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The Annoying Roommate

The Annoying Roommate



I just got home from work. Yes, I am a student worker. As my mother told me, I need to work hard to finish my studies and to save money. I also want to get out of the place where I live now because... I have a crush with him. His name is Enzo Sanchez Tan, my annoying roommate. He likes to be angry and ruin the day. Even in the university, he can destroy. He's dominant, teasing, ignorant, arrogant and b*lly. He was a Civil Engineer student while I was nursing. Yes, I took nursing because I wanted to, right? Enzo and I have been together under the same roof for two years. I just put up with him being a bully to me. What an annoying guy. Enzo's mother and my mother are friends. So, they thought to just put us together under the same roof and help pay for the apartment. Shala apartment. Our parents also help us with the expenses of our apartment. Because of the university that Enzo and I studied at, it's famous here and the professors are good at teaching. So back to the reality, like I said I just got home from work. The living room is full of clutter. Enzo also took my annoyance!. He was sitting on the floor with his head resting on the coffee table. Wine bottles were scattered on the floor. Chichiriya's plastics are also scattered, there is also spilled alcohol liquid. It's-! It just is!. "Hey! Shit! You must have brought your disciples here again!" I said annoyed to Enzo. I approached him and hit my sling bag on his back. What I mean by disciple is his troops. "Hmph! What the hell" he said weakly and drunk. "What? You're going to turn me around again when you're messing around here?!" I shouted annoyed at him. "Mmph?" he snores softly. He looked at me like he was drunk and his eyes were still closed. "Oh, hi ryu" he said softly and hugged my leg. He's really drunk! "Hey! Let go of my leg!" I said and removed his grip on my leg. It's because it's heavy, it's too strong. " I said annoyed. 30 minutes later, I put his mess in the living room. I swept and wiped the messes and spilled wine on the floor one by one. I'm sure the living room will smell like wine again. I made Enzo stand up and offered to carry him. I put his arm on my shoulder. I walked with him to his room. I pushed him on his bed. I looked at him for a moment and turned away when he suddenly pulled my wrist, causing me to fall on his bed. "!!" I was surprised by what he did. He's on top of me?!. I immediately struggled as he grabbed my right hand and kissed the back of it. "What are you doing?!" I said surprised. He immediately let go of my hand and brought his face closer to mine. "Wait! What are you going to do?!" I said and looked away and moved my head towards the wall. He doesn't speak, I don't know about this. He touched my cheek and moved my head to look at him. His face is getting closer to mine. Just one inch, our lips will touch. I thought he was going to kiss me... But I was wrong... Because...

Chapter 1 The first class

Chapter 1

The next morning, I woke up early so as not to miss the first class. I didn't sleep well because of what enzo did. The stench of his vinegar last night was really annoying. It's like I'm traumatized, it's disgusting.

Today is our break time, my two friends and I are walking around the campus.

"Are you alright, Ryu?" asked kath, one of my best friends who is also a nursing student.

"Do you think he's okay? Take a good look at his face" said Gio, who is also my best friend and a fine arts student.

I'm having a bad trip today, I really can't forget what happened last night. I actually cleaned up enzo's vomit.

"Maybe something happened... You know" said kath to gio. Looks like I'm being teased.

"Hey don't be rude! That won't happen" gio said to kath. Kath really laughed.

"It's just chariz, my serious joke," said kath.

"Maybe you and Enzo are fighting again?" gio said to me with concern. He patted my shoulder and looked at my face again.

Yes, my friends know that enzo and I share the same roof.

"Because it was last night" I said, getting irritated. They immediately came in front of me and seemed to be making 'puppy eyes'. They are excited to know what happened last night.

"Mga stupid what I mean is that I got hot again with Enzo last night. Did you throw up on me last night" I said to them with an annoying voice. They were surprised by what I said so their expressions immediately changed, they laughed out loud at what I said.

"What's so funny?" I said annoyed. Are my friends really pissed off?.

"Enzo's shot annoys you" Kath said with a laugh.

"Really!" I said annoyed. We're just going around, whatever we're talking about. They were ahead while I was behind them.

The bell rang so they started walking faster, while I walked slowly because I was thinking about something. I was about to run to her when someone pulled my arm and covered my mouth. He led me to the alley where there was no one. I'm struggling because he's too strong. I turned to him, to my surprise it was Enzo who pulled me.

He removed his hand from my mouth, covering it.

"What?!" I said angrily.

"I have something to ask you" Enzo said to me seriously. I didn't speak and looked at him wondering.

"Did you clean up the mess last night?" he said with a serious voice. I knew what he meant so I immediately spoke.

"Ha! Isn't it obvious?" I said flatly and rudely.

"What... Did you see a small piece of paper last night? It's just spreading around" he said seriously. It's a different Enzo. He doesn't speak like this.

"Ah.. I don't know" I said with a grumpy face.

"Why isn't there? It's just on the floor?! You cleaned the mess in the living room last night so you're the only one who can-" he said annoyed. I interrupted what he was saying.

"so, you blame me?" I said annoyed. Is that little piece of paper important?

"Maybe you're forgetting what you did last night? You know I made you tired with your messes last night!" I said annoyed. My fist is closed. Not really, but it's normal for me to get angry. I'm really angry like this.

" he could not speak what I said. Maybe that paper is important. But as far as I know, it seems like I saw that last night. Is there a letter, like a home address?

He bowed his head and said nothing. It seems like his day is sad today. Or maybe he's angry because the paper he says I threw in the trash. Because I swept, of course I wasn't thinking. Do I really care? That's not up to me. He deserves that.

"That's important, ryu" enzo said softly to me. His voice doesn't seem happy, as long as you know it sounds sad.

"I threw it away" I answered him. My expression hasn't changed, it's still grumpy.

"That's vhea's address" he said softly.

Vhea is his first love. He has been courting her for a long time. One year as far as I know. The only problem is that vhea doesn't answer him. Vhea always gives him a mix signal, that's what I hear from his troops, but from what I hear, it's not. Enzo still told me that he doesn't want Vhea yet. You are not ready yet.

"Address?" I asked in surprise.

"They've moved" Enzo said softly. He is really sad. I looked at him carefully as if he was sorry.

"Sorry, I don't know" I said. I put one of my hands on his shoulder to steady him.

"It's hard to forgive especially when something important is lost. That's important to me, ryu" he said with a mix of sadness and annoyance in his voice. He turned his back on me and walked out of the alley. He left me alone thinking and unable to believe what he did.

I feel a little sorry for what I did. I was in the middle of the alley when I remembered that I still had class. I ran out of the alley while thinking about Enzo.


Because of what happened earlier. This is me walking home while overthinking. I'm thinking that maybe enzo will get back at me? Maybe he took something from my things at home that is also important?.

Because of overthinking I sped up my walk. Until I reached the apartment.

" I gasped.

I was in front of the door of my apartment with Enzo. I took the key from my bag, maybe because I was the first one to go home before Enzo. But I made a mistake, I hadn't put the key in the doorknob of the door and it opened a little because of the wind. It means enzo went home before me. I grabbed the doorknob to open it and was even more surprised to see trash bags scattered on the floor. The broken bottles were on the floor, what was even more surprising were broken bottles scattered on the floor.

I saw enzo drinking wine, you guys were still in the bottle and didn't even use a glass. He was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Enzo! Are you out of your mind?! Look at what you did!" I'm annoyed and angry with him.

I went inside and closed the door behind me. Enzo didn't speak, he continued drinking alcohol.

"Are you deaf? Oh, maybe you're just being deaf?" I said annoyed to him. His ears, nose, and lips are red. His eyes are also red, maybe from crying. His face looks very angry. Is this how love works? I don't know I haven't experienced that since I was born single.

Enzo stood up from the couch and came to me. He just kept walking closer to me. Because of his expression, I was taken back, I don't even know. I took a step back when I couldn't take a step anymore because I was leaning against the wall. Enzo came closer to me and stopped when he was too close to me.

He moved his head back towards me, I closed my eyes when I felt hot breath on my ear.

"Because of what you did, you will find vhea address" he whispered to me with a deep voice.

"Because of what you did, you will be looking for vhea's address" he said coldly while holding my upper uniform tightly.

"Do you agree to our agreement?" Enzo whispered gruffly and coldly to me. I opened my eyes and was stunned. I don't even know why I nodded.

"Good" he finally said and walked away in front of me. He is still holding the bottle.

"Nothing" I teased. Why is his face so annoyed?

He just looked at me evilly and took his alarm clock. He looked at the clock and was shocked to see the time.

he screamed in shock. He immediately stood up and ran out of his room with...

I was about to run out of my room when enzo pulled my wrist.

"You have committed another sin against me," he said. His expression was serious.

"I don't have time for that, enzo" I said annoyed. I was about to remove his hand from my right wrist but he tightened his grip so I couldn't remove it immediately.

"What's wrong?! Maybe you're forgetting-" he stopped speaking because I immediately led him.

"Why don't you just look for his social media account?!" I said annoyed. Because I answered him, he tightened his grip on my wrist even more. I'm hurting because his grip is getting tighter.

"Wait, what! Let me go!" my struggle

"He doesn't even have an account on facebook, instagram, twitter, telegram anywhere. It's because he deleted his account, and do you know what I hate?" he said coldly and came to me. He is still holding my wrist.

"You ruined my plan" he told me. plan? What plan is he talking about? I can't understand what he's saying.

"I'll look for it later after work. Enzo has a class. I don't want to skip the first class" I begged. Shock! It's 7:35 and it's only 10 minutes before my first class starts. This enzo is really annoying, if I could punch him I might have done it. Yes, I'm a man, haven't I done that before? Maybe it's because of what I did to him.

"Stand by what you said, otherwise... I won't let you into the apartment" he whispered to me before letting me go. He went to the kitchen and drank a glass of water. This shit guy can ruin the day.

Of course I didn't take a bath anymore. I immediately speed up the handling upon entering. I didn't even eat, I just took a shower, I just smelled it hehe.

Enzo came in later around 9:00 am. So he doesn't have problems. Turns out it's not a problem because of me. Maybe he is bw3set with me because he always sees my cute face, joke.

So, I ran to the university. Why don't you stand in line to ride a tricycle? The queue is too long. There is an apartment but no tricycle yet.


When I entered the classroom, I was immediately scolded by Professor Henry, our prof in the subject biochemistry. That's why I stress immediately because the first subject is the subject I hate.

even got scolded. Why is it taking so long to wake up? My alarm clock keeps going off. Bad trip right?.

As soon as I entered, Kath immediately raised an eyebrow at me. Yes, we are in the same class, probably she is also a nursing student. I just smiled at him so he wouldn't think about me.

So according to the discussion, no activities were done, so it's good that I didn't understand anything in Sir Henry's discussion.

lunch time.

Kath and Gio were with me in the cafeteria. We also got a tray with food, of course. We also looked for a place to sit. After a while, kath and gio looked at me. I don't know why, is there something wrong with my face?

"You know, she was late for class earlier. Maybe something happened to her with Enzo," Kath whispered to Gio.

" maybe they're fighting again" gio also whispered to kath. I hear what they mutter about me. These are really disciples of Marites.

"I can hear you" I said lazily as my mouth was filled with food.

"Oh hehe" Kath laughed softly. Kath really initiated the issue, while Gio went along with Kath's nonsense.

"But are you really fighting again?" Kath told me with an excited expression.

"No" I answered with a serious expression.

"Hm! Confirm! There was a fight! It's obvious from your expression," gio said to me with a slay effect.

I couldn't say anything so I just kept quiet. The two of them were just laughing while I was overthinking.

After a while we finished eating. My vision was everywhere until I saw Enzo's troops. Suddenly something hit my head that seemed to relieve me. Suddenly I smiled and thought of something.

They were about to stand up when I suddenly led them.

"You take it back, I'll just ccr for a while" I said as we left the seat together.

They just looked at me when I ran away.

Just because of a woman is he doing that? Did vhea charm enzo?!

Enzo stopped walking and turned to me. His look is no longer funny, it's a sultry look mixed with anger.

"Put away everything I scattered" he said and looked away and went to her room.

Is this real? Is he ordering me?! Well, he has no right to order me. But... I was still able to follow him maybe by repenting.

I followed what he wanted. I picked up the big bumps one by one, when I got a bump, I should have just swept it and injured my finger.

I just let the little blood on my finger and continued what I was doing. Because my finger was injured, I just swept it. I picked up the scattered plastics one by one.

Get ready for me Enzo Sanchez Tan, I will never forget this night.


I woke up early because of the sun shining through the window. Bw*set day, my sleep was good.

I tried to stand up on the bed, but suddenly my head froze.

"fuck" I said annoyed and grabbed my forehead.

"Argh! Hangover!" I said annoyed. I have a bad headache, maybe because of what happened last night. I held both my palms to my forehead. I tried to blink my eyes again and again because they were blurry.

"Did I drink a bottle last night?" I whispered to myself.

I remember what I did last night. Did it float and disappear? Who else is the reason for the f*t*** I'm flirting with?

I sat on the bed for a while and then decided to stand up.

I left my room, I even scratched my back and yawned .

After I left my room, I was surprised because the living room was clean. I remember when I got lost last night, I even threw broken bottles.

I heard a noise from Ryu's room. Because our rooms are next to each other, I can actually hear the noises he makes there, except for the ung-, just kidding.

Because of that noise I went to Ryu's room, his door was not locked so I entered. When I entered, the dummy was still fast asleep. Snoring and still has drool on his pillow.

Because I thought of something silly, I approached him and took his alarm clock that had been making noise for a while. Maybe the dummy is going to have a tantrum again.

That's it, I took the alarm clock and then stuck it to his right ear.

When I put his alarm clock on his right ear, boom! Personality is explosive, just kidding. You fell on the bed. Because, it's also his fault, because he sleeps on his side. Right on the edge of the bed, it fell.

He woke up and scratched his right ear. He immediately looked at me. My face is serious, when my face is serious I am mistaken for grumpy.

I suppressed my laughter so that I could look really rude to him.

"Is it your problem?!" he said angrily.

To Be Continued...

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