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The Great Mogul

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 4103    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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"Antony and

of green lawns bordered with flowers and shaded by leafy mango-trees. Diving into a ravine scarred with dry water-courses, the road passed a Hindu shrine and a Mahomedan tomb. On the opposing crest it cut a clust

, drew rein at the entrance to the caravansary. One of them hel

se spoken of by Rasul, our native friend at Delhi. The hour is yet early to seek an audience of the Emperor. Let us refresh ourselves here, make som

w, and mayhap he will tell us a more homely manner of addressing him. It passeth my understanding how thou dost mouth this lingo, Walter. Ecod, I can carry it o

straightway the gapers gathered, for his height was not so

exhibition of popular interest. They warned off the rabble with

e ones! Have ye no

de ye shall eat the end of

their beards," growl

he long-eared one ducked his head and lifted his heels in approved style,

day hours. In the open square, which occupied nearly all the inner space, was herded a motley collection of elephants, camels, bullocks, horses, and asses,-while every conceivable sort of package of merchandise was guarded by attendants of many Indian races. At first, it seem

new experience of a march of over a thousand miles u

excellent meal of kid and rice, which they tackled with a gusto t

the first day of November, 1611, and, if the two Yorkshire adventurers had changed somewhat since they sailed away from Lisbon on board the Sancta Trinidad, the change was for the better. Walter Mowbray had become more manly, more

e land of the Great Mogul that they agreed to sail thither with him. They called at Table Bay, were nearly lost in doubling the dreaded Cape of Good Hope, were assailed by pirates off Madagascar, when Roger proved that a capstan-bar, properly wielded, is worth a dozen swords, and finally brought to in the harbor of Swally Road, at som

implicitly. They learnt the Urdu language, Walter thoroughly, and Roger with less success; they made the acquaintance of Prince Jahangir, acting as Viceroy for h

a rising in the Dekkàn, however, had hurried the monarch's movements. They missed him at the ancient capital of

sition, they mounted fresh horses which had been led during the march.

et-carriers! Hi, you with the camel, pass on the left! Oh

sary bawling, they rode through the center

ans. A Hindu pilgrim, laden with sacred water from the distant Ganges, paused for a moment to buy a handful of millet. A white-turbaned Sikh, attracted by the striped and golden fruit of a melon-seller, tendered a small coin for a rosy slice and stalked on, eating gravely and with dignity. Crawling snake-like in the dust, a devotee wound his way to far-off Ajodhia, where Holy Ganga, if ever he reached its banks, should lave his sins. Near him stood a snow-white leper, thrusting fingerless stumps into the faces of the passers-by, and gaining, by his raucous cries and revolting appearance, a few

through the crowd, palanquins, borne on the shoulders of chanting carriers, passed swiftly amidst the vortex, and the two travelers encountered at least on

be readily seen by a peep through the folds of the chudda, left carelessly open, and t

and a just one," said Walter, his white teeth

repute," an

ly assorted crowd, pretty women drive abroad in brave display of gold and gems. I reason that every man kno

babel of the bazaar brought to mind the Fleet. Ah, Walter Mowbray, 'twas a quee

ust comport ourselves as such. I fancy it would better become o

notion to measure our bales by our blades, and I like

the sword was nearly four feet in length, perfectly straight, double-edged, and strong in the forte. Probably there was not its like in all India, as the expert n


telling her, if fortune smiles on us, we should return to England by the first ship that sails from Surat after we have adjusted a

nd cheerily that many an e

ht of this when Suráj Mul barred the way at Ajmere, and you and I rode down his sowars as if t

of our journey hath m

road. Our swords have done us good service. Let them keep in use and

panned the stream. In reply to a question by Walter, the man told them that

h piled red sandstone battlements of the palace, with some of its white marble buildings glistening in the sunlight over the top of the frowning ramparts. A winding road led towards the ca

that be?" asked Wa

or Prince Jahangir may go to the chase. I know not.

red Roger. "This Agra must

utiful gateway, fashioned in a Saracenesque arch of white marble, and bedecked wit

e to a guard, Walter

ho leave this dwelling!' A most noble wish," he

wled Roger. "They never kill a duck but they chant a verse of their scripture t

pleasant lawns or were reflected in the placid depths of clear lakes. Half hidden among lofty trees they saw the low towers of a mansion built wholly of white marble, and dec

has the eye of an angel," said Walter. "Is this

ib," answer

w is it


ger. "And well named, too. If ever a place deser

imself as they dismounted. "I never knew him in such mood. Gad! he is ei

the Diwán. But fortune smiled on them that day and carried them far. The man had scarce set out towards

e checked his speed, however, when he saw strangers, and not even the well-bred hauteur affected by the

ped forward

d-Daula. These servitors are dull-witted and may not explain our errand. Perchance, if yo

thirty-five or thereabouts, laughed with a ce

rstood you. In what commodity do you deal? Is it aught to eat or dri

have ample stock of rare silks and rich spices of Araby and Gondar. If the ladies of this charming city are as fair to behold a

he hearer quite as much as did Roger's proportions. The Persian, a b

ason," he said gravely; "but I never yet met merchant s

m and leave room for no dubiety. So, in a few well-chosen sentences, he told how it came about that he and Roger broug

, who struts as he walks and co

description fitted his p

ere himself in years pa

ed then led to the proper s

tell you wha

f any con

of many places head and shoulders by base peons without seeking satisfaction. Yet he showed some judgment in choosing

esolute bearing was the only sure fence against the insults and petty annoyances offered by minor officials. It was, therefore, vexing to the uttermost degree that Edwards had endured contumely and not even prepared them for a

is fine weather, and the exercise you spoke of, if prac

laughed as heartily a

subject. Now, do you two come with me and I shall put

e, and none questioned his right to introduce the two Englishmen to the sacred interior. They passed through several apartments of exceeding beauty and entered another garden, in which, to the b

it from the house, their Persian acquaintan

Then he explained something to a dignified looking old man, robed in flowing garments of wh

d Sainton stood, Sher Afghán hung back somewhat and spoke to the girl, who kept studiously away from him, and coyly adju

ly apart from her attendants to permit the strangers to be brought before her-the rank of the august lady enabling her to dispense with t

sly. "Nevertheless one of them must come from the la

ess. Grasping their sword hilts in their left hands and doffing their hats with the elaborate courtesy of the age, they stood bareheaded

ed by the most powerful of Indian monarchs, while Walter Mowbray's splendid physique was in no wise dwarfed by the

of ivory tint, brightened by little spots of color which reminded the beholder of the gold and red on the sunny side of a ripe pomegranate. Her lips were parted, and her teeth, dazzlingly white, we

said, addressing the Sultana, "the

y," said Walter, instantly

d they exchanged a glance of quick intelligence. She was pleased with him, and he offered her t

rbs said: "I wi

e answered: "You are p

of him who fell on board the San José, and Nur Mahal, the baby girl

reat future import, yet it is probable that if Nellie Roe

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