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The Dangerous Obsession

The Dangerous Obsession



I'm currently at home watching TV with my best friend, mom's cooking dinner while my siblings are in their rooms. We're watching a news report right now, a serial killer was in police custody and he's being interviewed on live television and it's on the radio too since he's known as the handsome and young criminal. The interview began and somehow both me and my bsf are intrigued to his interview so we're focused watching it. “Louis is Kalix still there? Tell him to have dinner with us" Mom shouted into the kitchen. "Yes, aunty, thank you" Kalix, who was next to me, yelled back and returned the focus to watching. They are now asking him personal questions but he answered all their questions without hesitation, even though it's way too personal. It's as if he doesn't bother at all. "How many people have you killed?" The host asked. "Do I still need to count that? I kill whoever I want to kill" He answered calmly with a smug look on his face. He has tattooed numbers on each of his fingers and on his knuckles, a mysterious number. His hands are rooted and his body is toned physically built, the orange prison's uniform suit his body color. He's handsome and his haircut suits him so much, he's also handcuffed while his legs are crossed he looks arrogant after all. The interviewer began asking him about a tattoo on his right neck, it has a mysterious persons initial. "Do you mind explaining the tattoo on your neck?" The interviewer asked, the killer smile. "Ah.. they belong to someone I know.." He answered. I was startled when my best friend giggled and nudged my shoulder while chuckling. "What a funny coincidence, those initials on his neck are the same as yours but on the left" He said chuckling and turning to me, I fake a laughed and my heart pounding like crazy because of nervousness. "Do you think that someone is watching right now? You can say 'hi' to them" The interviewer said. The killer slowly looked at the camera, it felt like he was staring right through my soul it's making me nervous and uncomfortable. "Yeah..." I gulped. The killer raised his hand and wiggled his fingers while smiling playfully, waving at the camera with a grin and I feel like he's just right in front of me and it felt like he's talking to me. Even though I know who he's talking about. "Hi.." I quickly grabbed the remote and was about to switch it to another channel, but he seems to know what I'm going to do. "See you soon..." He mouthed before he vanished into the screen when I switched it into another channel. you may have seen 'this scenario' on tiktok, i did ask for permission to borrow the idea but i changed it.

Chapter 1 Get a job

chapter 1

Louis Hermosa's POV

"Louis, I heard you dropped out of college? Why?" mommy asked so I stopped eating.

"Because aunt ouch!" Kalix moaned when I elbowed him.

"I'm having a hard time, I wish I could work and study at the same time, just in case.. I'm not as strong as my brother" I answered and sighed.

"It's okay, so... what are you going to do now?" She asked while chewing.

"I'm going to work, I applied for a job as a helper" I answered and continued eating.




"I'm just here man, thank you" I got off the tricycle I was riding and paid.

I was surprised because he kept looking at the huge house and at the same time looked back at me.

"What brought you here?" The man asked making me smile.

"Get a job, someone said that they were hiring a helper and the salary was high, so I let her in, it's a shame" I replied quietly and smiled.

"Be careful in that area, especially around the house" He said mysteriously before rushing away which scared me a lot but I just put it aside.

I faced the house again and stared at it, it looked like a haunted house because almost everything was black. He also has a fountain in the middle and a huge gate.

I walked towards the guard who was reading a book on the side, he was quite old.

"Hello, I'm the one who will enter as a maid" I said as he looked at me and I was a little surprised because he didn't have one eye. He let me in without saying a word.

I was weirded out but I just put it aside and walked towards the huge door, I took a deep breath before knocking.

While waiting for someone to open the door, I turned my gaze to the left side of the house.

There is a big gate with a sign that says 'Do not enter, this place is dangerous' and the gate seems to be stained with blood.

I was about to walk towards it but I stopped because the door opened and an old man appeared.

I suddenly swallowed when I saw that one of his eyes was gone, I was suddenly horrified but it disappeared because he smiled at me.

Maybe it's just a coincidence that they both don't have one eye, right? That's right.

Don't think too much, Louis.

"Come in, you're going to be the one who's going to be an assistant, aren't you?" Manang asked to which I smiled and nodded. I went inside and as soon as I entered, my hair stood up because the atmosphere was so heavy and the surroundings were so cold.

"It's cold here" I laughed awkwardly so as not to look like I was insulting the place, nanaya also laughed and grabbed my shoulder.

His hand was cold, cold, but I shouldn't give that meaning.

"That's right, the air conditioner here is fine, I'm sorry that the air conditioner is only turned off every night" He said that I just laughed and nodded, we walked towards the living room and when I saw the living room you could tell that it was like a haunted house that is clean.

The living room is very large and the chandelier in the middle sways on its own and makes a scary sound.

You would think it would be destroyed but it looks like it is still new, there is a big chimney in the middle but there is a wooden block and so are all the windows.

"Uhm.. why.. the windows have wooden barriers?" I asked and slightly turned to the old man but to my surprise he just stared at me and suddenly smiled.

"Come and I'll show you the kitchen, come.. come.." My hair rose when he suddenly touched my wrist.

I should avoid thinking about what I can't seem to stop, because I feel different in the whole place and why is there no other maid here?

"Madam, this is what you are asking for" I almost jumped in shock when someone suddenly spoke behind me, I clutched my chest because my heart was beating so hard while my eyes were closed tightly.

"A-are you okay? Did I surprise you too much? I can hear your heartbeat, I'm sorry" I heard a young woman's soft voice so my eyes widened.

"I'm Riana, are you the new assistant? Welcome" I smiled at her when she handed me her hand, I was about to take it for a hand shake but I froze when I saw that her little finger was missing.

I glanced at her who was still smiling at me as if waiting for me to shake her hand, I gulp and shake hands with her. I hesitated not because I was disgusted with her hand but because I was surprised.

"I-I'm Louis" I can't help but stammer, thankfully she just nods at me and leaves.

"Louis, good name" Mom said and took me to the kitchen, I was a little surprised because the kitchen was very big and there were many maids in it.

They are like robots who don't look where they are just going straight to what they are doing, the people here are weird.

"You can only enter the living room and the kitchen downstairs, upstairs when you clean the room, remember that there are two rooms you cannot enter" Her sudden seriousness caught me off guard, the way she shifted her emotion isn't that amazing and all. It's scary.

"The Two rooms facing each other at the end, remember that when you enter that room, it's the end of your life" I almost lost the blood in my body because of what she said, she's saying that in a straight face, who would don't be scared?!

"Just kidding haha ​​​​you're too serious, but you can't really enter that room" He said suddenly which made me wince, but my nervousness was still there

"The young master still has a long time to come back here, so your salary will be a bit long, but don't worry because it's big" I looked around the entire kitchen as I listened to what he was saying.

"The young master also forbids entering the area on the left side of the house" I nodded at what he said as he continued to look around the whole house, his face was really scary.

"Don't let your curiosity swallow you, if you don't want to be like me.." I suddenly stopped what he said and I slowly looked back at him, it was very meaningful when he mentioned those words.

"W-what do you mean?" I was about to ask but he just grinned a little and turned away.

"Come and I'll take you upstairs" He just answered and started walking so I followed behind him.

I don't understand and I don't want to think about anything but..

Why does he seem to be avoiding my questions?

“Louis! Are you ready? Come and clean the back of the house" I turned my gaze to Riana and immediately put on my t-shirt which was loose and a bit thin so I wouldn't sweat quickly.

"Are we the only ones to clean?" I asked and helped him with his cleaning supplies.

"Yes because the others will do something" He answered and we walked together towards the living room, we saw others wiping every corner of the living room and others removing the wood from the window and... replacing it?

"Riana, why are they changing the wood in the window?" I asked and I was surprised because they all suddenly turned to me but I couldn't read their thoughts, I couldn't explain their expressions so I was scared.


"Please be patient, he's new" Riana suddenly said, they didn't answer and suddenly went back to what they were doing... they act like robots.

"Come on, Louis" There was a hint of annoyance in Riana's voice that was softened by my expression.

"Sorry.." I just said as we walked towards the back of the house.

"Louis, this is the only thing I can advise you because I can't say too much.." His voice was serious, he sighed and looked straight at me.

"You can't ask questions here, obviously? I'm telling you this because I don't want you to be harmed, even if the young master isn't here, someone is watching our every move, so don't disobey everything that Sonya has forbidden you" His voice was serious but weak, wondering. anyway I nodded.

"Louis, don't let your curiosity swallow you.. because that might be the very thing that will destroy you" He warned and I could see the worry in his eyes, he let go of me and continued walking so I followed again him.

"It's a weird question for you, but I want to know why you're telling me all this, so you won't be the one to get hurt" I asked as we continued walking.

"Because if 'mangyare' happens that shouldn't be 'mangyare', no one will help you, no one will try to help you.." He answered and his voice went from page to page, I didn't say anything again because it looked like he didn't want to. talk more or he doesn't want to talk anymore.

When we got to the back of the house, there was a brown door that looked like a cave, I stared for a few seconds before I heard Riana's voice.

"If manang Sonya hasn't told you yet, you are not allowed to enter there, including the gate on the left side of the house that you probably saw earlier" He said while sweeping and immediately became silent, I didn't just word because I don't want him to fall for me.

I started cleaning while clearing my mind of the things I knew—I didn't know yet.

There are so many secrets in this house that's for sure, maybe the owner they call the young master is the same.

While cleaning, I saw a small drawer leaning against the wall, I approached it and slowly lifted it so that I could clean the part there.

But I was surprised because I saw a grave, I couldn't read the name but both visible and date of birth and death.



"Help!!” I almost jumped in shock when I heard a hair-raising scream, the scream was quite soft because that person was far away.

"Riana did you hear that? Where is that cry coming from?” I asked and felt my surroundings and my eyes widened when suddenly the woman screamed again.

"You didn't hear anything, convince yourself that you didn't hear anything" Riana suddenly said that I was very scared, I heard the scream again but suddenly it was cut off as if someone stopped her.

I couldn't help it and I wanted to peek because that scream got better from behind this not-so-high fence.

I stepped onto the drawer and grabbed the other center of the cement before lifting myself up.

My eyes almost widened and I lost my balance and I fell to the ground, immediately Riana came to me and supported me.

Unbelievable, how come there was a maze behind this house? What is that huge maze for?

My curiosity is growing cause of the mystery of this house.

I want to know more.

To Be Continued...

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