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Criminal Types


Word Count: 5073    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

digs to the deep meaning

s of the great majority as measures objectively imposed to compe

actory criminals with at least fearsome respect for correctional measures. Thereafter, the aim s

se confined in prisons of last resort, the bulk of prisoners buckle to, fr

the nucleus of real criminals in America. As a rule, the latter have first off to be

ir amendment and repair, it must take heed of natural a

r beyond his own. Moreover, when he insists upon contact of extremes, no apology should be offered in the process of forcing him to respect for that power. And moreover, it is tentatively insignificant if the "respect" is engendered solely by fear of the consequence. As an individual he persistently crosses the common good. As an in

titches with them in time, as for instance: every reformatory in the land confines an appreciable percentage of "graduate

e logical end, would have mended matters for the most of them; and by common sense we refer mainly to n

thinkingly. To the contrary, they were calculatingly transferring the ways and means of the thuggish gangster to reformative domain, and scoring with it; scoring with it individually n

k onto society lads who had run to institutional rope about as they chose to run, while they had been groomed to despise di

osecute banal measures prescribed by their superiors in rank of lay extraction; but be the facts thereof as they may, they have imposed first off upon ref

that kills. Of self-discipline they had learned next to nothing, and less of the law of consequence. Accustomed to having unearned donatives tossed them, and to force compromise with their obliquely-conceived and collectively-executed flings in primary institutions, they see no reason why they should be denied the one, or held up as to

his ward; then had been practically established by a juvenile plant a rough-shod, "faking," shirking, undercutting young "roughneck": the reformatory must blow him to virtue

are the readiest to visit stricture upon reformatories, because they do not work reformat

nfair, who lash prison officials because they do not reach reformative

g in a big brood of the big brood of anarchists and semi-anarchists, who have yet to do their worst; so much emphasized by execution of the general law so lax as to be ludicrous; the last clamped down by legislation

needs must nationalize, heroize, and put on pedestals the clan parasite for the youth o

lly because billions of dollars have been shunted from legitimate channels of trade to sporting grooves, there to

he gambling clerk, to the bookmaker, to other gamblers and their grand army of henchmen such as "fillers in" and race track "touts," to prosti

ains to imbue the minds of her up-coming lads with false values, as for instance: gone sporting mad, she puts a kingly premium on the blood-spilling brute and parasite, and on his parasitic promoter, wh

isan cannot earn one half of so much money in a life time. Get down on your knees and make that pleasing in t

sport-drugged lads, who would be and remain sporting drones in the social

yield in practice, suggestion and example, to the sporting schedu

to men and lads, that of which they had been and a

but serviceable muscles to be used to social and productive ends, and not to the e

d-foolish" policy of withholding money for working tools germane to the process of their reformation; essentially,

given a fair chance to make good in free life. There, they take with them the serious handicap of the prison brand; and there, crime-free mechanics grudgingly

the end, to school a lad for social rehabilitation and have done with it, than it is to do it over

e to hold that record so long as she puts up with the play-house prison, call

y carefully this deep-digging declaration by Ignatius Loyola, S. J.: "Let me instruc

learned by heart and heeded, decades ago. It is that she must, absolutely must, close her doors and keep them closed to natural breeders alike of crimi

bitually to unlawful selection; and further, shall have come congenitally by predisposition for such selection, the merry-go-round correctional plant is the last place on earth wherein amelioratio

is indefensible error; but the play should be wholesome play purged of the "pug"; it should be fixed in his mi

h is best administered is best," provided: the "form of government" run

al and human potential, and to fly in the face of geographic destiny. City-bred felons will take on just so much of farming as compulsion compels, or the ulteri

te to by-play, and bald bid is made for the drone-sport. Compromise with chronic perpetrators of evil deeds done out of evil intent, through loading them with largesse, and they are furnished with the last formula for piling deviltry on deviltry. Construe a lad's conduct as of primal importance, while holding his reaction to educative activities to be of secondary i

line fitted to the individual case, just because they are youths, and their huzzahs as one f

me for a long, long time; particularly to self-nominated lay reformers, and "uplifters," who mostly reform and uplift after th

ffects the role of protagonist concerning the most complex problem given man to solve, owes it to society to know intimately

he gutter level; don't heap discipline of any kind on a lad, until he needs must conclude that you are "down on him," and are "giving him the worst of it"; don't wabble; don't shriek; don't resort unduly to petty impositions for petty offenses; don't utter false coin of suggestion and example; don't commonize discipline of character whatsoever, else it will lose it

. Doing it, realize yours will be just one opinion about it all. Scores of others have written that w

or uninformed ego-centric, single-track dilettante, who drives ruthlessly along rock-strewn roads, over which

ter postulate him a fit subject for the psycho-analyst. According to that wrecking crew, nothing clings to the habitua

not so much respect for law and agents of the law, as eagle for sparrow. He rides gun-hung, kills for the mere blood-lust of ki

he practically dictates in a boiled shirt, and "does" what he sneeringly terms, "sleepin' time." This, spite o

x-like mentally by nature's fling in embryo, or the victims of arrested mental development. Therefore, gentlemen are moved to hurl anathema at those who dare the assertion th

ign to his intrinsic mental content. If he chooses to be a mighty clever thief, just as another chooses to be a mighty clever mechanic, and pursues single-mindedly his choice, he won't know any more about mechanics than the mechanic knows about thievery; but if he becomes

oron" in the sense that he is commonly classified a moron. His choice of mental activity is oblique, but his execution under the c

land pretty much at bay; nor press so cunningly, individually and collectively, for ill-timed and placed prison perquisites, and for comparative freedom of choice in the matter of their response to actual reformative measures; nor cast crooked lines and haul in the bebadged; nor enlist the "pull" and "protection" of higher-up grafter

trades and scholastic instruction closely and consecutively imparted, it means a taking up of their loose, anti-social slack, mental and physical; par

tool, this side of cruelty or brutality stripped of revenge, which will bring it home to habitual, b

der an industrial drive? Precisely. Make life in prison onerous enough

ect for law and authority in the minds of such as death-dealing parasites; let them know, baldly, t

ons of many other instinctive, habitual felons, whom they must sooner or later face in free life, can be trusted to preside over the destinies of a prison po

emn the prison Welfare League; but doing it, insist upon examination of all of the books, of the submerged

ents who bungle with those counterfeits for a price, and you will help make secondary prisons what they should, na

om one of England's convict prisons. When American criminals so exclaim on being released fr

amount and kind of adverse influence unloaded upon the subject, inclusive of his congenital scars. There will be parallels that apply to nearly all, and sharply-defined tangents t

only for a common criminal camaraderie, ever alertly expressed to t

ed; and less than reformatively useless is the individual who does not understand that the particular reasons for the

chooling, such as trades and occupational teaching, the emph

e; he should, because he cannot hope to get anywhere worth while and remain a crass dunce; he cannot, in conscience, out of his old-age exactions, however such as the baseball "fan" may howl to

ld not be allowed to cross the making of the whole man. This, because when such as the cunning of his throwing arm fails a man, he must have recourse to comm

arrangement of, and adjustment to, basic values. Therefore the essential purpose of the parent State shoul

put on, amended and repaired. Nothing germane is so small as to be negligible. Nothing is too

helpful, well-timed and

example are of the very weav

to file off the ragged edges of res

ood God has with us all, i

rally suited to the man a

only the smart of pain suffered, makes the soul of the recipie

to make clear the necessity for, and t

rds that flow from the hea

egative, and not all of educative dis

tor. The moment man essays to el

ble tool, and for precept to keep the gaze of lads fixed on the stars: and so, ke

leave undone, agreeably here with individual exactions, a

nd magnitudes. Doing that, he will, if he is wise, examine as closely as

has its positive uses in deeper diving for disturbing impulses, and in a more enlightened method of passing healing s

perating as between the two is not sufficient to demarcate them fundamentally. Both aim at change of habit of thought and action, primarily through removing obsession

moment, the sum of countless impressions, thousands of which were not sufficiently engraved on his memory to abide there; but which, to the last impression, pyramided upon either his good, or bad, or doubtfu

tie to fully-known, practical quantities, and apply them so that they shall yi

. Whereas, if it is reduced by too strenuous devotees to the indignity of a fad, it will l

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