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Playful Love My Virginity

Playful Love My Virginity



"Don't.. Don't come near.. It's like pity.. You're just there..." I begged the person I could see. I covered my body with my hands. They made me wear something that darkened my eyes like contact lenses, because they were so violent to me. I could see my surroundings but I couldn't see completely. I was told that we would both see nothing. And both of us will not know each other's identity. "Get close to him! Hurry up!" Order to the man in front of me. "You're the same, you're not clear to me either," I shuddered at his baritone voice while holding my arm. I immediately avoided him. "We are both slaves here. If we don't do this, we will both perish." He whispered to me. And that's when my tears flowed. 'What is happening to me? How did I end up in this situation?' "Undress her," another command. And that's when every fiber of my body weakened. No way, I don't know this person! They can't do this to me! "It's been a long time!" An onlooker moaned. Yes, I know we are surrounded by spectators. And I don't know what to do. A relative of mine put me in this situation. "Don't you want? We can tell them.." He said to me. I closed my eyes and remembered something. "Sai, if you don't do this, they'll kill us. Along with my whole family! You agree! Besides, virginity doesn't matter anymore! That's good and they'll pay us. I'm ready Sai! Get settled ! Don't embarrass me!" I can hear my aunt's explanation of Satan's minion. "Just kill me!" I screamed while crying. And he tweaked me. "You can't die! You're the lifeblood of us all, so you can't die, you understand?! And you can't escape from us, because no matter where the hell you go, we'll hunt you down!" I felt my tears flow, "let's get this over with. Do it!" I ordered shakily. I could feel his hands shaking as he removed my strap and unhooked my bra. I felt that my chest was exposed. I closed my eyes completely when the cover disappeared from my body and felt the coldness of the room where we were. "I'm sorry..." he said. He brought his mouth to me. "I feel that you are not into this. Same as you, this will also be my first experience." "Why are you saying this?" "I did not want this. But, if we complain, they will push us to our limits. Let just enjoy this moment and pretend that they are not around. That we are truly in love with each other. In that way, we can assume that we are the winners in their game." I bowed down and cried again. "Boy, naked!" I can see that's what he's doing. We are both naked now. He laid me down and I felt his gentle touch. 'This is my fate. Why?' "Do the foreplay, people." Order from us again. "Stop commanding us! Or we will stop what we are doing!" He shouted. It was as if everyone became silent and followed him. I just closed my eyes at the thought of how terrible the fate I have. That I have to swallow the thing I have to do just to live... And live... "How do you want me to call you?" "None," I said firmly. "Let me call you, Alteza.." When he said that in my ear, I was terrified. "No!"

Chapter 1 Our kisses

Chapter 1

"Please... Let us pretend, Your Highness... Because to me, you are my highness.."

After saying that, he kissed me. I didn't want to respond because I was overwhelmed by anger and hatred. My mouth remained tightly shut.

"Your lips are delightful. Please, Your Highness, respond... Let's resolve this... Please.." He pleaded with a sweet tone, and his lips met mine once more. "Do you want this to stop?" He asked with concern. He was about to get up when I grabbed his arm.

"No... No, please. I'll be next. I'll be next.." I bowed again, concealing my sorrow.

"Please, Your Highness..." His voice was chilling, a well-spoken voice that could persuade anyone. He sealed it with a kiss, to which I had already responded. "I promise to find you. We will meet again someday.."

"Don't utter any nonsense! Let's..."

finish this b*llshit! And fuck me!" And I was the one who kissed him hard. I ran my hands over his body. Looking for possible identification. And I was not disappointed, in the left rear. I have a tickling mark of his. It's like an X. While still kissing deeply, I moved my hands around and tried to memorize what I could know.

Next I groped his face. His nose is pointed. I gave up for a moment and touched his lips. They were thin and I touched her hairs. Those are stretched. Next I lowered the grip, his bodies were strong. His shoulders are broad and he is leaning towards me, a fact that he is a tall man.

'What's the point of what I'm doing? I have no plans to find him.'

I could already feel the salty liquid in our kisses. Those were his tears, which made me cry too.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. And I know you shouldn't be treated like this."

And my sobs just stayed in my throat. "Stop! Do whatever they told you so! Surely, this memory will fade with time."

"Alteza.. From the moment I will find you again, promise, I will never let you go, Alteza.."

"Hurry up!" One hit.

"We are alone here. Don't listen to them. Focus on me, ok? Understood?"

I just nodded, suppressing the pain I was feeling. He kissed me again.

"You are worth this moment. And I will treasure this my whole life. Tell me you feel the same way."

"What I feel means nothing." I could feel his eyes on me.

"No, Alteza, your feeling means so much to me. Tell me you also want this. I love you, Atezca. My highness. Please, My highness.. Say it.." He begged.

I stared at him, "I want you too.. Take me, my Primo..."

I felt him stop, "What did you call me?"

"Primo, My first, My Uno, My Primero.."

"And I will be your last! Keep that in your mind!" Then he pressed me with a kiss. Passionate, persistent, and possessive.

"I love you, Alteza.."

"I love you, my cousin..."

That's it, and our union has happened. I weakly strained to moan when I felt the intense pain it caused. And I felt a liquid flow there, maybe it was blood from me. He stopped for a moment and faced me.

"Are you hurt?"

Instead of answering, I hugged him and concealed my tears behind him. When I lay down again, he gently held my face with his hand, and upon feeling it wet, he wiped away the tears with his thumb. I gazed at him while sensing his breath, and the profound breathing of those around us.

Soon, I embraced him, and he grew bolder in his advances. The earlier pain had transformed into desire. It's not regrettable that I surrendered myself this year, because if it weren't for him, perhaps someone with a stronger resolve would have claimed me.

"We are also shouting in our solitude as if there is no one around us. We are already moaning from each other's mouths. Just us, just me and my friend. When I felt that I was about to get pregnant, I hugged her even more, and she hugged me. After a few more strokes, I felt his juice in my courtyard. I stared at him even though I couldn't see anything. I touched his face again, hoping that through that, I would recognize him.

"There are many things given to us in this life for no reason. But let us live and wait for what life should offer. I know that we are soon to be blessed with so much to offer. Be strong, Alteza," he breathlessly stated. "I would risk everything for you. Continue to live, Alteza, until then..." And he hugged me tightly, to which I responded."

'For the first time in my life, I feel safe...'

That was it, and someone pulled me upright and covered me with a cloth. I tried to resist his tight grip on my hand, but the person pulling me was much stronger.

'Till we meet again, My Primo.'

Daisy's point of view

"Mom, don't leave me... Mom..." A ten-year-old girl cried at her mother's grave with her youngest brother. "Come with me, Mom, I don't want to be left here!!!" He added, lamenting.

"Come on, Sai! There is nothing we can do," Tiya Lukring pulled me.

I looked at her, crying, "Auntie, I'm here first. I will go with my mother and my sister first." My mother died of complications during childbirth along with the woman she conceived.

"Stop with your drama!" He shouted at me. "It's a good thing I'm still here to take care of you! If not, you would be living on the street!" He added.

I was crying, trying to help him. "Auntie, we're going to come back here, right?"

"Don't act like that! Hurry up and get more done at home!"

"I'll be back, Mom, I promise. I will fix your youngest's grave."

As high as the case they were placed. That's all the government can give for free.

Seven years have passed, and we are going to visit my mother's grave without hesitation. I often say it, but I fail. I hid once, but I was also doomed because of the way they treat me, like a servant who doesn't get paid.

"Sai, where is your new yellow dress of mine?" Aunt Ingrid's abnormal daughter asked. He is two years older than me.

"Sister Ingrid, I saw that in your second cabinet," I growled and didn't notice that my voice was raised.

"Are you mad?! Do you know how to howl now?" He came close to me and held me by my clothes. "Maybe you're forgetting, just slap here! Thank you for letting me live here!" And suddenly he let go and pushed me. My forehead hit...

"I bumped into the corner of the table, and it hurt, so I winced in pain. "Good for you!" He left immediately.

Between the two brothers, Brother Pepe has the least affection for me. He's not like the others, but he's not very kind to me either. He often acts carelessly and ignorantly, especially when it involves his mother.

I wiped the blood flowing from my face with my hand. I rinsed it with water and applied pressure to stop the bleeding. I want to cry, but it's as if my tears have become accustomed to the hardships I'm going through. I've turned into stone. I'm seventeen, but I'm still in high school. They often make me stop because they claim they can't continue, but the truth is, I just want to take care of them.

"Witch, have you finished washing the clothes?" Aunt asked, clearly annoyed.

"It's done, Aunt. I have school, so I'll finish hanging them when I get home."

"No! Hang them now! Do you want them to smell bad? Do you think you're stupid?" And she slapped me.

I didn't say anything and proceeded to hang the laundry first. I'll deal with whatever consequences await me at school. It won't change anything.

After finishing the laundry and washing the dishes, I went inside. I failed in two subjects."

"Hey, Daisy! Why is your head like that? Bleeding!" Betty, my only friend in school, asked after class.

I touched my forehead and placed my handkerchief there. "It's not here, Betty, I slipped earlier," I replied, feeling the swelling.

"You always come in like that. If it's not a bruise, it's a wound. Look at that hand of yours; it just healed your wounds the other day, and there's something new again. I'll accompany you to the clinic to get it treated," she offered, and I hid my hands, thinking it might be from the laundry work, thanks to the strength of the chlorine and soap.

"No, it's okay for now," I answered.

"No! Come on, you're stubborn!" She then pulled me towards the clinic. "Well, there's David, you should try to get him to have a crush on you." She pointed to the man she was talking about.

I just nodded because I had no plans to talk to him. David was known to be feared on campus due to his intimidating demeanor and involvement in tire-related incidents.

"Hi, baby, did I say I'd see you?" He came closer to me and was about to say more.

I touched my face with my veil. "Stop me!" I turned to Betty. "Let's go!"

"Wait a minute, why do you have a wound?" Dave asked, chasing after us. "Who did that and why are you hiding it from me?"

"Go back to your table, crazy!" I shouted and quickly pulled Betty, who was still shaken.

I received treatment at the clinic and was advised to visit the hospital, which seemed unlikely to happen.

After returning to class, I was surprised to find there was a quiz. I had wasted my time taking care of the house.

"Bet, copy it," I whispered, pressing my lips together.

"Alright, but keep it simple. Come on, you didn't handle it again; I don't want you to get hurt," he replied, which made me happy.

Betty was my lifesaver during this time. Unlike him, I struggled with many things. It was hard for me to excel, and I wasn't quick to understand. He often tolerated my shortcomings. But it seemed that I was good at English. I wasn't entirely sure about that yet. I don't know.

I passed our exam, and I'm very grateful to Betty. I even kissed him on the cheek in my happiness.

"You're crazy! Next time I will really pay."

"It's just a debt for now, thanks for waking me up," and we laughed afterwards.

After we left, Dave was waiting for me at the school gate. Betty hugged me and smiled.

"Pogi is here."

"Hi baby!"

"Baby, look at your face!"

"My baby is ugly, do you have one now?" He teased.

I ignored him, and Betty and I walked away. But I felt like he was following us. Betty looked at him and then turned to me with a smile.

“Why don't you give it a try? You won't be bullied by others anymore because they're afraid of Dave," Betty persuaded.

I stopped and looked at Betty. I thought about Dave's behavior and realized that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to do what Betty suggested. I was tired of being bullied by my schoolmates because they both lived in the same city and were close friends. Many people knew me, but mostly in a negative way. They called me names and said I was the daughter of...

A drag woman"And there's more, they say they don't know who my father is because of the number of men my mother slept with. My mother was known to be promiscuous when she was still alive. Then he's old but still in high school. He's repeating a grade because he's not very intelligent and so on.

All of that, I simply ignore and let it go in one ear and out the other. Let them say what they want. But I thought that Dave could be a source of protection for me. Even so, I don't have any romantic feelings for him.

After reaching the third corner, Betty started talking to me because her house is located there. I was still a few kilometers away. I sensed Dave walking towards me quickly from behind, so I turned to him.

"You don't actually intend to fight me, do you?" I shouted as I turned to face him.

"Well, no way!" He replied with a smile. He may look the part, but unlike what I've seen before, I don't feel any excitement from him, even though he openly expresses his affection for me.

To be continued...

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