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Criminal Types


Word Count: 3545    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

field in which man, puffed up, put

yman's card. No such thing is demanded of the criminologist by the public;

chiefs need bear with them to profound employment but an i

but they keenly relish the idea of crossing swords with criminologists, albeit the latter must be so

s serious harm to humanity, the tinkerer sets up his moulds much in the spirit that a child builds with blocks, then tumbles them over, except for th

ilities of a prison population, in itself as a hair trigger to vibrate to unseemly disturbance of natural checks and impulses. A false edict out of the mouth of authority ofttimes is sufficient to start the priso

ll do so the former. What is more, the harm done may not crop out in overt act of character whatsoever; but it will

dly ego-centric; and secondly, for the reason that the false throws of his supposed mentors and moulders, parallel in his mind his own oblique thinking and doing, and leave him no more to blame for what he did

egain his liberty, and not being the dunce he is falsely tagged, he plays up to parole with the destructive weapons so obligingly placed in

with him concerning fundamental questions of right and wrong; and since he is able commonly to effect such compromise, he res

mass, between ten and thirty per cent have to be force-fed to a degree first off of educative practice and precept. They do, for the standing reason that for long years they had been fool-fed into habitual self-indulgence and self-centered acts, inimical to the p

plex problem. Leave out the few prisoners whose crimes were purely

eir deft work once again, and his flesh and bones disintegrati

with the hide of the ox, the ideals of the hog,

ould save, miserly of everything he should spend, nearly casehardened to the voice of authority, i

divided as between "home-brew," and the offspring of natural breeders of social hyenas w

ppancy in appreciable measure by pseudo-criminologists, who could not swi

ons, who is not familiar with the drift and natural determinations of an appreciable

igrants are so easily induced by hyphenates to ride rough shod. True, the mostly American-made criminal is all too common; yet had not America allowed immigrants to root in her social so

e particular instinctive predispositions that motivate special groups to unsocial and anti-social expression; and to

off his balance by newly-paired polysyllables, nor bow conviction to related ideas so framed as to fight each other, yet avoid planting his empirical feet

; and duty no less demands that he shall select sparingly of unproven hypotheses. This,

e must bear equipment more convincing than "an itch to dabble" and "the nerve to flare his farthing cand

example, know generally about the functioning of the human brain; but if he judges falsely as to mental

When the padding is superinduced by suggestion from the mental healer, as the writer has known it to be, his subject from then on usually takes the short cut to th

rk from the ground up in the work; preparation that enables them to see all of the way

from a very large percentage of the general mass of mankind, actually predicate them as slightly emphasized examples of that percentage of the m

sual degree, closely-allied parallels are to be drawn as

ing mind; also, he will quite reliably pile on somewhat of the temper and

ratively insensible to pain endured or inflicted, w

coddling by society into a certain criminal cunning, resents the setting on him of

on earth ever gave him a show for his white ally. Betimes, his contentions carry more than a kernel of

but shadow forth human nature as it

leave undone; as for just one example: the time and place for society to have it out with the swashbuckling little brute, is in the primary grade at public school. Even then society may be about six years too late

lic schools; which is to say: to pass him up to such as gutter-snipe gangsters to complete his anti-social education. And if the lad lands in a juvenile school of reform whose s

tes, he stands a bare fighting chance to pull up and win out; but where, if compromise is again effected with his instinctive predilections, expressed in the habitual act, he is groomed to keep keepers agog i

e contents of which, to the last syllable, the c

ribe for criminals. Passing the fact that the highest-hung fruit on the reform tree tempts to far-flung reaching

ugh his touch with men, affairs and books, his gifts as a leader and organizer, and essentially, his capacity to create and maintain a reformative mill that automatically separates wheat and chaff. Thereo

ever singular cause, as some assert-for the grand average of the imprisoned, ameli

e brain, there subconsciously to shape the sexual manifestations of the adult life of the subject-unless he enlists the aid of the psycho-analyst to bring the deep-lying layers to the surface, and to lead him to ra

ly to lead and loaf; whereas, if allowed to hunt freely to his nose from certain of his natural instincts during the plastic years, recourse then by his trainer to such a

radle; but it will not do to pounce upon it as being the singular cause for his social failure. There will be cross currents, some of them usually of congenital base, others running with the sum of his brin

on his special knowledge he had also conned the necessity for interlocking of the cardinal cogs of the reform mill, and done it an active agent for not less than five years in the mi

man to discourage earnest research for better means by w

practice, finally fastened to him by the ever-tightening straps of habit. When the refor

conducive of the state of mind the average lad is in when he is received by a reformatory. The first duty of the criminologist will be to impress the newly

predal parasite, and partly all-around brutal sporting bull, caps them all; indeed, decision to horn in with spurious sportsmen, and t

ative measures in order to feature sporting activities, subjects sponsors of that procedure to unanswerable stricture. In such instan

ound on which such as the "rough-house" disturber and agitator may influence the mass to express the like of his oblique thoughts and acts. And also, he will make it very plain that free-hand recreation in the reformative scheme is out of the good hearts of the management,

ng men, who can put their fingers on their sporting dives as chargeable with their plight as prisoners. Burned in the baking

conscious thoughts, will motivate them to sip of this and that; to plan for variety o

thermore, a nearly perfect conduct record will not, as a general proposition, alter the case in the least; in fact, the lad who cunni

ong industrial and associated lines, backed by his will to adjust to

e freely prescribed nostrums of reform that are diametricall

ouds. Just recall that the American recidivistic criminal holds the world's record by a furlong to the mile; that he does so under mundane pressure in the grand majority of instances;

to apply. He cannot have acquired specific means to that end a'circling in a swivel chair, and he won't get anywhere with any kind of preparat

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