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Let's Try Again, Ex-Wife

Chapter 8 You Will Make A Good Couple

Word Count: 1011    |    Released on: 19/06/2022

d with people going in and leaving at intervals. It was a tall building th

oad bounds. Along the trail of cars, a black Maybach was parked along the railing in

iece suit with a white center pleat shirt underneath. He was also putting on a pair of fine-textured black pant

ed and concentrated at that moment. After a moment, he retracted his gaze from the screen and loo

as seated in the front passenger seat beside the driver.

is lap and turning to look at Knox. “They just ar


and wasn’t meant to be at the bureau at that moment. He could have just

e polite for him to not appear. After all, she was someone who had helped h

ind to wait for ten minutes more. If she didn’t appear by t

when he sighted a familiar figure appro

ked. She was focused on the phone and didn’t seem to place much attention on t

ked at the entrance. Her action made Knox realize that he seemed to be searching for and was prob

to redial and place the phone back to her ears. Just then, he

as he accepted the call and op

ee continued to talk on the phone as he approached her. Then, he looked down at the p

ell on this because he was soo

on a pair of blue jean trousers. Her head was packed in a simple ponytail outlining her fair face. She had a p

ed lips that were light red. Knox subconsciously looked closely

et were in public where she had to dress to meet the standards of the King family. She always

t. He leaned into the car door and waited for them to reac

ailey gave a polite smi

ey.” Then, he stepped away from the car and gestured

hey approached the entrance w

ey asked, showing a half-embarra

hook h

and get everything done. I have to


, the clerk at the counter looked them over and commented, “You are here to

iley shared

oat and clarified, “No. We

there to divorce. They were both young and had good looks. The atmosphere between them was also n

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