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Let's Try Again, Ex-Wife

Chapter 2 Let's Get A Divorce

Word Count: 998    |    Released on: 19/06/2022

or, New Y

eat on the sofa in the living room. The TV wa

ntually picked up the remote control and turned away from

caster was still reading the morning news. To Haile

the King's family. However, the depressing mood that came with

bout her death in their early morning news. This was no surprise since she was a prominent figure in t

ential and prominent of them all. After all, they had an ancient background and had existed for thousands of years. They had a stronghold and influence over

say that they had total cont

that the news of Old Madam Ki

e sofa and continued

eath. She didn’t think he knew that she was aware of

that she hadn’t visited the family at all. She had seen them appear on the news, giving

mpathy from the public. But in reality, only a few of them we

heir relationship will be harmonious. Most of them were only smiling brightly at one anothe

ndmother, he would suffer a backlash. After a

lings. There were also his father’s younger brothers and elder brothers

person. He was excellent at everything he placed his hands on. He was a p

usband who was the leader of the family had handed the mantle and power to her. He knew

d due to merit and the

ed. After all, most of them were dissatisfied that he

had no support anymore to show the

wasn’t c

hould already have a stronghold by now. He wasn’t a stupi

e in name. So, whatever happen

elt the phone on the center table across h

was tak

d be cal

of them hardly paid attention to her. She only got calls once i

one. The moment she saw the ca

n three years since they were married but he had never

call ended. Hailey’s eyes snapped to the blank screen. S

e phone suddenly lighted up

creen for a moment before accepting the c

?” she

o Hailey's ears. It was calm and magnetic, i


ing in the background. The line also sou

,” he

s now. We agreed that when the grandmother dies,

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