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The Great Mogul

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4356    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nes be upon t

es x

f esteem, his lips had met those of many a pretty girl during a village revel or when the chestnuts exploded on the hearth of an All Hallow's Eve. Yet there was an irresistible impu

e lover-like raptures, brought hi

streets than scramble through the

d have told you that

e refuge plan

ow, a moment, and we

he clash of accouterments and the champing of bits fr

pprehend us. Yet, if you be not misled, he bids fair to be no better off tha

se. Sir Thomas!

ure advanced from

on of Anak in your company. I had grave design to climb the wall speedily when I saw your giant comrad

ad and I'll make my o

r length of limb, good sir. Rather would I avail myself of it. Behind these bushes there is a wall of such proportions that your height alone will enabl

louds having banked up from the west, that they had to grope their path through the undergrowt

y armed men carrying torches were spreading fan-wise across Draper's Garden from

cure the arrest of two malefactors who

y. Some one must have indicated the exact place where he and Roger had disappe

It is sof

red when they stood by his s

r. Roe knew London better than the watch. Seemingly, he could find the track blindfold, and Walter guessed that the cavalier often used this device in order to encounter Anna Cave unseen by others. It was passing strange that Nellie should be an inmat

gave place to a fresher draft, and hi

airs are not of the best, but they will be

oor in a small jetty. Down in the impe

, if you give me your hand,

stream. Neither of the others had been on the Thames at night-Roger had not even seen the river before-and so, when the oarsman vigorously impelled the wherry straight into what looked like a row of tall houses, with lights in

throughout its length by tall buildings, and, once they were speeding in mid

n the management of his oars, picked out one of the innumer

hoy!" he cr

ilst Roe held it his companions clambered aloft, gaining the deck of

s eyes. As he became visible, by feet at a time, for he stood nearly

es to repel boarders! Here be the

me in the guise of an honest man. Yet, I warrant thee, Sir Thomas Roe shall pla

recalled them to their duties. The ladder was hoisted in and the boat secured with a painter, whilst Roe

and Roe's finely-chiseled face flushed deeply when he heard the

the Inquisition to England. He carries our worthy King in his pocket. Yet I would fain believe that he is too

Thomas Cave that when tidings of the affair reached him, he rose instant

ing in ill repute at court. The city is strong, but unwilling, as yet, to openly defy the thieves and adulterers who pander to James's vanities and stop his ears to the representations of God-fearing men. This cannot endure. Our people are long-suffering but mighty in their wrath. If Elizabeth ruled with a st

esman-like qualities that Anthony à Wood wrote of him long afterwards: "Those who knew him well have sai

deed in many of his attributes, he resembled that gallant and high-minded adventurer of an earlier generation, Sir Walter Raleigh, who was now a close prisoner in the Tower. He had the bright, penetrating eyes, the long, aquiline nose, firm mouth, and well-molded chin which bespeak good birth and hig

s eyes in all its sinister significance, could not help marveling how it came about that the leader of an expedition to the Spanish Main, which could scarce be undertaken without royal s

rother was a great friend of Prince Henry, and declared laughingly that Anna should think herself highly

nd Mowbray's bewilderment ali

alter and I can ask no better fate than to voyage with you to the Indies. We are in quest of fortune, and folk say that the S

nd caused a gleam of amuseme

ard your sentiments. Harry a Spaniard, i' faith! That is rankest heresy nowadays. Yet there is no telling what ma

y laughed, while the negro himself displayed all his teeth in a huge grin. Mowbray, during an earlier visit to London, had seen many a dark-skinned man; it was becoming the fashion t

nder the sailor-man thought he saw the devil! 'Tis cl

er than Roger's, for the cock's feathers in the Yorkshireman's hat swept the

, sir?" said the black to Roe. "Dere am

bunks, but each was a full twelve inches too short for Sainton. They were stoutly built, too, of solid oak and abutting on strong lockers. The only way in w

Roger, and, with his clenched fist, guarded only by a leather gl

nd, indeed, Sir Thomas Roe was not prepared for th

m how Roger once, in the market square of Richmond, had, for a wag

at a half-caste Spanish cook, hired because he knew the speech of the natives of Guiana, was among the auditory, and he stole to the cabin wherein the two Englishmen lay sleeping soundly.

ut of nations. Even Pedro, the half-caste, might have dispensed with the day's drinking bout had his cup been fashioned of the magic crystal which e

t first they hardly knew where they were, and it was passi

e night. The frowning battlements of the Tower, dimly visible through a pelting rain, showed that his first surmise was incorrect. The Defiance was anc


ed as a cutpurse, and I felt the branch of

cheerfully. To his ordered senses had come the memory of the garden and Nellie Roe's kiss. He hailed the bad weather with glee. Men wo

f a pasty, washed down by any one of the good liquors you name, that hath disordered my stomach and

. "Where is the black summoned b

one ashore at daybreak, with intent to return before noon, but

in a boat with six rowers. He had learnt that the city was scoured for them all night, and the rumor ran

f some court favorite already. Perhaps Lord Dereham is seeking revenge for being thrown into the glass-house, though, if rumor be true, his Lordship dwells in one, being a perfect knave. In

his hopes, Mowbray said nothing of hi

chandise and barrels of flour, salt beef, dried fish, preserved fruit for scurvy, wine, beer, and the

e ship's officers had business, and Roe felt that he could trust his subordinates, if for no bett

was so obviously necessary to their

ts therefrom, whilst the latter, at times, stretched his huge limbs and hummed a verse or two of that old son

ace to the swish of water as the watch washed the deck. For convenience' sake, a supply of fresh water being the last thing t

k privily to warn Anna Cave as to the whereabouts of the two young men to whom she was so greatly ind

ith a faint hope that her lover would strain every n

ght with risk to you. I might be seen and followed. Her fathe

me in that resp

his head a

I return, if God wills it. I told her as much las

he case between him and Nellie rested on as

iends having affairs in the north. Roger could not write, but he sent a loving message to Mis

to reive the Dons, and that I shall bring back to

he heavens fall," commented

to see me if the cup be pewter. Write, man, and cheer her. I'll warrant you have vexed M

hide a blush. His letter dealt, in suspicious d

ng down for the night, when the two quitted their cabin and walked to the larger saloon where

le. Suddenly they heard the wa

ship i


ng's of

or was level with the main deck. The others followed. In the river, separated fr

ed to Mowbray, "they ha

rdiers and arquebusiers had surrounded it and alr

you can demand fair hearing, and I will try what a bold front ca

e as endeavor to withstand the King's warrant. The officer was civil, but inflexibl

oe. "The King hath been misled in this matter and my f

liver them to the To

n come straight

fied by a blunt gesture that he obeyed

crowd of quay-side loiterers which had gathered owing to the presence of the soldiers-Roe was biddin

y cloaked females, and this little party, arriving late on the scene, were apparently anxious not to att

despairing voice, "t

ting pressure of Mowbray's shoulder, strode off to comfort his sister, whilst Mowbray

en be here, yet have I seen you, and, God willing, I s

goods and those of Sainton. Though his heart beat with apprehension of an ignominious

cation took place between Roe and the officer anent the disposition of the prisoners' effects. Fina

nk lowered their halberds, the crowd gave way

t height, could see clear o

er," he said gruffly. "She would have fallen like a

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