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My Billionaire Ex

My Billionaire Ex



"Have you found him yet?" A Man with a cold voice asked his Personal Investigator "Yes Sir, he's hiding at this Country" The Investigator said as he points a Country on his Computer "Ok then where's the exact location of his house in that country?" The Man said again while coldly looking at the screen "His address " The Investigator said "Ok here's your payment" The Man signaled his assistant to grab the briefcase full of money "Here's 1 Million Cash, is that enough for you?" The man said as he lights up a cigarette and puffs it "Yes Sir, Pleasure doing business with you" The Investigator said as he bows and grabs the briefcase full of money then left "You think you can hide from me that long hmm?" The Man said as he smirked while looking at the screen

Chapter 1 my private jet

Chapter 1

"Tell them to prepare my private jet, we need to go to [country] as soon as possible" The Man said while still puffing his cigarette

"Yes Sir" His Assistant immediately left to inform the others

"Just wait until I get there darling, your not gonna be able to escape me again" The Man said as he smirks and puts his ciggarette down

His Sebastian Lewis Rueggo, The Most Famous and Richest Billionaire in Asia, he's also one of the youngest Billionaire Worldwide. He earned that title when he was just 22, and now he's 25 and still kept that title. He owns 5 Big Company's and have a lot of Businesses, seems like he can get what he wants right? All the girls are drooling over him. But he only wants one person, and that's his Ex, Keith Jace Avir.

Keith Jace Avir's Point of View

"Hey, have you heard about the Famous Actor?" A friend of Keith says

"Tsk let me guess? You already have a crush on him" Keith replied with a sassy tone

"No d*mbhead" A friend of Keith says

"What is it then?" Keith replies while rolling his eyes at his friend

"He's gonna come to our school tomorrow" Keith's friend, Xavier said while jumping

"Tsk whatever, you seem so excited that you can meet a Famous Actor just now" Keith speaks in the Tagalog Language with an accent

"Pft you sound so ma-arte with that accent, stop that Keith" Xavier rolled his eyes at Keith

"Oh whatever let's just go to class, we're probably gonna be late if we keep on chit-chatting idiot" Keith rolled his eyes and starts walking towards their Classroom

Sebastian Lewis Rueggo's Point of View

"Son, is it true that your gonna fly to Spain?" My Dad said while sitting on the dining area, they visited me for some unknown reason

"Yeah what about it?" I replied with a cold tone

"Is it for a meeting or for someone else?" My Mom said while looking at me with a teasing look

"Tsk you know that I only want one person right?" I replied in a cold voice

"You still haven't moved on from him Brother?" My younger sister said she's 20 years old

"You know my answer on that question Nathalia why do you keep asking that?" I said and stood up

"I don't want you to move on from him brother, he's so kind and pretty, that's why I support you guys" Nathalia smiled

"I know, I'll be at my room, just tell me when you're going home" I said and went upstairs and went straight to my room

Sebastian Lewis Rueggo's Point of View

As I opened the door of my room I saw a picture frame of me and Keith, I sat on my bed and grabbed the picture frame on the night table

"I'm sorry if I hurt you Jace, I promise I won't do it again" I said while my eyes we're already teary

I hate myself because I hurt and made him cry, I can't just see him cry.

Keith Jace Avir's Point of View

"Mr.Avir" Our Professor said while he's discussing

"U-uhm yes Prof?" I said, I'm staring at the window again argh

"Why aren't you listening at the lecture?" The Professor said and raised his one eyebrow

"Uhm Prof-" I didn't have the chance to continue my sentence because our Professor spoke again

"As your punishment, you will tour our Visitor tomorrow" Our Professor said that made everyone shocked

"But Professor I'm in charge of decorating the stage for Tomorrow" I said then stood up

"Professor?" One of my classmates, Katie raised her hand

"Yes Ms. Dela Fuentes?" Professor said as he looked at Katie

"Sir it looks like Keith doesn't want to tour our Visitor tomorrow, I'll suggest that I'm the one who'll tour him around the campus" Katie said with full confidence

"No Ms. Dela Fuentes, Keith will still be in charge of touring Mr. Rueggo perhaps you can be the one designing the stage?" Professor said

"R-Rueggo?!" I accidentally shouted because I got shocked

"Yes Mr. Avir?, do you have any problem?" Professor said

"U-uhm No Prof" I faked my smile then sat down

"Calm down Jace maybe it's not him, There's a lot of Rueggo's out there there's 8 Billion of People in the World so maybe it's not him just calm down and act natural" My thoughts said

Sebastian Lewis Rueggo's Point of View

"I swear I won't hurt you again and I won't let anyone steal you from me again" I said then smirked

Someone knocked at my door. I quickly put our picture down on my bed

"What is it?" I shouted while fixing our picture

"Brother can I come in?" My little sister said

"Fine I guess?" I said and stood up to open the door

Nathalia entered my room and I closed the door

She sat on my bed and opened her phone

"Do you need something?" I said while looking at her

"Brother that little b*tch kept on chatting me" My sister rolled her eyes

"Who's b*tch is it Nathalia?" I said seriously

"Tsk your fucking ex? That girl named Valerie?" She rolled her eyes again

"Ex?, She didn't even become mine, Nathalia" I said coldly

"Oh sorry Brother Keith just happened to be your ex" she then laughed

"Tsk, speaking of Keith I have something to tell you" I said then smiled a bit

"What is it brother?" she said excitedly

I whispered something to her then she hugged me

"Brother please bring him back to our house I miss him so much" Nathalia said while hugging me

"Yeah yeah I won't worry, but first how can I bring him back here? I said then my sister smirked at me

"Brother, I have an idea" she said then whispered her idea to me

"Finally your brain is working Nathalia" I said then laughed

"Tsk it always works bro" she rolled her eyes at me

"Anyways tell Mom and Dad that I need to go now, or else I won't get there at the specific time" I said then leaves my door

I already booked a suite at the [Country]

I quickly left my house and went to my car and drove to my own private airport,

I got out of my car when I got to the airport

"Let's go I don't want to waste a lot of time" I coldly said and went inside my Jet


Keith Jace Avir's Point of View

I'm getting ready for school when an Anonymous Person texted me, I don't give my phone number to any strangers. I decided to open the text

"See you later, baby" the text that the Unknown Person sends

"What the f*ck? Who's this Person" I talked to myself while putting some powder on my face

I just ignored it and got out of my room, I grabbed the keys of my Apartment and got out then locked the door. Xavier was already waiting for me outside

"Hey Keith, where are you?" Xavier chatted me

"On my way, just wait for me" I replied

"Hindi ka gold sis, hurry up" After I read the message and close my phone then go outside immediately, Xavier is a short tempered person

"About time, I thought you would be left behind" He rolled his eyes at me

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and went inside his car, I have a vehicle but I'm too lazy to drive it plus all those flirty girls will just talk to me if they see me driving my motorcycle. I mean yeah they talk to me even though I don't drive my motorcycle, they just annoy me anyways so I don't talk or even interact with them.

Sebastian Lewis Rueggo's Point of View

I'm talking with someone on the phone while heading to my suite, we landed at the [country] awhile ago I didn't wanna waste my time so I asked my driver to drive me to my suite

"Did he agree Mr. Valdez?" I asked someone on the phone

"Yes Sir, no need to worry about that" He then chuckled after he said that

"Good, I'll give your payment when I get there" I said while looking at the window

"Yes Sir thank you" He said happily

I ended the call when we got to the hotel, I got inside then the Receptionist gave me the key immediately. I got to my suite and took a shower then changed my clothes

Nathalia Rueggo's Point of View

"Mom Dad, Brother Lewis left earlier" I said then smiled

"Do you know what's the purpose of him going to [country]" Mom said

I smiled then tell them the reason of why Kuya is going to [country]

"I knew it he still loves him" Dad smiled when he heard it

"Let's just hope that my plan works" I smiled then looked at my phone

"What's your plan Sweetie?" Mom said then smiled

"You'll know it when they got here" I can't help but to smile

"Maybe your plan is all nonsense" Dad said

"Don't worry Mom and Dad it's not silly We Promise" I smiled and went upstairs every girl that we pass by we're looking at me

"Tsk am I really that handsome for them to look at?" Xavier said in an arrogant tone

"Oh shut up d*mb*ss" I said then rolled my eyes

"Hello Keith Good Morning" Javier said then smiled, Javier is courting me for 1 month I think

"Good morning too" I smiled back

"Um, are you free later?" Javier asked me

"Yeah why?" I then replied

"Um can we go on a coffee date?" He said then smiled at me

"Sure I have nothing to do later" I smiled then my friend Xavier coughed

"Your not the only people here hello?" He said then rolled his eyes

"Later Keith, I'll wait for you at the front gate" Javier smiled then went to his Classroom

"Come on Keith, you're really flirty" he said then laughed

"Shut up nobody likes you" I rolled my eyes

"All students go to our Auditorium our guess has arrived" The Head of the School said

"Oh sh*t I forgot about that" We quickly go to the Auditorium

All of the students are here a lot of them we're screaming and happy while I'm f*cking annoyed because of Beatrice, Beatrice has a crush on me, she's clinging on my hands and she's leaning on my shoulder argh

Xavier has been laughing because of my face, I'm disgusted as f*ck yeah I'm a Bisexual but dude, she's too flirty and to pick me for me. I can't be in a relationship with someone who's been flirting with all of the guys here

"Keithie are you free later?" Beatrice said in a pick me girl tone argh I hate it so much

"Don't call me Keithie and besides me and Javier are gonna hangout" I said with a cold tone and a serious face

The host starts talking and giving clue on who's our 'visitor'

"Are you guys ready to know who it is?" The host said with a cheerful tone and almost all of the students

"Come on out Mr. Sebastian Lewis Rueggo" The host said and all of them shouted including Xavier and Beatrice

"W-wait what?! Sebastian Lewis Rueggo?! F*ck no please tell me it's just a dream please!!!" My thoughts said while I don't know what to do!!!!!

Sebastian Lewis Rueggo's Point of View

"Hello haha" I said and looked around to find him

I finally find him, he's stupid, he got more pretty than before, My eyes darted at the Girl that's clinging on his arm and leaning on his shoulders

Tsk is that his girlfriend? I didn't know his standards on girls are low

"OMG, SEBASTIAN IS SO GOOD!!" one student said while shouting

"Uhm thanks" I said and smiled

"I WISH YOU ALL NOTICED" the other one said

"Aww don't be jealous" I said jokingly

"Ok enough haha" The host said while chuckling

"May I ask why did you come here Mr. Rueggo?

"I came here to finally announce that I have a Fiancè" I said then smiled

Keith Jace Avir's Point of View

Oh he had a Fiancè by the way, good for him but why did he announce it here and not on any social media platforms?

Beatrice is still clinging onto me I just let her. I don't know but I suddenly got hurt when he said that he had a Fiance

To Be Continued...

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