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The Mystery at Camp Lenape

The Mystery at Camp Lenape

Author: Carl Saxon


Word Count: 1691    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

wins were a

, too!"


his brother!

ung above the rows of white tents on the hillside above the placid

each other. All eyes were turned on two bronze-haired, blue-eyed,

d how one of them knew whether he was himself, or his brother-whether Jerry did not sometimes wake in the morning and think for a moment that he might possibly be

h foot, Jake wore only one. The other shoe he bra

e" Sanders, from his perch above the

ckel seats!" he warned. "This is our business-no

nded Jerry with some spirit. "And quit


there was going to be a fight at last. And the watchers knew from past experience that if the Utway twins got to scrapping again, the res

m his brother's hand. Jake neatly dodged, and swung the improvised weapon in a dangerous arc. His finger

al quarrel was about; he knew that the shoe had been flung by accident, but didn't care; all he thought of was to "get even" with Jake. H

mark, and he ducked a whizzing flashlight while at the same time reaching about for more ammunition. His hand touched "Sherlock" Jones's camera-case,

in alarm, now that his treasured possession w

stinguish friend from enemy. He was seeing red, and the sight of young Jones dashing toward him to regain his property rai

a sopping state. His cry of rage filled the tent. Wild Willie Sanders came to his rescue, and toge

which Lefkowitz had collected as a specimen. Chink Towner had entrenched himself on the top of a bunk, from which fortified position he was able now and then to swipe the tumb

ough the air and landed in the low bushes outside the tent. Battle-

ke neighbors. Somebody had refilled the empty water-pail and was methodically doing his bit to make sure that not one of the combatants was left undrenched. A scouting party from Tent Five had raced downhill and were swiftly pul


. Unseen by the rioters, a short, erect man in s

! Put those things

and disappeared. Silently the boys from other tents faded from the scene, trying to look innocent and peace

ion! Li

ily straightened

baseball bat! Now, what

fficer of the day, it was his duty to take charge of the camp program, inspect the tents, and assign merit points for the conduct of each tent-group. He took his duties most

pillow sifted down and settled upon the brim of his hat, but not a

usky brothers had for unladylike conduct, and twice before had found it necessary to separate them from each other's grasp

your brother, were you, Jake

, you

at this tent! You've made hay of the whole place. I'll make it my job to see that Tent Ten gets the booby ca

y, had suddenly descended from its nail at the top of the pole and struck him full on the crown. The blow had been partly dulled by his stiff ha

that, Utway!

eans of defending his brother from the fu

g on Jerry? He wasn't the only o

nce-pick up everything, make all the beds, put everything in its place! If this is not done, I

he enraged scoutmaster rushed from the ten

guys for soaking me with all that water,"

s. He sure did look sad when that lantern boppe

got even with us, though. It's not going to be an easy job, cleani

ipple-pick 'e

up, you la

s a l

u a

re an

're his

were at it again

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