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Criminal Types


Word Count: 4176    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

less avail than


y which to be betrayed into half-baked "contentions." He has painted with pat regard for time, place, and individuals, whether the latter wore no

wish Kipling had studied criminals as he has studied other men, and that his "insta

bout the criminal mind by gourd-vine protagonists during the last thre

I my brother's keeper?" to those who sought the murdered Abel, shadows forth fundamentally the attitude of mind of the average citizen towards the felon of to-day. It adumbrates, as well, the predilection of the criminal, now

es crime-weapons in their hands. Along criminous trails they blaze they usually leave easily-recogniz

en and resourceful criminal, who is nearly callous to the effects of criminou

edly in ethical argument on your chosen ground, where

ocial service as a duty, and on the cumula

g that kind of service? How many besides those who make a 'so

question of individual responsibility; that it doesn

on the retailers? Why not sound the curfew on a batch of the bi

unningly elects shall put society on the defensive. That won't do, so you switch and let fall your k

degree; albeit the belief seldom strikes deeper than fear of far-removed cons

igma with which the Almighty stamps such as thieving, he will cite

t his intrinsic grain; that he had several times started out to seek the Saviour to be shriven of the unnatural load he had borne; and th

all nationalities; first off because she has made no serious effort to understand what he is, and why he is what he is; a

upon his being what he isn't, either mentally, morally or physically; but further upon attaching to him the least modicum of responsibility for his criminal acts. Having fu

bidden to her bosom, and there nurtured them with national pabulum that soured on their stomachs

that did they warn in vain, it would be a question of only a comparatively few years when America would lose h

phenates who constantly press for group expression encircled by the restrictive collar of creed; and with social wolves become so bold that they

ld mentally in reserve not a thing that crosses that oath. This, primarily, through lengthening the probation period prior to issuance of final papers granting citizens

le percentage of them are the offspring of Americans whose ancestry strikes back native-born for

ut that fact doesn't let America out for her own brood of social backsliders; neither for the manner in which she has

n America, is American-made. There is no getting away from

ifferent hindrance by Italy; yet they much prefer America as a camping ground. Why? Why for the simple reason that loose as is Italy's legal hold up

ing aftermath of the World War, can an individual, of his own volition, commit capital crime, and

s specific acts, of the mind of the capital criminal in America? And by "capital," we do not mean to point the ruthless bungler who employs clumsy

with the just might of impartially executed law. Note how a hard glint will strike through the ey

known. He is the most dangerous because he is the most resourceful, and has the least regard for human life; he is the least excusable for the reason that no country has ever borne with him and tried to help him pull

; the patrolman; the politician; the social worker; the reformer, active and passive; probation officers; the prison agent of high degree he knows must play up to the merry-go-round cu

material concepts fit human nature closely enough to enable him to go after and get pretty nearly what he wants, in and out of prison, w

to an adjoining room and tale off most of those objects. Probably you couldn't do so; but if you couldn't,

to believe himself irresponsible for his illegal acts; this, seemingly oblivious of the fact that the mark of t

uld be disposed of, that's America's business. His business is to promote the calling of false turns on him in favor of e

onsideration along any line you suggest; but not for a moment does he

se which precede; but just because they are lay gentlemen they do

idst. It also postulates a broad culture, inclusive of the specific bearing of genetic parallels and the reverse

e basic specifications for the social rehabilitation, by institutional corre

in the discovery and use of that anti-toxin. Assume further that he conned a few chemical paragraphs, messed about in hospitals, tinkered at sy

less in the work. (2) Secondarily, they have been much more than a mere nuisance, in that they have made it their business to pull down the framework of rational reformative régimes put up by actual criminologists. (3) And in the

sn't had to do so. Those highest up in reformative councils have obligingly lettered reformative measures to his hand. Therefore he is al

anding cards gratuitously dealt him. When society shall have matched his all-around play in the matter, will be time

America's representative hero. United States Senators and other governmental celebrities, who, with their women, occupied box seats

of his confrères? The odds against his success would be nearly prohibitive, to be sure; but millions of Americans would relish his try at it. Then, too, the pug would stand a cha

in which the Christ-man got after them, and the criminal will at once take up quite somewhat of the oblique slack of his mind. Until America do

steria usually roots in an aimless spirit of unrest; and that when the wheel of time po

t Sparta's grand march to corrupted morals via the nude dance; also, America's present peek-a-boo gyr

estial dance, and concomitant blunting of the finer sensibilities. One could, because sex-charged, hysterical dancing un

effect of both as suggested and imaged is to commonize a low level of human expression; and since a low level of human expression demands

ably did just the reverse who fattened the purses o

bers of the won't work "frat" were at the ringside, drawn as by an irresistible magnet to their natural element. But think on represe

bringing-up, and the blood and bringing-up of the average criminal? How about the mind of a public servant who does not know a bestial, crime-breeding thing when he sees i

or interpret the laws of his land, on which the

If they could not have been, were they mental, moral and physical "hayseeds" of their day: or, do certain of their successors fundamentally flout thei

aking brutish sport a part of the common and uncommon education of her young males? If you are inclined to pass the query, question closely

alleged defensive war with her enemies, real and imaginary; whereas such as prize fighting conserves the all-

ant" first, last, and all of the time, to pack the purses of human parasites; to pack purses that are unpacked to beat the law

ong as they hold to Nature's laws. Those who go against them are usually as good as "licked" before they enter the ring. Therefore the hundreds of "marked" would be "cham-pee-ons" who eke out a living serving essentially as punching bags for their physi

dred-thousand dollars of gate money of the Dempsey-Carpentier fight will circulate as disappearing dollars. The bulk of them will disappear from legitimate lanes of trade and circulate through corrosive sporting channels, the which are a drag upon th

the final word, that sport overdone at once locks arms with the c

fect; or by what specious arguments he seeks to establish

sn't, he never has done so, and he never will. He knows that always of the mass an appreciable percentage of sporting-bug bitten individuals

t of the foul mess. That resides in spiritual loss not to be calculated in dollars and cents: a spiritual los

e wasn't a thing "sportsmanlike" about that brutal battle. There wasn't, if for none other than the reason that Carpentier gave away nearly twenty pounds to probably the hardest-boiled, two-fisted fighter of his weight the prize ring has ever known. That, alone, spelled th

t. Carpentier didn't have a ghost of a chance. American pugs knew it, though they

ring, and the chance the layman has when he stakes his money against the underground machinations of those who "toil not" and w

lizing sport: Rot, again, pure rot. Not a thing attaches thereto but which

se; for, in just the degree men fail to realize that they are the moral "keepers" of His children, they will be hel

rting thief, and thug, primed for a nefarious busine

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