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The Mystery at Camp Lenape


Word Count: 1933    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

ctive to try to shadow a pair of expert woodsmen through the mountains. He had barely time to wash his face and comb his rumpled hair before the camp was called to stand Retreat at the regular sun

though Sherlock Jones, the g

braves assembling for the pow-wow. Figures of boys and leaders, draped each in his blanket, trooped solemnly toward the Council Ring on the north side of the

whippoorwill. Answer came from a near-by thicket. Amid the liquid chor

in council by the call of the whippoorwill. Brave Sunfish will now

steady at the top with a soaped drill-stone in his cupped hand, he began sawing the bow back and forth, at first slowly, then with increasing speed. Friction of wood upon wood caused a trickle of hot, powdery splinters to drop into the tinder-pan. A few seconds of rapid action, and the pan held a glowing coal of powder, which was dumped upon the prepared tinder. Sunfish s

over and guide our councils as we gather in peace this n

o bold relief by the ruddy glare of the fire. The tent flares were now lit, each small fire glowing in its brazier at the end of a pole marked with the tent totem. The great totem pole of Lenape towered above the huddled groups on the south side of the fireplace, its carved and painted emblems glaring forth awesomely from time to time as a shower of sparks flew upward. Opposite,

report of scouts of the Lena

nature-lore, rose and after addressing the Chief, reported that he had seen a covey of spotted snipe, and that the braves newly come to camp would soon have the rare chance to hunt these nimble birds with bag and lantern. Brave Rolfe rose to ask the name of the constellation of stars now riding overhead, and B

bservation which they had made which might lead to the improvement of the camp in any way-to point out steps that might be taken


, Brav

Eleven, who had used it when they went out after supper last night, and they said that they had left it bottom-up on the dock when they returned. Someone else must have been responsible for this carelessness. Now, every brave knows that su


e was serious in the firelight-"now, I must say something which I have never, in my years as Chief of Lenape, ha

of voices came fro

. Several days ago Brave Tompkins took off his gold ring to wash his hands, down by his tent. When he looked for it a few minutes after, it had disappeared, although he saw nobody near him at the time. When he told me about it, I thought he might have lost it himself, and advised him to wait and see if it turned up. But to-day,

disapproving voice

f the pantry window was broken and a supply of food taken away. Moreover,

the Chief went on. Sherlock Jones stirred

pearances. If anyone here comes to me and returns these lost articles, and makes a clean breast of his misconduct, none of the braves shall know of his

ontest. Sagamore Happy Face announced the subject: "Give a two-minute speech on Why Polar Bears Don't Wear Red Flannel Underwear," and gave the contestants thirty seconds to prepare their arguments. At the command, the two opponents faced each other near the center of the ring, and began a high-pitche

from Sax McNulty, which sent shivers of horror chasing up and down the spines of the younge

itou go with every brave as he leaves

way twins, although pleasantly tired from their active day in the open, were nevertheless w

I clean forgot to make my report of scouts. You remember, Al, that when we sa

estioned him. "You saw

e out in a rowboat over that way, and saw some smoke

back. The expanse of heavily-wooded land across the lake was almost always deserted, so much so that deer tracks w

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