, no, our heads wuzn't big enough, but they felt crowded full as we left this

alf animal, and aquatic birds and aquatic plants of all kinds, and plants that seem half way between vegetable and animal. Sea grass, shells of all kinds, pearls, pearl-shells, corals, sponges, skins and furs, illustrations, paintings and casts

ed and brought to light by them that go

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