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The Mystery at Camp Lenape


Word Count: 1919    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

erry!" said

hunks, and the other guys can sto

his brother, and beg

that they ascend to the towerlike structure that housed the summer's supply of ice for Camp Lenape. In mid-winter, when the lake was sheeted over with a crystal mass some six inches thick,

eir waiting tent-mates, whose job it would be to wash away the sawdust and transport the ice to Ellick's gaping refrigerator. Arm

n clearing away the thick crust of sawdust in one corner of the place, but paused as his brot

e sunlight slanted through a narrow crevice. The watcher had for an instant seen that spot

the darkness. "Why, you cluck, that

echo drifted down from the ro

r-of-fact tone. "Now, are we going to finish this job,

d clutched the half-revealed cake of ice with his tongs. "Fire away! But I got a

ly as they uncovered one slab of ice after another and sent them crashing dow

" said Jerry at last, resting from his labors.

as Sagamore Carrigan said down at the dock yesterday afternoon, are funny birds. If you give

athletically to his shoulders, bracing his body against the rough timbered side of the building. Jerry grunted. "Uh

"Aww-rk!" he muttered. "Billy the crow! Go on in, Billy!" With a series of angry squawks

n no matter how small, Jake ascended precariously toward his goal. He was now within arm's length of the corner where the talkative crow had made his entrance. Motes of dust danced in the beam of

warningly, "you'll get another b

as the sunlight glittered on

emarked a second time. "Natur

tched the shining circle whi

with a lot of other junk." He was stuffing the nondescript collection of articles into his

whistled. "Jakie, you're brighter than I thought you were. You

leaping at last to the sawdust floor. "Yep, Billy was the thief. Look here!" He drew out his treasure-trove. In his hand, in addition to young Tompkins

admiration. "Say, you didn't see E

ong about thinking there was a thief among the campers. Be

e Sanders were wrestling with a large slab of sawdust-covered ice; they looked up curiousl

d another visitor ahead of them. The Utway twins almost fell over backward as they recognized the blue uniform

st get to the nearest phone and call up the pri

ho had held them up at the point of a gun! The gun was in the c

sked in a hearty voice, clapping on his felt hat and strid

. Who was this stranger, whom they had first encountered

brother was which. He had from long acquaintance discovered that Jerry had a tiny mole almost concealed unde

s the Chief listened, his fore

ll be, too. But that makes the kitchen robbery all the more strange. With what we know now, it's impossible to connect the loss of these things with the person who broke into the food-supply the o

t man that just left here? Jake and I saw him guarding the r

r and faced them. "He's looking

boys cried

state prison up beyond Elmville. He had some hours' start before he was found missing. The warden thought it likely that he would head over this way, toward the mountains, where he might hide in the woods for days and never be found. Guar


ave stolen this watch and ring. It's too bad the prison people didn't warn me before now-no telling

per-the fellow who was just here-t

see, there's a reward offered for the capture of this criminal, and naturally everybody is eager to earn it. Now, be careful and don't get very far away from the c

nd them. Jerry seized Jake's arm in an excited grip. "Why didn't you tell the Ch

ld we give that prison guard all the glory

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