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The Great Mogul

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 4123    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ul, and theref

n, therefore

"King Henry

creamy smoothness, the high forehead and delicately firm chin were of the West, and the East gave her those neatly coiled tr

om waist to feet, and a fold was carried over her right shoulder to be held gracefully scarfwise in one hand. An exquisite plum colored silk vest, encrusted with gold

d a necklace of uncut emeralds, strung, at intervals, between rows of seed pearls. She wore no other ornament. Her tiny feet were

nor fashion. She fearlessly unveiled when she thought fit, and she taught the ladies of Agra to wear not only the bodice a

ime, she was unmarried, an amazing thing in itself when

as no small credit to Walter Mowbray that he kept his wi

s graciously p

and novelties in merchandise are always acceptable on such occasions. Sher Afghán," she continued, "see that the stranger

inton, though the latter knew but little of the

en Mariam which made the good lady laugh. Obviously, the comment had reference to Roger, and that worthy blushe

kent afore why a man should make a fool of himself for a woman, but now that I have seen one w

angel?" asked Mowbray with a smile, for

devil in her. Mark me, Walter, there will be heads cracked

he wanderers he had so greatly befriended, but inclination,

needed most for the ba

can bestow," wa

hill my heart. 'Tis but

imperiously and c

voice lest it should reach the Queen's ears. "Why do you pester me? Your tall sheepskin cap

low be

he manifest injustice of the attack on his personal appearance. Physically, he was a worthy mate even for such a god

, turning to follow the Sultana and her father. But a laughing shout

come, like me, to wring an

ttired in sumptuous garments, entered the garden. His words would have revealed his identity to Walter an

piercing, and it was a peculiar and noticeable fact that he wore small gold earrings, in token

is to be feared, than by the unexpected presence of the Sultana, changed instantly to a scowl when he saw Sher

d. "Do you admit strangers t

commanded them to show their wares at the palace,"

him. He knew quite well that his insult had reached the one man fo

and he addressed Nur Mahal with a ready smile that ut

t. I know your fondness for all that is rare and b

all gilded perch to which clung two snow-white pigeons,

leasure. She ran to meet the

Prince. "After a little while they will

e unfastened a chain, and the pigeon, finding itself at liberty, darted up int

happen?" dem

wered, freeing

to the garden as yet.

r freedom. My heart weeps for al

r me, as I am tru

ant, and, like the birds, you

with angelic flutterings, and poised itse

ollowed its mate's example,

ly. "The choice is made. They

there are two to dispute the vaca

e comedy played by Nur Mahal had not escaped him. The girl pouted. Jahangir

with doves. As I return soon to the palace, go with the strangers and let them exhibit their wares

ow. Instantly regretting the deed he gave the fellow a gold mohur, but his face was tense and his eyes blazed as he mounted his horse and rode silently with the two Englishmen through the midst of the gay

nd won the door of the Queen's apartments. If the good lady be as ready to p

all turn our faces we

with Edwards, else I would

at that hoity-toity lass in yellow silk I

reason the remar

s about her," said he, tartly, "but I fail to see why yo

at all, shouldst not be bitten by the craze. I warrant you Prince Jahangir hath a bevy of beauties in his private abode, and this chuck who hangs his head so dolefully may have half a score or more waiting his beck and nod at home

t of Nellie Roe in his mind was but mom

your tongue run so smoothly when the Sultana was present, you migh

nest Yorkshire, and I can make some headway in the language of the common folk hereabout

m a mournful reverie, began to hum a v

for you I

rom your pre

ll the pai

ts ne'er in u

his thoughts than with external events, did not notice that a laden camel, advancing down

orders as were all of his class, spurred his mettlesome Arab forward, caught

d struck a native woman walking on the side of the bridge. She staggered

ught the little naked child as it rose, struggling and gasping for breath. With a vigorous stroke or two he reached the side of the nearest

es, thereby embarrassing him greatly, as he was soaked from head to foot, and the dense

rescue a wretched infant and amazement at Roger's feat of strength, for Sainton had li

rom the extravagant gratitude of the Hindu woman, and quick

crocodiles?" he asked, when they were all mou


ou did that which I would not have d

perchance I should have hes

ell in behalf of his new acquaintances that they and their packs (Walter having donned dry clothing) were admitted t

ttlement, surrounded a low hill. This was crowned by the famous Moti Musjid, or Pearl Mosque, an edifice as celebrated to-day for its perfect architectural proportions and refined taste in embellishment

with the court stood the smaller but even more impressive Hall of Private Audience, to which there was direct access from the Emperor's personal apa

k festoons of flowers wrought wholly in precious stones, shone in the rays of the afternoon sun as the English

curiosity was restrained. The grave courtesy of an Eastern court was b

er Afghán, and before the K

the Emperor in person was then dispensing justice with that even-handed promptitude which won him the

end. Guards with drawn swords stood there, and even Sher Afghán himself was compelled to sati

heir rich store of Arabian and Persian goods, than to note the marvels in sculptured stone with which they were encircled. A mosaic pavement worth a monarch's ransom

her were many ladies of the court. They were all veiled, as was the strict rule when the Emperor was near a

ern days. The babble of tongues waxed eloquent, and the two traders, comparatively new as they were to the occupation, saw with gratif

content-expecting, indeed, to obtain no more than the latter sum at the close of the bargaining-when a sudden hush, a drawing together of the women, a protest suspended in its utterance

, sinewy arms and hands, Akbar looked a ruler of men both in physical and intellectual properties. His eyes were full and penetrating, with eyebrows that met in a straight line over his well shaped nose. H

sessed smile gave place to a look of genuine surprise. He turned and uttered some comment to one behin

to his knees and bent his forehead to the ground, but Mowbray and Roger

offended. He smiled again

on, "but are you a strong one? Big men are oft like

nd, though his Hindustani was ru

our Majesty. Be that as it may, they tell me there is no better judge

hough loud, was very pleasant. "Were I younger I would test thee, Elephant, but th

sty first tied bot

ark after my own hea

, may it pleas

oble rank why do you come hit

ndered the mistake difficult to understand, so Mow

emed instantly to appreciate the relation between

e with you further. Be here to-morrow, two hours before sunset, and we shall g

men of kindred sympathies quickly known to each other, r

eer we shall do that which those in your court ought to d

hat is

God for your hea

ed him by t

to the war ere ever you sailed away to your distant land. But we shall find sport, or my wit fails. You, sir," he went on, speaking to Mowbray, "shall tell us something of the ways of your c

ve dislocated many a man's bones. Roger, pretending he had not felt it, stoo

ty a reminder of to-mor

their mere purport, took the jar. Roger had

received that grip, else there would be a new ruler in India. And, by th

ight of Sher Afghán, standing some

should provide his beautiful daughter with a careful husband. Marry her forthwith! To-night, if you be so

st of the company would have created a sensation little more profound than Akbar's words. Nur

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