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Criminal Types


Word Count: 3801    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ited States, it was alleged by those of his craft:

when even "duplex" telegraphy was a far-removed possibility. Also, he was rated an electrician when the "Electrical World" i

his contemporary; indeed, if tradition is to be accepted, both, when young, were afflicted with an ov

to do something no other man had done, and to serve his fellowmen in the doing. In due time the "inertia" gav

crowding close to four-score-and-ten, "Work is worship" with him, and none need expect his ap

ust, wouldn't plant himself and take root. He could both "send" and "receive" faster than any man on earth. He was the best of fellows when "lush"; but he couldn't c

globe. Bogy, sensing not the least of responsibility unto himself, to man or his Maker, to properly express princely attribute

ork Produce exchange, and going to the W. U. booth asked the loan of a dollar from the operator. Bogy said, 'I a

unblushingly "hitting" his home friends for petty larges

along with his mental and manual skill. He shuffled from the subscriber for the last time a nerve-shattered dere

est. Besides, he lacked nerve to accept the gambler's chance at the game of predation. Further, his

to magnet; shoals, many of which break from a treacherous undertow, many more of which cannot be charted so as to arrest the serious attention o

, and would lead a complex, carnal, varied, and parasitic life. Also, in going out for, and feeding on, unearned increment, he shadowed forth incipiently the all-pervasive mo

s done and left undone by those, the great majority of whom ne

ho schemes grossly to manipulate price levels on commodities, when the str

k, who presses for the usurer's pounds of flesh money, e'en to th

end that the thieves and their retainers may flaunt brassy symbols of ill-gotten gain in the faces of those whos

s to be of value its weight in paper: the which he is about to exchange obligingly for w

of both spirit and flesh. But what's a little thing like that to him who must have his old wine, young things, and "dough" with which to double his bets while he makes the grand rounds of the sporti

lling an instinctively fine buckra of a "boy" what a "chump" he'd be to go on playing the mule at productive work, when he "packs a double punch" with which to lan

delivered lightning-like to the part of the body of his adversary he had been patiently "playing" for; see his battered, bleeding, and befuddled foe borne from the ring, supported by his "seconds"; and then think on high qu

propose introduction to his sister of even a pugilistic "champeon" he'd probably sink his mental teeth into you. Agreeably with the social ear, he avoids war of words over his Maker's edict: "The meek shall inherit the earth"; but by nature he craves action of the kind that le

as "boxing exhibitions"; boxing, mark you, that leaves a pigmy of a lad cut and slashed, stre

ibly he had suffered internal injury that will rise up along about the medial line of life, and cut him off; and surely he had been i

very man who thinks beyond the tip of his nose, knows that the two propositions are preposterously antithetic; that historians of the future will have so

ing to his goal; insinuating distributer of tainted largesse; any man's man so he be the highest bidder; no man's man who despises disloyal duplicity; mixer with mixers of noxious social broth, this man-mongrel of varied type and intensity of crass cunning, is the most craven of moral cowards, in that he cann

pulse to reduce friction engendered by clashing convictions. He seldom does less than well, because he is guided by a genuine desire to help ea

art it is to veer votes to suit his paymasters. What his instruments to hand? Ask h

subterranean trickster is charged with sele

out from the house tops the minute details of a natural fault, buried for long years under the statute of limitations, and through the offender having taken on nobility of soul after having squared the account, in so far as it could be squared; or to persist in a campaign of slander concerning allegations that had time and again been discredited through due processes of

done-no more, no less. True, the human mind in all of its functioning is fallible. There will be honest differences of interpretation as to what constitutes justice, agreeably with legal lore, written and traditional; but th

the latter take long and desperate chances they would not dare otherwise. The reason given also explains in positive part why the American m

asing percentage of active peace officers of cities of the first class particularly, wink at penal offenses not only, but actually lock arms with felonious offenders in the landing of all kinds of unlawful loot. Moreover, it is by no means exceptional for policemen to hold criminous club over the heads of certain of ex-prisoners who, given a fair fighting chance, p

y had deleted from reformative measures next to the last of directive virtue; and from the commission of crime, drawn all but the sterile sting of consequence. This, in the first instance, through so ordering educative processes as to strip them of fundamental efficience, while at the same time ca

actically impossible for them to have veered so grossly from essential human values, while confounding magnitudes; and secondly, for the reason that they have wrecked in the teeth of the most solemn opposition of those who have made a life's co

ck-sure of his strictly individual balm with which to work miracles of reform; yet had all of their magic been combined, and used to the height of its power, it wouldn't have made so much as a dent in case-hardened crime; it wouldn't, because n

y carry for the greatest advertising power in free life! Gross criminals, naturally of the ground-hog type, and the nucleus of crime, practically left either to shift for themselves, or smugly passed up to others for solution of their pitiable problems! The gauge of reformative effor

uals have done precisely what habituals naturally would do in the circumstance, which is to say: they have ground grist bagged to their li

ad example, nor a denatured piece of deviltry, has been lost upon any but the least intelli

edit men who had wished them well, and had acted the part; but whether in the r?le of the dispossessed or dispossessing, actual criminals have never for a moment st

ous crimes, has been strangest to their striving. Others have been rendered single-seeing through obsessional use of the monocular lens,

to orders under false colors, since the inescapable exactions of refor

of the average criminal to commit crime, by the sum of the direct and indirect bids made for him to do so, and you acc

to pick to the bone. America had outfooted the civilized world at breeding and nursing crim

ere therefore emboldened to take up the swing around the criminal circle at the completion of that service; but if tru

root and abide in American minds. The obscured fact is, that infinitely more than the ideals from which correctio

ly immune to legal proscriptions in the breaking, so long will crowded-o

, America has reached the stage of unfoldi

swath in the stand of crime; a conscience that holds every man to the

f crime the country over, will perforce center on preventi

n laws that religiously restrict; in part by searching out resident agitators against the public peace and security, and

n take on bents for thinking and doing at maturity; which is

the first logical step in point to be taken by America, should

eers for the rocks; for, "Just as th

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