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Criminal Types


Word Count: 4380    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

t of leather made of t

d displays singular agility in leaping from crag to crag, on which he lands non-skidding hoofs. Otherwise, the little climber's means of defense

ighest peaks of vision, from which he affects to train all-seeing eyes; springs nimbly from height to height in the mists of theory; rates them purblind mortals who d

and does its best to combine them. Here, again, the parallel persists. Be the idea-mixture of reform never so impossible, the mind o

sy; and it is tragic, when the barren result is predicted by reactive laws that can neither be shunted nor denied. Moreover, the more bizarre, while b

dinally on such an idea: as at present pressed, it is that it is the first duty of the State to so provide for the carefree recreation and amusement of recidivistic felons, as to win

lled, and at heart unregenerate, as evidenced by the fact of their collective machinations to place the emphasis on the kind of prison activities that helped clamp them to crooked masts in free life. No matter, in short, what their industrial and social delinquencies, cri

ruthless murder is a mere incident of the chase. "On your way!" shouts a rider, or ride

e chances are about three to one against your murderer being brought to trial, ten to one against his sentence by the book, and eighty to one that he will not suffer the death penalty? Essentially would you

shield. Still, guardians of the peace are not supermen, but just humans, swayed with the

close to prohibitive in favor of the murderous parasite. So long as that is done, both in and out of prison, so long will those in the f

wife to grub for good kiddies, to the end that pseudo-reformers may chase

harlatan is to imbue crass criminals with contempt for the badge of authority; indeed, with contempt for any

the reform cards as he would have them read. With everything to gain thereby he plans to gain, and with naught to lose sav

would putter and play ball in prison, while refusing enhanced knowledge and skill. In very fact, ul

tute the nucleus of crime in America. Hence it is, too, that just those prisons whose press agents push it along in print as to how mir

al must shift to "get along" with the State, or be brushed aside. The immediate mandate is doubly binding at a time when the hand of Anarch rests

e power of the miscalled and misguided to put the prison finish on the predal felon, and th

ning that are at once broadly educative. He does and must, first of all, protect his trial balance. Mostly he "has a heart," also he has to watch out for the leaks; and so the bars of his mind shut out the unski

either of the employer who has been the victim of so much of basest ingratitude, nor of the well-intentioned ex-convict

termined to "pull straight" following his discharge, may be shriven of serious blame for either active or passive participation in procedure which furthers his early parole. To falsely tempt a prisoner with freedom is not a fair shake,

to be bamboozled into belief in reform by near approach to "sweet doing nothing." They know that if they had to build up their characters and bank credits while negotiating tough going

crime-branded, he has nothing commanding to offer when and where processes of elimination follow natural grooves. Therefore he is turned down again and again until he turns up i

nor does it ease his chronic grouch against the social structure; it doesn't, primarily, because he is quite surely a self-centered eg

as he is, and thinking as he thinks, he naturally envisages such as the burglar's outfit as means by which he can "square" himself. As he

f him, as born, raised, envi

f his career from his first conscious thought, what has society to propose that will undo, at l

ty all of the way, and who smarts under the sting of social anathema; for he, too, "has a heart," though it may be hidden from the common view under crooked curves. Above all, he wants no more of tossed donatives with their fa

First off, there is nothing for it but to oppose the cumulative force of the commonwealth to the vintage a hyenaized anti-social unit would brew. Going about it, the first necessary step

and equipped to serve first-offending felons. That involves the establishment of a centralized clearing bureau of anthropometry to which any magistrate in the United States could re

tence must needs be strictly indeterminate, and his parole contingent upon the manner in which he reacts to fundamental reformative processes. Particularly, his trade markings will tell reliably as to whether or not he is set for social rehabilitation. If those m

uld be searched out and set down; for, taken by and large, the sporting instinct run amuck is the capital curse that stalks the average criminal rounder. More than that, the illegal acts of t

nce the Saviour would have stuck to him in like circumstance. Do for him every

he aligns against human progress. Therefore make him not the semblance of apology for meeting cardinal crime with cardinal punishment. Moreover, plainly term it punishment, advisedly devised to bring it home to the predatory brute that "comin' a

inal who picked and chose while confined in what he enthusiastically called "some joint," an

g down a drunken sailor with a slung-shot, beating him into insensibility, and st

tutional farce made of the mandatory predicates of penal law, through

ing penal codes written primarily to prevent crime, but which such as the murderous recidivist make it necessary to make repressive

ss defensible than the reverse. Petty penalties that issue against p

tricked himself into crime, yet be far from a by-choice criminal. Positively, we shall not do so with a "billy" and billingsgate. Neither can we coddle and pad a man to reformation. That will

ich is above reproach, who are naturally fitted to discourage the offense without discouraging the offender, and who instinct

the lump sum; also between such men and "soulless politicians who gamble with dice

of such schools should be men well advanced in years, and of proven worth which comprehends the practice and theory of a work great and grave as any to which man lends hand and brain. They should be "well advanced i

e ability to prescribe for a prisoner physically, or to probe him psychologically, is a valuable

ell off the bones of the human frame, nor to trace to subconscious impulsion; but in capacity to fit all the blocks of a delicately-poised structure and make them function in harmony, close

draw derailed men unto him, minimize friction whatsoever, and plan and promote sound training and govern

igger, broader and deeper than the physical

ed single-seeing, since such men cannot bring breadth of understanding of a great-big, complex, interlocking machine, the parts of which must be kept nicely balanced. Moreove

entation to necessary experience, the which is bor

t to do them. Building, specializing should be left to staff specialists; general management to general efficiency that compasses the full, practic

e had not less than two years of experience somewhere on t

ssify him. As it is now, beginners who set in the game of penology must pass through the shuttle-cock period of apprenticeship,

m written attests of that fact. The personal equation should count appreciably at such exam

tenance against the time spent by its pupils at element

riminological schools. The houses should be orderly, systematic, sanitary houses, given over to practicable work, body-building exercises, the single room system, classification of inmates by room-blocks

onal offender, and afford near neophytes the chance to

d their attainment under preliminary instruction and experience, would warrant. And thusly we should have prisons of last reso

he position appointive by the Governor, and the incumbent of it an ex-officio advisor

up from the ground in the work, won deserved distinction doing it, and who therefore could n

se-play irrationally prescribed; not enough of recreation to a rational end; false classification of inmates in falsely-appointed apartments; defective hygiene and sanitation; waste of potential and of m

ory capacity when reasonably possible. Also, specific copies of other than his confidential reports to the Governor should be submitted to the said commissions and boards. In fact, one of the cardinal reasons for his being and doing as a State agen

o help make the best use of all reformative tools and to co?rdinate them. If he is big enough to do that, he is big enough to receive most respectful attention and support. As a

ill undone, shall have been done for the crime-cheated,

, then be applied sequentially in the work, or wait upon practical and more important exactions. Also, psychoanaly

rm endeavor reduces to the common te

k could be written alone on when and why prison discipline takes on a cutting edge, an

ly against the Wallingford of reform because: he is eit

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