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Criminal Types


Word Count: 2765    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

dden by exc


ore Roosevelt was such a man, whose wont it was to coin cutti

o champion; yet the implied negative of it may or may not h

he materials of war. Hence, largely, the staggering toll taken by the World Wa

ploys; but that is of the primary exactions. The master key to victory, alike in business and battle, is mo

. Indeed, an American army made up of prime privates, and the more petty leaders, might pound through, in a pinch, even though faultily disposed betimes

tled by swivel-chair soldiers, as it very nearly was in the War of the Rebellion; also very nearly was by round-table strategists who insisted that Foch should keep his general reserves m

ee Amiens; Amiens, seen at the time by all of the Allied leaders as plainly the objective of the German grand plan of attack. Whether or no Hindenburg now lashes hi

hat social and prison progress has been held up in America, pa

gospel: "Possibly something is to be granted to punishment as a deterrent. No doub

d religious creeds relied solely for their carrying power on strictly volunt

"wrong doing," he would have made the best case possible against punishment as a "deterrent"; yet only the best case poss

" from going the limit, and the ruthless blood-spiller whom fear of punishment eternal does not feaze. Monst

r deterrence; must know it up through the gamut of the apprehension, the conviction, a

concerning the efficience of punishment for crime. Procedure in America has been false in every named partic

other kidney; but cardinal facts have remained hidden from such, for the very good

he punishment to the offense; then fitted the institution to the offender, and the of

life imprisonment; eighty to one that he will not suffer the death penalty; and that the all-around odds are nearly prohibitive as against the practical application, bo

if only about five shots in the

e true if criminals were favored only by so much as the gambler's throw; in fact, the

o newspaper, is fully as informing as are our "minister's" conclu

every. Petty thieving by the lads of Greece was then considered a necessary accomplishment. More than tha

uilty of assertion so grossly incorrect; yet the fact remains that loosest of declaration has for long years

id the agents of Lycurgus, would be but one of many ways by which to establish them; in very t

aim the criminal law until it goes on crutches, and at the same time order prison régimes to square with the instinctive reactions of lawbrea

t mostly wasted effort yields, since Americans have been fully cognizant of the constantly widening c

stablish those lines of blood. Hundreds of thousands of those of the "lines" are daily plying disruptive wares; wares which they will continue to ply, more or

supinely tight while organized labor successfully clubs with vo

cruelest of war in miniature. Nevertheless, he piles his own dollars on the pyramid of dollars pulled down annually by the pug-ugly fratern

led of her wait breathlessly at the ringside for the benignant "K. O." Her voice, raised for the making a national p

he will be bally-well fed up with "draws," the majority of which are "crooked" in order to coin "easy m

lder to bar the way to the money-

e bebadged are frequently forced to work; of the political chicanery by which the sting is drawn on the one hand from the edicts of upright j

l not so much as step to the primary and regis

none but himself to blame. Hundreds of voices have

price, have shunted public thought from facing actual conditions, to an abiding faith in the reverse of all of hum

uff which the public has purblindly swallowed. It is out of the scrambled

s, succeed in maintaining their integrity, what excuse

n whose faculties are not well balanced. 'Jus

hieves. As a "twig," he was not "bent" and "inclined" that way. Secondly, "other men" had not "lived under the same conditions"; so the positive case is at once cleared of the cardinal hypothesis. And thirdly, since the criminal of the

indeed, it is the exception to come upon socio-criminologic

s a throw no matter how cheap; purse-packing politicians play the penological game for the "rake off"; hectic emotionalists berate those who do not see with eyes blind to the wide-open machinations of criminal malingerers; kinde

could lay brick to line with a journeyman mason; but any man or woman who has fondled a fetich of reform, backed by the most casual kno

st, to the dissonant tinkling of little bells, rung by individuals who cannot be brought to listen for the fundamental tones of reform. And therefor

both on the player and the play. Observe, also, how the real student of the game is too busy following the finesse of the general play around the whole circuit, to be led i

on reform; but it wouldn't enable the "twinkler" to worm himself under caption type. True, self-praise is seldom written into the fi

r-seeing men. It could not have been otherwise under grossly overdone probation and suspensions, made binding by most ill-co

the specific lines of this chapter, the public can make a prime start at actually speeding up social and prison reform, through searching out sel

help clarify the reform atmosphere; but when it does the pe

ter what his station or calling, who lends influence of kind whatsoev

west-down abomination called "the prize ring"; else history will have it America went

about to be pulled off, as between Dempsey and Carpentier, will aggregate close to sixteen-hundred-thousand dollars; and that a cool half million of that s

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