Josh Billings on Ice
13, 14, 15, 16, 1
er ov provisions; she
t be enny beans, and if it want for enny
n, and has been diskovered since to b
ccess tew agrikultur, so
ral society opened Oct. ten
waz upwards ov $30,000 (if mi memry
agrikultural member ov Congress from o
d for by sucking colts, that had
to witness the rase, (if mi memry s
the waving ov handkerchiefs, with a strip in his face, and the
ld be had, so the audience aul went hum, cussing and swarin
uller than i ever saw her before, (if mi m
day for agrikultur,
waz trotted for, by
much affection, on account
nnits and
years old, who had
y couldn't aul trot tew
er a bitter contest,
ell-stocked, for the colt, by three different agrikultural men, but w
his whole famil
ightning, and the day waz spent i
hoss-swops w
is struck me as a devilish good thing,
the fifth da
t ever since when i laff i
for 10 daze, and sum
s waz made, (if my memry serves
d, beside sevral yokes ov sheep and a pile ov carrots, and som
fur pure agrikul