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Let's Try Again, Ex-Wife

Chapter 6 Come To The Company Tomorrow

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 19/06/2022

of the family said with a bow and plac

glance before saying to

plied with a bow even though Knox’s attention was no longer on

There was a spoon beside it. He folded his long

fortably. Lance looked up when he sensed his gaze on him and when his gaze met

or the guards to lead them out of the mansion. So, at that mom

lifted the teacup and took a sip of t

ted an arm across the armchair

hisper. He trembled in his seat, wondering why

was quiet and there was only the sound of Knox tapping his fingers on the smooth leather c

table. It was as though he was sitting on pins and needles. His legs we

. But, he was guilty and apprehensive since he was caught drinking. Mo

r was he able to predict what was going to ha

ne of finality, “Since you have nothing to do, I’ll give you a part-time job at the company

stood up with his coat. He strode u

Even though Knox had long disappeared through the sta

ed, he was inst


till young and his parents were not lacking. Moreover, even if his pare

family for nothing. None of the fam

would finish his education first and probably get appointed as one

to go work at the company. But, the tone in the man’s voice was eno

t his uncle was aiming at and then think of a way

e matter of him getting drunk and playing loud music in the ancestral home. N fact, he seemed to h

t know what he was goin


floor. There were five of them occupying the third floor. He took the farthest quarter of

floor alone because she was getting older and it wasn’t benefi

Lance and a few of Knox’s other nephe

r generation occupied two of the rooms in the East wing with his wife. Knox’s elder brother took the other two. His sister t

ion. They weren’t many and were only three. Knox’s f

he same generation lived on the same floor to enhance understandin

en there was a large gathering or event would they gather together in the manor. So, at that mom

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