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The Blindness Love

The Blindness Love



"Son please I'm asking you a favor" I sighed at what he said, how many times he has reconciled me to different families for a forced marriage. "How many times do I have to tell you father? I'm a business man and I'm always busy, clearly I don't have time for that" I said with a bit of stern in my voice but still soft and serious, cause I don't want to be rude especially when I'm talking to my father. "I know that, that's why I chose someone more worthy" I slightly raised my eyebrows at what he said, he noticed what my expression was conveying. "This is the son of my business partner in Singapore" My lips parted at what he said. He said 'son' does that mean he will set me up with a man? "Excuse me? You said 'son' don't tell me it is what I think it is" I was serious and frowning when he nodded so I raised my eyebrows at the same time and crossed my legs while I interlaced my fingers. while elbows resting on both handles of my swivel chair. I'm intrigued to know why he suddenly wants to set me up with my fellow men, even though he only reconciles me with women. "Father.. can you tell me the reason why you suddenly want to marry me with a man? I didn't know you support same gender relationship, new side of you perhaps?" I asked and slightly raised my eyebrow. "Because no matter which woman I settle with you, none of them will last two months, but this person I am sure will last you" He replied seriously which silenced me. Before you misunderstand the situation, the reason why they're not lasting longer is because of my lack of time and I'm not giving them attention, so they think I don't care about them which is actually true. "Hmm.. how can you be sure that he will last?" I asked and crossed my arms, I'm getting more interested in this mysterious guy. "I can assure you that he will not beg for your attention unlike the previous ones, Khazian is a shy boy and very quiet.." He said seriously but I raised my eyebrows because he seemed to want to say something more, "He's also blind..” I suddenly adjusted my seat because of the words he added. "What did you just say? Father I'm shocked, are you asking me to take the responsibility and take care of a blind guy?" I asked furiously. "No son. Khazian is different, he may be disabled but he can do the work of a non-blind person” My interest and curiosity increased even more with what he said. "You mean he can do house chores? Can he cook or anything?” I asked while raising an eyebrow, he nods, "But don't expect his movements to be perfect, sometimes he gets injured too" He added and I know that, he's blind so I expect that already. "When will I see him?" I asked and sat properly, I fixed my tie and crossed my arms again while tapping my fingers on my biceps. "Tomorrow, I've talked to his family and they want to talk to you.. prepare yourself" He said before he stood up, turned around and left, ending our conversation just like that. "A blind guy huh? I'm even more intrigued" I whispered to myself before I adjusted my seat and went back to work. Hmm.. looks like this is a new air for me to breathe..

Chapter 1 The restaurant

Chapter 1

Lucius Vallentino's POV

"Master, it's time" I fixed my necktie and my hair before I walked out of my room and started walking.

"Is father already there?" I asked while walking downstairs, "Yes" My father's assistant answered as we both headed towards the front door.

I'm wearing a black suit, a casual button blazer.

When the front door opened I immediately saw the limousine, so it was certain that we were going to an elegant restaurant. What else can I expect from a family with a company in Singapore.

"Son you're finally here. Let's go, his father has a tiny bit of temper so we should hurry up" I didn't say anything and enter the limousine before he drove, I was silent the whole time and just staring outside the window, admiring the city lights and those tall buildings.

It wasn't long before we arrived at a fancy restaurant that only rich people can be seen wearing rich clothes and jewelry worth a million, someone plays romantic tunes on the side while someone dances and they never fail to entertain others.

"Son, they are there" I followed my father who was walking towards a large round table and there were people there, I couldn't see their face properly because they were far away but when we got a little closer I can now see them properly.

My eyes immediately looked for that man but I don't think he's here, the others are quite old and it's obvious that they can all see.

"Stai cercando mio figlio? in the bagno?" I was a little surprised because the 'mother' I think? Is speaking Italian. (Are you looking for my son? He's in the bathroom)

"I see" We take a seat and my father talks to them while I'm waiting for that guy, I wanted to meet him.

“This is Lucius? I didn't expect him to be this handsome" Dad said. I think, "Of course, he is my son" My dad replied that made all of them chuckle.

"I heard you're a successful business man in Italy? How old are you again?" The mother asked while smiling, I don't want to be rude so I keep my polite voice and calm demanour just like how I talk to my father.

"Yes I am a business man so I'm always busy, I'm also 27 years old" I answered as politely as I can, I seem to have lost my focus on waiting for that guy because his mother was just keep asking questions . I don't mind though.

"Your father also mentioned that many women didn't last long, that's why I don't expect him to reconcile my son Khazian with you" She said half of disbelief, "Also, are you okay with that idea? You know.. same gender relationship” She said but I didn't answer right away, I can't just say that I like it but it'd be rude to say I hate it.

"I'm really not sure about this because this is the first time I will be reconciled with a man, that's why I want to meet your son and get to know him better" I said politely that made her smile wider.

"Did you father already mentioned that he is.." He intentionally cut off his own words to let me know if I knew, "...blind" I continued.

"Yes and Oh he's finally here, Khazian why did you take so long?" She said while looking behind me and that's when I felt a presence wall pass me, "Sorry mother" I looked up at those angelic and sweet voice.

Is this.. a guy? He's wearing just simple clothes and he's also wearing glasses. No kidding he looks like a girl at first glance, short hair that reaches his upper shoulder and his body.. so slim and sexy just like a real woman's body.

"It's nice meeting you" He flinched slightly when I took his hand and kissed the back of it gently, he looked so shocked and so my father is because I've never done this to anyone before.

It's useless if I shake hands with him anyway, so this is the only way I can think of to not look like a bastard.

He is blind but he's not holding anything else like a cane to support him, it's impressive because he can walk by himself without anyone escorting him.

"You must be Lucius, I've heard a lot about you.. nice to meet you" He said in a very low and shy voice that made me more intrigued.

"So how's your business?" Aunt Natasha asked. She's Khazian's mother and I just found out that Khazian is half Russian because his mother is.

"Everything is great, it's doing well" I answered politely, I also know that he is good at painting I'm getting impressed honestly.

"Is he your only child?" I asked while staring at Khazian, I can't take my eyes off him probably because I still can't believe that he's a guy.

"Yes, Khazian is our only baby" I nodded and turned my gaze to Khazian again, he's eating quietly and peacefully and the way he moved you'd think he was actually seeing something.

The way he cuts, stabs the steak with a fork is really impressive, he is well trained.

"It looks like you want to ask or tell me something, we can talk if you want" He said that made me startled.

"How did you know?" I asked with my neutral voice, "I can feel your gaze" He weakly replied that I adjusted the seat, did I stare for too long? Ugh.. that's so embarrassing Lucius.

"Can I know if you are blind since birth? If you're uncomfortable answering my question, you don't have to" I said but I'm hoping that he'll answer.

"Khazian, he said you don't have to—"

"It's okay mom. Uhm well no, I wasn't born blind.. I'm normal before—" I cut him off.

"Sorry but.. before? You're still a normal person now, disability is no reason not to be called normal" I said making everyone who was with us at the table turn their gaze at me, even my father.

"What? I'm just telling the truth, and you should always remember that" I said while turning my gaze back at him, he looked surprised as if he had just heard those words.

"T-thankyou I guess?" He said with a bit of a smile that slightly surprised his mom, "You smile, oh my Khazian" His mom spoke softly.

"I'm so proud of you son" My father whispered to me, looks like this is a long night for me.

My father is talking with Khazian's father and also the other business man, let them get the same table for the same bills.

There are various conversations but sometimes dad is asking me.

"So what happened?" I asked not sounding so eager to know the reason, I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

"It's.. because of someone" I was a little surprised by what he said, that's why his mommy mentioned that he is very elusive to people.

"Anyway! Why don't you tell him how good your painting is? I'm sure he'll be impressed" Aunt Natasha but in maybe she felt that Khazian suddenly became gloomy, I can't blame here she must be worried cause Khazian was too traumatized by what happened and why he went blind because of that someone.

"Mom, it's embarrassing" I heard Khazian whisper to aunt, "There's nothing to be ashamed of" I said seriously while staring at him intently, I can't get rid of what he said about the reason for his blindness.

As a matter of fact, even if I don't know what happened, if I were in his situation I would be traumatized if I lost my sight because of someone.

"You're so kind" I raised my eyebrow, Is that what he thinks of the word kind? If he thinks like that, he can easily be taken advantage of by others.

I'm not that kind. I just don't want to be rude.. especially in front of so many people, embarrassment can destroy a person's image.

And people like him are easy to take advantage of.

After the dinner that night, Khazian and I got along very well he's still shy but he's becoming a talkative person after.

He talked about how he learned to act even though he is blind, but sometimes he makes mistakes and worse he bumps into things that's why he doesn't want to stay in someone's house.

I still want to know him completely because I am intrigued by him especially how he moves, so I insist to let him live in my house.

His mother told me that Khazian can be hunted by people but we don't have a maid because I don't want to hire a maid either, and I don't need another one to serve me.

He said that he will convince Khazian so I didn't force myself, his family liked me and we all have a talk after their business. We talk about Khazian and their words only fuel my interest.

"How is Khazian to you son? He's good right? Khazian is a good guy, he's good at everything" Father said while we're now inside the Lamborghini.

"Father, do you know why he became blind?" I suddenly asked that caught him off-guard.

"Well, when we were in the hospital they said it was a car accident, then when Khazian woke up he couldn't see anything" I looked at my father again.

"You are there? What are you doing in there?" I asked while frowning, for sure that's his business trip in Europe, "Business trip" He answered, I knew it.

"Is there still a possibility that he can see?" I asked with my neutral voice, "Yes. After all, he would have seen for a long time if it wasn't for his—" My brows furrowed when he stopped his words.

"I don't think I have a right to tell you that" I just frowned because he hung up on me, I really want to know.

Suddenly my cellphone rang so I didn't think twice to answer, as expected it's Khazian's mom I wonder if she already convinced him.

"Lucius! I'm glad you picked up the phone, I would like to ask a favor if you can accompany Khazian to the doctor tomorrow" I don't have much to do tomorrow but I have a meeting, "Yeah sure, what time?" But I just thought this was an opportunity to find out what really happened to him.

"Is that the same doctor where you took him for treatment?" I asked, "Yes that's right, and khazian didn't know that you would be the one with him" She said while giggling as if she just did something silly.

"Anyway tomorrow at 7am, don't be late his appointment is at 8am" She said and I just kept answering politely before she hung up the phone, I dialed the company landline and my secretary immediately answered.

"Cancel my meeting tomorrow" I said simply, "Yes sir, but why? I thought you wanted to talk to mr. Nailla?" She said.

"Reschedule all my meetings, I have something important to do" I said before hanging up without waiting for her answer.

Hmm what should I call him? My future wife? It seems awkward if it's a husband, well he looks like a woman at first glance so there's probably no problem.

I still can't believe I'm marrying him, even on paper only.

A blind guy with the possibility of seeing again huh, but I want him to stay clueless..

"Khazian my boy, are you getting ready?" I smile at my mother and nod.

Because today is the day of my check up for my eyes, every month I have my eyes checked and every time I also hope that someday I will be able to see again.

"Son, when will you see again? I want to be with you again in the province, I want you to see mommy again" He said softly that I smiled a little, "Even if I want to see you, please let me see you again. will watch" I said laughing that he laughed too.

"Son, just tell me what to do or maybe you have to pay something to see you again, right? You know we will do everything for your daddy to see you" He said while holding my hand which made me smile.

"Yes po" I answered while smiling sweetly.

"Anyway, have you thought about it?" He asked, frowning slightly, "Which one?" I will ask.

"If you're going to live in Lucius' house, he'll be alone in his mansion.. I also want the two of you to get along" He said while stroking my hair, actually I've thought about that and I wanted to say no.

It's just that I don't want to disappoint mommy, so I can't decide properly if I agree or not.

"You know I'm not good at it, and besides, it would be embarrassing for Lucius if I break something he used.. he might even get mad at me" I used a low tone in the last word as if I was ashamed.

"He told me that it's fine, go ahead, son, so that you two can get along and also so that it won't be difficult for people" His insistence made me hold my breath.

"I'll think about it again" I could feel his grip tightening on my hand, "Alright son, no problem" He said and straightened my hair, I could feel his caress on my hair and my cheek making me smile.

Suddenly someone honked outside which made me frown but mommy suddenly screamed a little which made me even more scared, "He's here!!! Are you ready son? Let's go come here" He said hurriedly and let go of my hand so I walked towards the door.

Slowly and I was surprised because I didn't hear mom's noise anymore but I heard the door opening so I went there, even though I couldn't see anything I could feel and hear it.

I continued walking until I bumped into something hard but I was surprised because he was breathing so I backed up a bit.

"P-p-sorry.. I didn't mean to bump into you, s-sorry.." I said nervously while waiting for them to hit and push me but this person just take my hand and kiss the back of it which makes me flinch.

"It's me.. it's nice to see you again, Khazian" My eyes widened when I recognized his voice, and if I'm not mistaken it was him..

"Lucius?" I asked cluelessly, I heard my mom giggling at my left side, "None other than him" My mom answered.

"Mom.. what is he.. doing here?" I asked shyly and almost a whisper, "oh didn't I tell you? He's the one who will accompany you to the hospital, because mom has something to do, so I hope you understand" Mom answered that my eyes widened and panicked.

"Mom! I-i can go by myself, maybe you're bothering him" I said in a panic but I heard Lucius's handsome laugh which stopped me, "No no it's fine, my future wife is more important than business" He said that made me stunned and then I feel my cheeks burn.

To Be Continued.....

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