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The Mystery at Camp Lenape


Word Count: 1569    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

oys ran in all directions, fetching dry wood to the circle of blackened stones that marked the site of many a Lenape bivouac, and potatoes, i

alert eyes the drawing forth of the food whose steaming aroma, mingled with the bitter tang of wood-smoke, made every mouth water. The sun faded out into a gray foggy mass of clouds low-l

rease, afterward dipping them in the lake, dead limbs and brush were heaped on the fire, and in the circle of

sed, the air about the little encampment became decidedly spooky. A wailing wind had arisen, and swept mournfully through the overhanging trees. Down the lake on the other side, a leap

side the door of the room, and a scary voice said: 'Who's got my Golden Hand?' Then he heard the door swing open, and something said, in a louder voice: 'Who's got my Gold


he fireplace. Peering eyes made out the towering form of a stranger just beyond the circle o

t I saw the fire, and just thought I

to have you. We were telling ghost stories, a

nds, and pulled aside his slicker for a moment; the red glow flashed on the metal of

d! Now that they looked closely, they could see that what they had first taken for

ghty good. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a good-sized storm before morning. Yo

"You're still after that prisoner who got loose

ole where he's hiding, and then we'll get him again. It won't be an easy job in these woods, t

he? Any objection to tel


thing for him to do, too; he only had a year more to serve, and now, when he's caught, it will mean added time for breaking prison." Diker held out his hands thoughtfully over the fire. "As I say, he was a guide for hunters-he knows the Lenape hills about as well as anybody-and most of the year he was caretaker

very dangerous characte

do it. I wish we could get him soon, though-I'm a bit tired of hiking through the countr


smoke. Me and another kid named Toots saw some smoke over here a couple days ago, right on thi

be in there. If nothing else happens, I'll take a bunch of deputies in there first thing to-morrow, and if he'

Ring, but we forgot, and one of the Utway kids here said it wasn't

the guard. "Hmm! I seem to run into you two

s words, and a jagged stab of lightning illu


everything in the boats, and head for the dock! Everybody pu

mid the bustle of breaking camp. In a few moments the little beach was crowded with the campers, who loaded their

ooth progress with the oars a difficult feat. Jake and Jerry bent their backs with a will, and their round-bottomed steel craft was the first to reach the dock. As the


means what he says. A gang of men can go over that patch of woods across the lake with a fine-tooth comb, and the

the raindrops from his

e. Wear your poncho, and bring your big flashlight." A rumble of thunder capped his words.

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