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The Great Mogul

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 4777    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

, danger, we pluck

re, "King

hed to inspire respect by a display of magnificence, his appeara

parterre. It was closed on the north, as here it rested against the higher ground which contained the private apartments. A raised marble canopy stood out from the center of t

Nevertheless, it made a brave show in the clear light of an Indian interior in the cold weather. Not less striking was the figure of Jahangir himself. Robed in white muslin, his belt, simitar, dagger-hilt, and scarf literally blazed with diamonds. On his turban reposed a Persian diadem with twelve points, each terminating in a large diamond of

kly discerned the cassock of Dom Geronimo. A host of officials and nobles of lesser importance thronged the floor of the great hall, and the scene wa

of a throne, when they think a fellow creature is doomed to instant death or torture. It was common knowledge that these two had not only thwarted Jahangir's amours and laid violent hand

ully built companion-thinking, perhaps, that the Emperor might call on his faithful subjects to seize these

let me sweep a clear space with a stroke or two. Then I shall catch thee by the belt and heave thee up at Jahangir. It will take

knowledge that they were both in a position of imminent danger. The presence of the Jesuit in close attendance on the Emperor was, in itself, an ominous

ught that the eager mob of courtiers was inclined to tread too closely on his heels. With his left hand he pressed the hilt of

to thrust them forward, while the wiser men, who had kept aloof, noting the strange expr

nt for him in the most friendly spirit, began the conversation by ad

wed by the rising thereof. May your Majesty's reign continue for as many years as tha

n couplet. There was a rustle of gratified surprise among the audience, few o

ling acidly,

," he said, "but you h

les me to combine th

thout any hesit

scovered in you other qualities, whilst your words

wise guess what line Jahangir intended to take with him, and he was not prep

l it might. He significantly touched his right f

me," he cried, "but I have that he

and another. It did not concern me, and I was foolish to take part in it, but I maintain t

's adroit distinction between the occupant of the throne and a prince of the royal

ould have no memory?" he aske

member his friends an

I class thee an

continue to show us the favor m

gir l

certain sports which he loved. Faithful to his wishes in every respect as I am, I have brought you hither to-day for that same purpose. I have o

nd Sainton well understood the King's desire, Jahangir had vanished and they were co

rds, they fully believed that he did not mean them to be poisoned on that occasion, so they ate heartily, notwithstanding Roger's earlier precaution in the matter of breakfast. But the wine,

m the sight of the flagons tried sorely, bade the man, if he were minded to be truly

lready partaken of it I shall obey your

had each tasted a small quantity and found it excellent, there being

me greatly we are being screwed up to undergo some ordeal.

hall change my mind anent the chuck ere midnight. What flea hath bitten thee now, Walter? The Ki

admit. We have thrust our heads into the jaws of the

r him, lad, if there be aught amiss. Trust to me to clear a path. For each one in the crowd who dra

t, with frescoed walls, mosaic floor, and arched Moorish roof composed of colored tiles. On one side it opened into a garden. The palace, unlike most kingly residences, was not one vast building, but was made up of a series of exquisitely proportio

austible. He had been traversing the garden paths throughout the whole time they were eating. No sooner were

ured to Walter, "stay not here.

s, which chimed so strangely with his o

ed, knowing full well that such a menial wou

ll, sahib-my wife, to w

y w

er, and my wife heard from others that there is intent to make

Never was there a more energetic bhisti, for a gard

n Jahangir so much as opes his mouth to speak crossly. We shall give him a feast of steel, with first, second, and third course all alike. There shall be much carving, yet none will

poured out two generous measures.

and Nellie Roe, if I

e more!" was Roger's sturdy rejoinder. It was in such spi

pired his mysterious message they were now on the verge of enlightenment, so Walter

and causes the flowers to grow is a

ed his water-

May your years be numbered

owed their guide across the garden and thence to a new part of the palace grounds. They were conducted to an extensiv

animals, including even the ungainly rhinoceros, showed what manner of sport was forthcoming. Notwithstanding the precarious condition of their own fortunes, both Mowbray and Sainton regarded the scene with curious eyes. They had, of course, during their three years' sojourn, witnessed the fierce spring of the chitah[F] onto the back of a flying deer; they had chas

sanguinary encounters in the arena some twenty feet beneath. The chair was securely bound to the marble block lest it should topple over in a moment of royal excitement, and there was standing room on the huge stone to accommodate a dozen privileged spectators. For the rest, the platform extended so far on either hand that all could look easily into the enclosure, whilst many a window an

laughed outright when he nudged Walter to note the

id of it," he said. "He hath marshaled a s

in addressing a question to one who stood ne

force usual within t

hrugged his

ing let loose," he murmured. "O

lint in his close set eyes. Evidently he had been imbibing liquor forbidden by the Prophet. Accompanied by a few young noblemen whose appearance

he grunted. "We shall d

was greeted with s

mation, for every Mahomedan there ha

g say that it i

: 'Behold, I s

thought that some of the older men glanced askance at each other, which puzzled him,

terrace itself, and forthwith a few athletic youths created some excitement by endeavoring, in the first place, to cut through the four feet at one blow, and, s

e or less success, Jahangir shouted a question to Sain

rm either trick with thy long sword? Thy

ray whispered the King's meaning lest he had not pr

tance to a blow," he said. "Were he fr

ffaloes contended with nilgau, hunting dogs tore down bears let loose from invisible caverns, and panthers made magnificent leaps after flying deer. Few were real combats. In most cases a helpless crea

ed at first by the wall, they fought furiously with heads, tusks, and trunks, while the leading mahout encouraged his mount by shrill cries, forcing him to the attack with a steel ankus, or striving to ward off the blows of the opposing beast's trunk with the same instrument. It was quickly apparent why there were two men astride an elephant. Each cunning b

ce a terrific fanfare of hautboys and cymbals burst forth, and a number of men ran with lighted fireworks, mostly Catherine wheels, attached to long sticks, which they thrust under the legs and before t

ng animal were decorated with tails of the white Tibetan ox, or yak. As for the inanimate corpses of the hapless mahout and his assistants, they were huddled onto

word, when personal bravery and physical hardihood were the best equipment a youth could possess, there were

ama of blood and death when a stir towards the rear of the pla

s height, could see over

the mystery is cleared. Here comes Sher A

his chair, which was on a pivot, to face the palace. Sher Afghán's mien was collected, his dress in go

trode on with firm step. At the prope

r Majesty's messenger rode far, for I hastened to Burdwán, b

carriers. When last we parted you had plea

, O King of Kings. We have ridden hit

not wish the most beautiful and the bravest of my sub

more propitious than a fav

I owe these strangers from beyond the black waters some slight debt in my illustrious father's behalf. Cert

ersian saw them for the first time. But Jahangir went on slowl

ose to a day of pleasure. Art thou not named Sher Afghán, Slaye

repaired with strong hurdles. The lissome beast, whose striped skin shone like cloth of gold and brown velvet in the rays of the declining sun, stood for a little while lashing his sides in fury with hi

searching eagerly for the cause of so much reek, were rai

u minded to vindicate thy title with one who seems to disput

ere was always a chance of a political upheaval as the outcome of a quarrel, whereas, in a remote part, the minions of a vengeful monarch might strike unheeded. Jahangir's tenure of the throne was far f

er. He gazed around on them disdainfully, for he was well aware that many the

er," he said, "and I sha

Some men might have been warned by it, but the Emperor, already half i

"but what need is there of a ladder?

is death, for the tiger would be on him with in

owed like live coals, and the veins on his neck bulged with sudden passion. It was in his mind to end the quarrel then and there by sweeping

left and right he r

nd," he said to Sher A

ntent he lifted it from its supports, toppling Jahangir and several of his favorites in a confused heap on the

al spear-men, having recovered

Roger's anger never continued when steel was bar

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