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The Great Mogul

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 5006    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ime-heaven's m

r high watch-th

ing one

the wisdom of their sovereign. The Tudors reigned over a people who regarded even their mad temper with a half idolatrous reverence. The great poet of the splendid epoch closed by the reign of Elizabeth fittingly expressed the popular sentiment when he spoke of "the divinity that doth hedge a King." But Jame

dds in defense of their honor or their country, could now only look forward to an ignominious punishment, fraught with disablement if not wit

f the Tower clanged behind them and they halted in front of the guardroom, whilst th

hrow in your lot with mine, Roger,"

e are tied by the same band. Nevertheless, 'tis a pi

would but sp

yet some shoul

way. Though fettered, he inspired terror. From a safer distance they surveyed him

gued a certain degree of consideration in their treatment, and their hopes rose high when they were halted a second time near the Water Gate. Soon, the sentinel stationed on the projecting bastion shouted a challenge, the chief warder hurried to his side, and, afte

teps leading down to the dark water beneath the

hich had cheered him was dispelled

own race," he cried. "Why should

heir waists. It was more dignified to submit; they and their packages were stowed in the center of the galley; the heavy gates were swung open once more, and the boat shot out into the river. For nearly three hours they were pulled dow

bif; go

t so violently in the pit of the Spaniard's stomach that the humorist turned a somersault over a seat. His comrades laughed, but the man hi

e the discomfited joker lowered his weapon. He shot a vengeful glance

e said

when the fire is lit. You w

ore for them. The galley at last drew up under the counter of a large ship of foreign rig, lying in the tideway off Tilbury Hope. With

y iron staples into the deck. The big man eyed the preparations, and had it in his mind to pass some comment to Walter. Luckily, his nati

ners were locked into the leg-piece, and their remaining fetters were removed. These operations occupied some time in accomplishments. They had been on board fully half an h

s cloak. A tiny lantern swinging from the ceiling lit up his sallow, thin face. The piercing black eyes, hawk-like nose, and lips that met in a determined line, w

Then he smiled, and the menace of his humo

t your backs," he said, speaking English so correctly t

ess is bolder seeing we are cha

ou shall have questions enough to answer. You," he continued, fixing his si

kin with Gondomar that my comrade and

e Robert Mowbray, who fell on board the San José on the day when S

a reply was not politic, "that is no reason why I should be subjected to outrage or that you should lend your countenance to it. My friend and I, who have done no wrong, nor harmed none, save in defense o

the extraordinary expression of mingled joy and hatred which c

twenty years, and in my heart I have questioned Thy wisdom. Yet, fool that I was,

n to understand his exclamation in that tongue. It bewildered hi

lace yesterday. When the truth is known it shall be seen that neither Master S

y did not retain me in this accursed land! Would that I might sail in this ship to my own country! Yet I do commend you, Se?or Mowbray, and that gross Philistine who lies by your side, to my brethren of the Seminary of San José at Toledo. They shall tend you in the m

purport the jealous safeguarding of his prisoners. Then, with a parting glanc

s us with slight favor, I fancy. The sound of your name,

dman before yester eve," sa

h with the Roman Church, so to speak, did not exactly know whether priest or parson were best, so she used to con her prayers in Latin and English. 'The Lord only kens which is right

h Walter understood to mean that they must n

t the word, Walter, and I'll draw these staples

se the weapon was so unmistakable that Roger thought better of hi

food was brought to them, and a sailor carried to the cabin their own blankets and cl

additional measure of precaution showed the determination of their captors to prevent the least chance of their escape, if es

officer of some rank, a man whom they had not seen previously, appeared in their little cabin and gave an order which resulted in th

s by the fumes of the lamp, but the relief of the change was turned into momentary stupefaction when they saw that the banks of th

he southward showed that the vessel was already able to weather the isle of Thanet and the treacherous Goodwin Sands. Roger's amazement found vent in an im

ld you think, Se?or, if your King permitted two Spanish gentlemen to be torn from their friends

shrugged his shoulders sympathetically. He summoned a sailor, whom he despatched for some one. A monk appeared, a middle-aged man of kindl

he most excellent Se?or, Don Caravellada, was only obeying orders in carrying them to the Spanish port of Cadiz. Arrived there, he would hand them over to certain authoritie

wbray, who had mastered the first choking throb of emotio

nstant across Fra Pietro's e

llada has n

, he only needs the a

and was obviously so dist

may request your barefooted reverence's good offices in another shap

nswered read

Capitan bids me offer you, in his na

to place Master Mowbray and me in a small boat with oars. 'Twill save us m

cabin where plenty of cold meats, br

nd ate sparingly of some dry crust, whils

meager provender which sufficed for Fra Pietro;

ately, I forgot to tell the co

h days in your cale

tain periods

rd of, who, having pork but no fish on a Friday, baptized it in a water-butt saying, '

enough to see that the hear

I heard the men speaking of your proportions, but, until I saw y

in Walter, anxious to gain some notion as to the extraor

scan, availing myself o

Jesuit who visite

not s

appeared to hold a high place in the hous

pped his eyes

onimo, Grand Inquisito

shed away

nfamiliar. Is he, by any chance, one who was known in

eve. He is now a dignita

ow, during the great sea-fight off Dover. Oh, to think of

t on his skull with my staff and

emed to horrify Fra Pietro. He

Office. Did anyone else hear you your fate were sealed, and the Lord

r, Mowbray restrained the tumultuous thoughts that coursed wildly through his brain. He bowed his head betwee

it's face when he heard Mowbray's name, the determined measures adopted by Gondomar to capture those who had defeated the cleverly planned abduction of the two girls, the remorseless hatred of Dom Geronimo's words when he visited the captives overnight, all pointe

-craft played by Spain, had weakly consented to allow the royal warrant to become an active instrument in the hands of an implacable bigot. Swift and sure was Dom Geronimo's vengeance. They had the m

y of anguish from his lips. Hardly knowing what he did, and not trusting himself to speak, he rushed on deck with the mad notion of throwing himself overboard in a vain attempt to swim ashore. As he emerged from the companionway a whiff of spray struck him in the face. The slight shock

y kind and benignant disposition, said little. But he listened attentively. Later, when Mowbray had steeled his heart to endur

, under the lee of the land, down to the harbor of Lisbon. Fra Pietro, with whom they had contracted a very real friendship, although his beliefs and opinions ran counter to theirs o

esh fruit and a flagon of the famed wine of Oporto. The Sparta was not tied to a wharf. She dropped

always two sentries on duty at the cabin door now, so it was evident that

eadful fate that awaited the two youths at the end of the vo

eyes. He produced his basket of grapes and peaches and rich pomegrana

an to laugh

is extraordinarily potent. It has the quality of sending a man into a sou

attention paid by Mowbray to the monk's words, "that shoul

out a luscious

onorable man, would give safe asylum to those who were distressed, could they but reach his ship, and in this cluster of grapes is a file. My friends, may God prosper you! Though you are not of my faith I cannot but wish you

essing on them, and the two bowed their heads before this good and true man, in

ain the watch indulged in a carouse, as those who had been ashore not only returned full

l. Walter had plied the file industriously on his shackles, but it was quite certain that several hours of severe labor would be needed before he could cut through his own and Roger's anklets. Sainton, with his great strength, might have pulled the staples from the

ut the presence of the sergeant, in whose pouch rested the ke

sy the man would have staggered out. At this, the very crisis of a desperate situation, Sainton

or less th

awn. So there was no help for it but to assist the action of the wine. Roger grabbed him by

at the hour was long past midnight. The dawn would

The watch on deck were mustered forward, and the clinking of a can, together with the manner of such speech as they overheard, told them that conviviality was well established there. So they crept to th

ht that a fine brig, moored about a cable's length distant

wered. They were hoisted aboard, and a stoutly built, black-bea

dam big fella! I haf wait you

ike a great bird asleep on the dim waste of waters. Soon her outlines faded and were lost in the gloom. As the sails filled and more canvas was spread the Sancta Trinidad showed her mettle and spurned the lively waves from her well ta

in, who greeted them again

k Fra Pietro. Him good man. Him come my house an' nurse my son w

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