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Samantha at the St. Louis Exposition

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 4443    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

a Observer" (for in our visit to the Inside Inn we wuz only weary wayfarers, too tired to observe, and the Sabbath we felt wuz no time to jot down impressions). N


e road that

ds walk tog

price he didn't parley further, and Billy took us t

curvin' round gracefully some in shape like a mammoth U only bendin' round more at the ends, and endin' wi

f it wuz I approved on't, and would encouraged 'em by tellin' 'em so if they'd asked me beforehand. Union! a

some as Miss Sheba must have felt when she went to visit Mr. and Miss Solomon or the Misses Solomon, I spoze I ort to

hts to show Miss Sheba approachin' this Fair

our three fares and went in. And when you first stand inside of that gate the beauty jest strikes y

eel sunthin' as you would if you wuz sot down on the Desert of Sara, and Sara

folks wropped up seemin'ly in white sheets, jest their black-bearded faces and flashin' eyes gleamin' at you from the drapery. Then there would be mebby a pretty young girl with a rose-bud face under a lace parasol. Two sweet-faced nuns in somb

Why under the sun didn't Samantha put in my dressin' gown with tossel

with long dresses and pig-tails follered by some gawky, awkwud country folks; some more smart-lookin' Americans. Some English tourists with field-glasses strapped over one shoulder. Some Fillipinos in yellerish costoom. Then a kodak fiend ready to aim at anything or nothin' and hit it; then some Scotchmen in Tarten dress and follerin' clos

en, no more than I could sort out and describe the slate stuns in Jonesville

this crowd, Samantha, pays anybody for

h, you mean t

d out, "and les's be movin' on

ght well worth comin' from Jonesville to see, even if we didn't see a thing more. But, oh, what didn't we see! what a glorious sight as our eyes left the

in' horse, holdin' up a cross, I wuz glad to see that cross held up as if in benediction over all the immense

stians and free the Holy Land from lawless invaders. How much I thought on him fo

told him plain and square that I wouldn't have heard for a minute to his marryin' our Tirzah Ann at that age. She shouldn't mar

e, lived and died like a hero. And I was glad to see him riz up in such a

it by. Hisen kinder curled up at the back, they ort to cut it ketterin'. Two noble statutes stood on each side on him, kinder guardin' him as it were, though he didn't need it as long as

han the last one you looked at, full of sculptured beauty and with long, long rows of pearl white collumns and ornaments of al

, wuz inclined to pick flaws in t

off as if she wuz safe and sound, and then histin' cannons up right by he

d go ahead through the wilderness of world warfare makin' a safe path, so Peace could git down from

rsts of melodious song come from the gayly attired boatmen anon or oftener. And furder on wuz the Grand Basin, a large beautiful piece of water, and back on't down a

together are what they call the Collonnade of States. A impressive row of snow-white pillows, and on them pillows, settin' up in th

it didn't seem fur it wuz through such seens of bewilderin'

d better take the Immoral Railway. With you by m

r principle gone that


I thought I would kinder love to tell the brethren I'd rid on it." And before I

the Immora

rts there," sez he, pintin'

I sez to myself, "I'd love to ride on it." For havin' naterally so scientific and deep a mind I love to trace back words like little rivule

d see everything we could, and when we went clear 'round on that, we got onto a big ortomobile and rid 'round on tha


two eyes, one my own gray orb and the other the eye of my specs. The seen wuz so hugely grand, so magnificently stupendous, and the mind that it wuz my duty as first chaperone to guard wuz so small I se

emp on or ever will, I believe. And then he looked pensively at my silk bag where I'd s

towerin' up in white magnificence. Past sparklin' water spaces filled with gay pleasure craft full of happy white-robed voyagers. Past the spans

s jest as fair. Anon the columned walls of some nearby palace would seem to close in the view, and then agin the fur vision, and anon the blue waters flowin' on and on. And scattered all over the ground roamed the happy people, men, wimmen and child

lite and courteous to everybody, and as for makin' storks and folks settin' on nothin' and lookin' perfectly comfortable settin' on it, they go fur ahead of anybody else, and they have lots of other noble qual

to take care of and dust and make life a burden. Kind hearted, reverent to equals and superiors-trained to kindness and co

t and the best education. And wuz glad to see so many of 'em here. They could give Uncle Sam a good many lessons if he wuz willin'

t agin on the Plaza not fur from where we embarked, and at my request we took a boat. Josiah chose one of the h

I felt that he wuz in fancy rowin' a boat up our creek in a red coat and green hat with yeller feathers mebby, carryin' sister Submit Tewksbury or sister

auty and wondered if he had a companion; she said she believed h

ters how beautiful they were, dotted with craft similar to ourn and freighted with happy voyagers dartin' here and there, and some of the boats wuz the queerest shapes, one on 'em looked jest exactly like a big white swan, and

ride on the outside on it, there is a pla

ut us, and fur off we could see immense fountains risin' right up out of t

ty, and most want to shet your eyes on it, not knowin' what path to choose where all are so bagonin' full of allurements and the hull world seemin' to be allured there by 'em. On one side the glory of the waters dashing, sparkling, bounding along down, with fountains spra

heir ears hear me. How interested and proud they would have been to hear me tell how even as a child I loved to hear mother Smith read about their journeyin's into the new and onexplored country, findin' swamps and stumps and savages, where now

Boone, and Settin' Bul

standin' right in that

onmindful of the pres

felt to

want her eyes oncovered, she'd 'drather keep on blind as a bat. But Liberty hain't goin' to mind her, she wuz bound to git the bandages off; I wanted to encourage her in it and I waved my hand towards her and smi

another. And wuz there ever in the world milds so crowded full of beauty and each beauty differin' from the other as one star differs from another in glory. Eight magnificent palace

ms to the words Grand and Glorious and used every one on 'em tryin' to describe that seen I coul

couldn't he wouldn't stand no chance. But I hearn him gin a sort of gaspin' sithe as he looked,

use has it. The beauty of my parlor kinder branches out, as you may say, from my new rep rocker, a lovely work of art that cost over six dollars. I keep it in

rry to meetin' Sundays, or my big turkey feather fan. But, good land! they dwindled down so in my mind while I stood there that I mig

tiful Collonnade of States with its lovely and heroic female wimmen settin' up there as if sort o' takin' care of the hull c

you, it rasps my very soul to see men slig

y lots of times. But," sez I reasonably, "the world wou

n men of good food I knowed this wuz a sensible idea, for no matter how festivious a man may be, and probably is in Festival Hall, yet his appetite stretches out on both sid

Bobbettses, and I d'no but furder, and every foot and inch of it perfectly beautiful. How much land do you spoze is took up by this central spot of beauty? Now if I should ask sister Sylvester Gowdey, who al

ssy, it occupies s

! fancy it in the evening when thousands and thousands of colored lights lend their glowin' charm to the seen. Why you almost cover your eyes from the bewilderin' glory on't

n that yet, n

of Faith I h

place for preachin', we

such a place. I have felt perfectly satisfied when I've papered over my dining-room with paper a shillin' a roll, and it did look well. But what wuz it to this? Ref

uz a serpent in Paradise; but I didn't see any, I spoze the noble look on my face would dant any dealer in su

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