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The Great Mogul

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 4251    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nt blade, To

fighting had

dibras," Par

, and it was common knowledge that both were acting for the welfare of the state in putting an effectual stop to

her fear lest Jahangir's madness should lead him

"this decision hath

mposure disconcerted her. Nevertheless, love for h

no maid to wed where her heart

coming an old woman. Were I on

had a habit of stroking a large wart on the left side of his nose, a slight disfigurement which astrologe

d thee dumb?" he gro

jesty speaks all tongues are stilled. I have but two possessions which I cherish, my sword and my honor. The one

n the hush which had fallen on the assembly they heard him rush down the outer stairs, and, an instant later, the clatter of his Arab's h

e scene, followed him, and the Sultana, without casting another g

n they the domestic trouble which was brewing in the royal household, advised them to repack th

rvants load up their mules again. "My mother always advised me to wed a homely wife if I wanted to be happy. Not that

n annoyance at the turn taken by events, "you look as

ood as in our breeches pockets, when some imp of mischief

ealize to-morrow in what fashion he spoiled our market. At the

acking their bales at the palace, had occupied so much of the short November afternoon that t

tted against the deep crimson-blue of the sky, whilst the stars were already twinkling in myriads overhead. This coverlet of smoke creeps nightly over every Indian town in the cold weather. It is disagreeable to the eyes and nose if n

articles which did not belong to them. Naught could be easier than for a pack animal to be slyly driven into a by-path, whence it would never return, whilst search for it and its valuable burden would be time wasted

t some person of importance was being carried toward Agra from the direction of Delhi and the north. The carriers were singing ch

provocation, so a lively exchange of compliments affecting the paternity and ancestry of both parties instantly broke out. In reality, nothing could be done. The mules and bullocks, eager as their drivers to have finished with the day's work, were crowding into the carava

was only one palki, but the number of retainers and loaded poni

apart the curtains on the side opposite to that on which Mowbray was standing,

k would have it, Roger came to Mowbray at that moment t

nd set of curtains. Hence, the light of the torch illumined the inter

ve believed his eyes h

, 'tis Dom

e Jesuits in Agra, but they are well spoken of, and I

r the ill he would have done us. 'Return good for evil,' saith the max

ess able to work us harm in this heathen land than in our own country. Let h

o be succeeded by a glance of utmost malevolence as his shocked senses resumed their sway. That he recognized the two friends was not to be doubted. Sainton's gigantic stature alone marked him out

e sight of them was displeasing to him. Yet Dom Geronimo would have bee

the fact that Roger reached out a long arm and detained a fe

thy master?" h

ering reply, for the man was fright

ther is

mighty Akbar, O pro

en long in

huzoor. I a

ter. "See now, brother, here is a rup

nce, when a moullah disputed with him, the black-robed one challenged the moullah to enter with him into a raging fire. The one would carry the Koran and the other a Book by which he sets g

in England will believe owt. And as for fire, God wot, he hath the stomach of a salamander for it. Now, had I been the moullah

ervant so they bade him hasten after his master, and, t

in a ruler deservedly entitled "the Great." The Jesuits, coming to India in the wake of the Portuguese, were already well established in Agra, where they were then building a splendid church. They and the Capuchins, composed, for the most part, of learned and truly pious men, not only commanded respect by their discretion and Christian meekness, but won the admiration of the educated cl

gs are forbidden by the Koran,' said he, 'according to what religion can a man eat and drink as he likes?' 'That is the teaching of the Christians alone,' said they. 'Then let us all turn Christians,' said Akbar. 'Let t

about our own Jamie, I am a believer in portents. Here we are in Agra, and

in sudden heat, "if you speak thus of Nel

sheer name of which gives me a thirst. What the devil!

, on behalf of Sher Afghán, apologized very handsomely for his master's apparent rudeness in leaving them s

onfire," cried Roger when he disentangle

. "I suppose we must go. He befriended us greatly, tho

prepare their best attire, a

id when he tried a second wife. Here we are, off to the feasting. Thank the Lord! if

edding. There were guards there, mounted and on foot, who challenged all comers. The Englishmen had taken the precaution to detain Sher Afghán's messenger, and he was useful now in preserving them from questioning

vor at the court of Akbar. The transient gleams of flitting lanterns fell on their accouterments, and revealed the presence of several litters, d

ve display notwithstanding the short notice given. A myriad little lamps festooned the trees or bordered the ornamental waters an

of the magnificent garden, and here they were suddenly introdu

y occupied by an exquisite marble baraduri, or summer-house. The delicate fantasy of the structure might have been designed by some Florentine artist. Inlaid with jasper, carnelian and agate, it rose with superb grace from t

f the lights, and again the solemn shadows of a row of tall cypress trees, standing in stately o

as barbarous as their names, but capable, perhaps, of soul-stirring music to ears tuned to their torture. Near them, covered with heavy cloaks, sat a bevy of nautch-girls,

rtions were magnified by a great silver howdah with roof and curtains, and by the long trappings of s

Afghán entertaining a number of native gentlemen. Active servants, clad solely in white, threw garlands of jasmine round the neck of each guest or offered golden salvers

hán, who seemed in no wise disturbed by the known fact that Nur

the Diwán concerning your affairs. Rest content for a little while. When matters are settled over there-" and he nodded scornfully towards the palace-"he will bring you forward again. You

on when the Persian was called away. "You will perceive, Roger, that

e bride. Saw you ever such a spitfire? Soul of my body, I'd liefer charge a row of spears than climb into yon s

for either, but would sell

ke songs about, but my mother always tellt me never to wed a lass fo

who had imperiously flung aside her veil and was preparing to moun

ed hand of her husband as though his touch would defile her. When her gaze fell on Mowbray she singled him out for a specially scornful arching of her eyebrows and contemptuous droo

was spoken, those wond

my degradation-you, in whom I

beside his unwilling spouse, a gorgeously-clad mahout was prodding the elephant's head with a steel ankus, and the s

ahibs would sit long at the feast, had gone off to revel with the rest of their kind, and there was a wearisome delay whilst one guard after another was despatched to search for them, t

ed pair was fast ebbing, when a hubbub of shouting and firing, mixed with the screams of

on, "I thought ther

means to slay Sher Afghán and carry off

Here comes news if

ow of little lights on top of the wall lit up the roadway sufficiently to reveal the approach of the elephant. He came with the speed of a galloping horse, his trappings flying in wild disorder and his trunk uplifted in terror. Behind him raced a mob of armed men, but, on his left side, managing a fine Arab with consummate skill, and cutting and

ere torn. Evidently there had been a sharp tussle ere the mah

fancied, though the whole incident was fleeting as a dream, that she held a

r Mahal on her wedding night came b

but to cleave Jahangi

he snorting Arab by the maneuver. Jahangir was thrown, almost at Mowbray's feet. The elephant charged the massive doors head downwards, and they were torn from their hinges as

Mahal, on her wedding night, came b

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