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The Mystery at Camp Lenape


Word Count: 1902    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

the period after squad-work had been completed. Tent Ten had been assigned to policing the lodge, and as Sherlock bent over his broom he cast many a dark glance at the bu

oved the film, and made his way to the small dark-room that had bee

he heard voices from the kitchen directly overhead. Ellick was superintending the preparations for lunch, and from h

omplained. "Ah gives de boys and de councilors all dey can eat. Whaffo

ther case for a bright detective! Stealing

You-all figure, maybe dey gets hongry in de n

e ax? Suppose dey wakes in de middle o' de night and gets a cravin' to chop down a few trees? Mah best hand-ax, stole right off de woodpil

he voice of Howard Chisel, the squat, bow-legged, ebony-face

re, if Ah don't tell de Chief about dis fust thing. Hookin' a doughnut now and den is

ed with eyes glittering behind their large lenses as the smoky negative cleared into masses of dark and light in the bottom of the tray. Most of the surface was taken up with a black patch that was in all likelihood the canvas o

would show without question the full villainy of the twins. If it did not, it would leave him in a predicament. Mr. Colby had not seen either of the Utwa

nt over the developing bath as dark edges began to take shape on the bit of white paper. Slowly, slowly, the details melted into being, seeming to s

e darkness, he had twisted the camera on its tripod so that none of the action was visible. Diagonally across the picture ran the rear flap of the tent. The head and pillow of Mr. Colby showed with clearne

s feelings, he might have stamped up and down the dark-room, raving at his failure. As it was, he controlled his disappoint

e. With growing excitement, Sherlock drew from his pocket the small magnifying lens he carried with him at all times. Taking the wet print into the outdoor sunshine, he focussed his glass on the mysterious detail. It was an arm-and t

noticed that either of the Utway twins bore such a tattoo mark, and it was unlikely that they could have kept secret such a distinctive brand. There

his arm the patriotic stamp of an eagle. Well, there was one way of finding out. He could examine every arm in cam

in a far corner. He put away the negative in his breast pocket and raced down to his tent to change into swimming togs. Within a few minutes he was

ky leader who directed swimming and was captain of the life-saving organization made up of expert leaders and older boys, was shouting to a black-haired boy wearing the crew emblem. This boy, Steve Link by name, was r

ot her, Steve?" W

dam!" he answered. "She must have got loose last night and drif

t even tie up after using it. I'd think even a tenderfoot would know that a canoe should

eagle on his left arm. The dock was now crowded with campers, and the shrill call had no sooner sounded than the air was full of diving bodi

f Jerry and Jake Utway, whose flying bodies curved through the air from the highest diving-platform and almost at the same instant cleft the rippling surface of Lake Lenape. He watched them moodily as they swung hand over hand tow

had not revealed an incriminating tattoo-mark on the arm of any of the campers or leaders present. He must be pa

was little shock-headed Pete Lister, youngest and smallest lad

" He stuck out one sunburnt leg. The calf and thigh were a mass of scrawled, deep-purple designs-crooked anchors, shaky outlines of American flags, hearts, daggers, skulls, and Pete's own name in wa

d Sherlock Jones bitt

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