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Let's Try Again, Ex-Wife

Chapter 9 Consider It A Severance Pay

Word Count: 1169    |    Released on: 19/06/2022

n inquisitive g

h and he had an impressive figure, so he looked even more eye catching. Coupled

like a man every girl would dream to have. Except for the c

looked Hai

she was. She was full of youth and vibrancy. There was light in her

or them to sit across her. There were two ch

ms. She narrowed her gaze and asked, “Is

Knox were t

m in your marriage? Why don’t you visit a marriage counselor first before you fil

d up and pursed his lips. “We already thought well about it

nality. The woman stared at his face for a moment be

y processed, more than twenty minutes had passed. Knox took a glance at hi

in a hurry that she initially thought he would just up and leave after everything was

unresponsive, he said aga

s bag and followed behind him. As they hurried on into the distance and the door clos

eat future ahead. Why do they

to get information from

or and got into it. He gestured for her to sit at the other

placed in a locker fitted into the car. He flipped it open

e her and handed the pen

ds, ‘TERMINATION OF CONTRACT MARRIAGE' written in bold letters at the header, her

er to Lee who was seated at the front seat. Hailey though

iley turned back to look at him and saw that he reached into his w

hout a word. Nor, did she reach out Then,

his for?”

d out to grab her hand and p

o password,” he said as he adjusted on the s

he reached out to close the car door. She stre

e. His short material wasn’t too thin. But, it wasn’t too thick eith

eeped through them onto his sh

any body contact between them.

is sleeve, she also looked down to see what he was staring at. Instantly, she lo

at fell on her forehead behind her ear. Then, she lifted her head and look

e saw that she was about to return the card aga

t accept mon

severance pay,”


ionship. If my employee retires, I’ll give them pension.

ted. Ten million is too much

eplied. “You did a good job

ver. The man understood his gesture and instantly turned the ignition as Ha

t him to give her money. But, it was also good. The money had i

d back on the backseat. He looked through the mi

eling of her fingers against his skin. He started at it for sometime,


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