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haruko's Books(5)



PROLOGUE "GOOD morning," I greeted the woman at the information desk. "Good morning, ma'am," she greeted me back and smiled. "Which floor is Dr. de Cervantes on?" I politely asked him and he frowned. "5th floor, ma'am. Who are they?" If earlier there was a smile on his lips. Now he was frowning and looking...angry? But why? "I'm Arthea Primero-de Cervantes. I'm his wife," I answered with a smile and I seemed proud to tell him that I was the wife of Dr. de Cervantes. "I'm not joking with you," he said without emotion and I was the one who was very upset. "Me either, I'm not joking around, Miss. I just want to know where my husband's office floor is," I said firmly and there was no emotion in my voice. If he can say he's not joking with me, do I look like I'm joking with him too? Not really, huh? I just want to know which floor my husband's office is on! Oh! It's on the 5th floor! He says. I was about to leave the girl when she stopped me. "Dr. de Cervantes came out earlier, with his wife, miss," he said and really emphasized the word wife. And because of what he said, it seemed like a needle was stuck in my chest. Did I hear it right? Or did I just hear wrong? what? My wife is with her husband? Seriously? Well, I'm still here. Who is that husband? "W-who?" I stuttered to ask the woman. "Jillian de Cervantes," he still smiled at me. Huh? Jillian? Jillian de Cervantes? When did de Cervantes change his surname? And what? J-Jillian? Jillian Ramirez-Are you American? Oh yeah! Jillian, Jillian is his first love. The first woman my husband loved. Levin's first love. I held my chest when I felt it hurt more. Without my own I walked back and I didn't even realize that my tears were flowing abundantly from my eyes. I was at the exit of the hospital when I saw my husband...and that woman was with him. "Thank you for the treat, babe," I heard Jillian say and I stopped walking. "No problem, babe," my husband said with a smile. He was completely different when he was with Jillian. With this woman Lervin was having fun. They were already walking towards my direction and it was like I was nailed to where I was standing. I started to walk and I did. But I lost my balance and fell. I can feel the pain in my chin and I must have a wound in that part. It's funny, I can't stand it. I couldn't move my body. "Miss, are you okay?" asked the man in front of me. Do I look okay in this situation? That's what I would have answered that man. But I couldn't even make my voice out. This is not the first time this has happened to me. I often lose my balance and often cannot speak. Why is it? Is there something wrong with me? H-Am I not normal anymore? "Stand up, stupid." My impending tears began to flow when I heard his cold voice. My husband... #Someday,I'llBeGone


PROLOGUE: I'm now looking at a handsome man lying next to me. He sleeps soundly. He is like an angel in my eyes, but if you really get to know him, his attitude is the opposite. "Andrew..." I said his name while my tears fell one by one. "Are you ready, Rhyme?" I looked behind me, I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "You don't have to do this, rhyme. Even if you give your eyes to him, nothing will change. Remember the only woman he loves is -" I immediately stood up from where I was going to sit before he could continue what he had to say. her. "I know that... I'm not the type to just give my eye away. Ian, please talk even now, don't make me worry about that. Let me do it to the man I love. Even that he can't reciprocate the love I give," I bent down and gently stroked my stomach and turned to Andrew. The man I love will never reciprocate my love. "Rhyme, are you that desperate for that man? Rhyme, please talk. As your cousin, I advise you not to give him your eyes. Especially when you bring your child to that man." He preached to me. It's painful to accept. But yes, I'm desperate when it comes to the man I love. In my desperation, even if I knew I was going to harm my future child, I would do it anyway. I will give my eyes to Andrew. "Ian, I'm not going to change my mind. Go ahead, Ian. I...let's continue with the operation. I'm ready." Ma stuttering said My tears continue to fall, trying to wipe them away, but every time I wipe my tears, new ones come out again. "Oh gosh, rhyme! You're pregnant! Don't you even think about the child in your womb!? If we continue this, I'm sure your child's life will be in danger, and then I'll see you again, rhyme. Rich As for the village's family, they can also find a donor!" I'm almost deaf from his yelling at me. Instead of being angry with him, I am angry with myself. I'm so selfish and heartless, because even though I have eyes, I'm still blind for the man I love. "I've made up my mind, Ian. And even if they're rich, the man I love hasn't seen you for almost a few months. Please talk, Ian. Don't just be a dad and do your job." Ian looked at me with anger in his eyes. "I love you as my cousin, Rhyme. But your love for that man is really too much, that even if you know that you will destroy your child, you will still allow the operation. Take care of your life, Rhyme. That's your decision . But I hope you don't feel guilty about what you do." It coldly says that you will still be filled with anger and sadness. A nurse approached him and whispered something to him before looking at me intently. "Get ready, Rhyme. The operation is about to begin. Get ready to kill your own offspring." He said and turned to the man who was fast asleep behind me before storming out of this room. I can't blame Ian. What he said is right. If I make a decision, I may kill the child in my womb. But what can I do? I love Andrew. What is the use of my eyes? If I always hurt myself because of my love for Andrew. If I go blind because I gave my eyes to the man I love, it's not bad. Because even if I love him, I won't see the events that will hurt my heart. To see him happy in the company of others, To see him staring at me, To always push me away and To see him cry when you are out of his sight. "I love you Andrew." I said it almost in a whisper and was accompanied by my tears as I looked at Andrew who had closed his eyes not far away. The man I love the most. Ian didn't stop whining, obviously not wanting to continue with the operation. But he can't do anything. My decision is complete. I thought about the child in my womb. He was not born with a decision, but he was never able to experience life in the world. Forgive mommy, baby. I love your dad so much that I did this to destroy him. Forgive me, my child. I even heard a nurse say to my cousin, Ian, who never stopped cursing before I was engulfed in darkness. "The donor is now asleep, please Doctor, Ian. Let's proceed with the operation." goodbye My child. I really love your daddy.
Love between doctor and student

Love between doctor and student

--- PROLOGUE ANGIE POV "Angie, let's go to the bar later after our class," Ashley said as she arrived and sat next to me. We were in the library, and there weren't many people around. "But isn't it prohibited to drink alcohol or any alcoholic beverages? Doc Saxvora mentioned it last time during his announcement. If you want to drink, I'll just review here," I reminded her. "Oh, come on, you just have a crush on Doc Saxvora. Admit it, you secretly like him," she teased, nudging me with her elbow. "Me? Have a crush on Doc? Who told you that I like him? Stop teasing me and let me review," I replied, feeling annoyed. "Oh, come on, even if you don't admit it, you still have a crush on Doc Saxvora. I can tell, you two would make a cute couple," she insisted. She was right, I did have a crush on Doc Saxvora. I didn't know why I had a crush on him, but I woke up one day and realized I was in love with him. Besides his handsome face, he was kind and hardworking. I knew my aunt and grandmother forbade me from having a boyfriend for now, but a doctor was the only one who made my heart beat faster. "Why are you blushing?" I shot her a look when she said that. Was she really my friend, or was she just being annoying? "Excuse me, are you Angie?" Ashley and I both turned to look at the girl in PE attire holding a badminton racket. I nodded in response. "Doc Saxvora called you to the clinic. He wants to check your height and weight. You missed your appointment last Friday," she added. "Why are you still waiting? Go, your 'beloved' is waiting for you," she said with a smirk. I was glad she left earlier; otherwise, she might have heard what Ashley said. "Shut up, and I don't have a crush on Doc Saxvora. You're shipping me with him, what if he already has a girlfriend or wife? You're being annoying," I retorted before walking away. After a few minutes, I arrived at the clinic. Before entering, I took a deep breath. I entered three times, but there was no response. "What are you doing here?" I jumped in surprise when I heard his voice. I turned around and saw Doc. "Oh, you must be Angielyn," he added. Why was he so handsome? "Yes, Doc, I'm Angielyn, but you can call me Angie. Angielyn is too long," I said, avoiding his gaze. He opened the doorknob and entered. "Come in, you might think I'll carry you inside," he joked. I hurriedly entered, closing the door behind me. "Sit down; I'll look for the index card with your name," he instructed. I glanced at him as he searched for the index card with my name. His attire suited him well, especially considering his profession as a doctor. I didn't want to get hurt, but I couldn't help but think he might already have a girlfriend or wife. "Done checking me," my eyes widened when he laughed abruptly. He noticed it. "Angie, stand up," I stood up and approached him. "What should I do, Doc?" I asked nervously, feeling the butterflies in my stomach. "Remove your shoes and let me see your weight," I took off my shoes before stepping on the scale. He noted my weight on the index card. "What's my height, Doc?" I asked him. "It's a secret," he chuckled, so I didn't bother asking again. My eyes widened when he held my hand and led me to a wall. He pushed me against the wall, making me stand straight. His heartbeat was so fast, and his face was so close to mine. "You're short," he said and wrote it on the index card. Short? I wasn't that short; he was exaggerating. "Next time, drink milk every day, take afternoon naps, and sleep at the right time. Short people shouldn't stay up late; it affects their growth," he said seriously. "But it's okay to be short; at least you're cute," he chuckled. I didn't know what was happening to me; my heart skipped a beat. I was surprised when he pinched my cheek. "Why are you so cute and beautiful in my eyes when I see you here every day?" Huh? "Doc, I was about to tell y—" I couldn't finish my sentence as he kissed me. I was taken aback, and I didn't know why I closed my eyes and responded to his kiss. After a few minutes, we both caught our breaths. "Angie, can you be my girlfriend? I've liked you since we met, and I don't know why I'm so obsessed with you."