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Let's Try Again, Ex-Wife

Chapter 4 Untitled!

Word Count: 1322    |    Released on: 19/06/2022

g on the screen paused. She adjusted her hea

at the next thing to do was to get a divorce. B

marriage. Even though, it was only a marriage of convenience, wh

sed to the life

new better than anyone that the marriage had to split

keep any company except for the constant chats between her and Ivy. It was only a few times when there were gatherings at the King'

t, except for when he called her today, they had only shared a sentence in private since the day they got married. He let her

den. So, she didn’t let anyone know except her close friend. Nor

o be elegant and noble on the surface and in front of the camera but there were only a few who

is assistant, Lee. She knew what she was like at the moment. She was weak compared to the man

hile she was only the abandoned daughter of the Smiths. Although her family could be

was sure he would keep their divorce under wraps as he did with their marria

advantage. They might also try to deal with her to please th

n to Ivy’s message. Then, she typed out: Let’s

as sent, she scrolled to the third one. It wa

how organized by the top star de

a few times to be sure. Her mentor was holding a fashi

xt day and go for the show the next. Her confused heart whi

azy about fashion design. But, she didn’t just lik

pent designing new outlines. She had a blog where she uploaded her designs and got orders for her manusc

and yawned. She was sleeping so she turned her


ncle Tim pulled out a pair of comfy home slippers from the upper cupboard fitted int

e home,

up and pulled off his suit. A rare smile appea

or everything you’ve don

dle anything. But, the people at home were different. The person who had been able to k

deal with the formal things and maintain the forces that would try to attack the businesses from outside

and management of the inner matters of the f

smile and tagged behind Knox a

was only through your authority

t came from the main living room. Knox had already entered the lounge that led

nd he seemed colder than before. His face was devoid of an expr

s he gave Uncle Tim a side gla

pless sigh and his elderly face

Young Master Lance

lder than he was. His voice was monotone and cold a

idn’t want to let him bring his friends home. But, he said they were here to practice for a

e placed his hand on the doorknob in t

s him and his expression seemed t

that embarrass the Young Master?


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