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The Mystery at Camp Lenape


Word Count: 2210    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

was in their neighborhood fell like a bombshell

ons until this dangerous man is captured. Now, to-night we will assemble here in the lodge, for Stunt Night. Every

risk, noisy turmoil of the camp's activity. Mr. Jim Avery cocked his long legs up on the end of his bunk in Tent Ten. "We have the whole afternoon to get re

ere we are with Chink Towner, the most famous Mandarin Magician in captivity. Say,

out it,

lot of new tricks up my sleeve that nobody ever saw before. The best one, though, needs t

bout it. He knows it's next to impossible to separate the twins. And with fo

?" asked the Utw

comes along, and then I do a few easy ones, just to show my stuff, and then--" He lowered his voice as his comrades gathered about to hear the plan. Lefkowitz was sent over to Tent Eight to bring in the other participants, who listened and agree

a reward had been offered for the capture of the escaped criminal had set his mind working furiously on the problem of the Tattooed Arm. Indeed, the Chief's startling news was a leading

camper audience, and a makeshift curtain of bed-sheets strung on a wire was hung across that end of the lodge. Darkness had just fallen when a boisterous crowd of leaders and boys t

ls and much gold braid, who in the person of Mr. Colby himself, went about getting the snoring sleepers to waken for morning drill. The drowsy boys were finally put on their feet and each armed with a broom-stick gun, with which they went through a series of

Mr. Colb


hoot, we wo

thly goo

ing of feet, during which Mr. Colby sat with a s

a lady-like game of basketball, in which each side begged the other to kindly accept the ball on pain of

ttraction to a gaping crowd of boys from the participating tents, dressed in wild garbs of every description. "Laydeez and gen-tul-men! The one and only Chinese magician, brought at great expense from the Flowery Kingdom to mystify you to-night!" Chink Towner, his naturally oriental cast of countenance

rew half-dollars from the hat, sleeve, and nose of the "lady." He then gave an exhibition of sleight-of-hand, at which he was an adept of no mean skill-making a collection of red balls appear and disap

to the audience, and Happy Face Frayne, one of the judges who would later award the prizes for the best performance of the night, adjusted a bandage over the ma

e object I am touching,

the blindfolded

I touching?" Jake held up


d n


ian's responses. Jake, however, was not astonished, for he was in on the secret. The series of colors had been arranged with Chink ahead of time, and all Jake had


ad indeed developed the color of a sunset,

oo!" broke in Spaghetti Megaro of Tent E

eed Jake, return

tment of vegetables. "Now, Mandarin," he said loudly, "I'm going to


color is t


color is this orange?" The Italian


i shook his head and began eating t

h high amusement by the audience.

display of his great powers. Never before has this breath-taking miracle been performed on an

the floor of the lodge and the rows of watchers in the camp audience. This was Chink's great idea-a disappearing act in which the twins would take part. Jake, dressed in his camp uniform, would be selected from the crowd to enter a large packing-box on the stage, and

thin air, laydeez and gen-tu

he stage, Jake's among them.

s!" The boy in the high silk hat lifted the box to show that there were no false bottoms or secret exits. "That's right! Pretty soon you'll

ge, his blindfold now removed. Calmly and imp

plitty soon come-see some place else, velly smart!" He waved his arms

himself the scene outside. At the magic words, a flashlight would shoot upward toward the rafters where Jerr

could see out of his tight prison, and wondered at the delay. Titters came f

led. "Maybe so white boy no come, n

ed. There was a half-hearted clapping from the audience, who of course did not see any point in the sud

s weight removed from the lid. Jake sprang out like a Jack-in-the box, alive with eagerness to see why their carefu

hink. "I thought he was going to be a

ed Jake. "I-I saw him up

Chink growled, turning awa

oward the raftered corner under the roof. But J

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